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Nefta (Humanoid Dark Side Adept)

Nefta (Humanoid Dark Side Adept)
Kuat Drive Yards Cantwell-class Arrestor Cruiser

Kuat Drive Yards Cantwell-class Arrestor Cruiser

Grondorn Muse (Human Rebel Soldier/Singer)

Grondorn Muse (Human Rebel Soldier/Singer)



        Added Trade Federation Destroyer Droid to the Star Wars Equipment Section.


        Added SFS Tie Hammer Bomber to the Star Wars Starships Section.


        Added H480k Extended Range Blaster Pistol to the Star Wars Equipment Section. Well I promised normal service would be resumed, and it has, even though this is a token effort at best, I`ll do better tomorrow :-). I`m feeling a little odd today, elated yet extremely lazy, possibly elated from watching the first episode of the new series of Buffy earlier, and all I can say about it, is that its Fecking Brilliant. Looks like being a very good season. Anyway, gaming tonight, so better get ready. . . .


        Minor updates to a couple of pages here and there, including 4 new entries to the Our Groups Lexicon page. Nothing else new today however due to both a very full day at college, and helping L out tonight (and only getting home at 1am`ish). Normal service will be resumed tomorrow.


        Added Mandalorian Basilisk War Droid to the Star Wars Vehicles Section.


        Added Genre: Sci-Fi Chain of Attack to the RPG Hints Adventure Ideas Section. and Clonetrooper Blaster Rifle to the Star Wars Equipment Section.


        Added Seinar Fleet Systems Omega Transport to the Star Wars Starships Section. The site has been down twice over the weekend, I`m looking into the reasons, but I`m glad that most of our visitors have managed to get on later (well at least the visits per day seem to have remained fairly steady).


        Added Cybot Galactica JJ Medical Droid to the Star Wars Equipment Section, and Our Groups Lexicon to the My RPG Group menu.


        Added TriLex X-28 Flatfish Starfighter to the Star Wars Starships Section.


        Added Viper Patrol Ship to the Star Wars Starships Section.


        Added SoroSuub Resurrection Pistol to the Star Wars Equipment Section, D&D 3e Harm Spell, D&D 3e Parrying and D&D 3e Polymorph Spell to the RPG Hints House Rules Section, and also Genre: Fantasy Dead Rising to the RPG Hints Adventure Ideas section.


        Added Force Points to the RPG Hints House Rules section, The Scythe to the Star Wars Starships section, and Capella to the Star Wars Planets section.


        Added Trade Federation Rapid Repulsor Tank (RRT) to the Star Wars Vehicles section.


        Added Vaylenci Star Transport to the Star Wars Starships section.


        Added Swampshark Amphibious Predator to the Star Wars Gamesmasters Statistics section. Also the first User Poll has now ended, when asked which colour scheme they prefered on, you voted as follows.

                Blue and White : 6 votes.

                Black and Yellow : 2 votes.

                Both : 1 vote.

                Neither : 0 votes.

                Don`t Care : 7 votes.

                Stop Interrogating me you Facist Bully Boy: 1 vote.

        So a close victory for not caring, followed by the new blue look. The poll was pretty clear cut from the beginning that people prefered the Blue and White, so thats why I`ve been adding the new sections using it, however I most probably (unless I have huge quantities of free time) won`t be reworking the sections already in Back and Yellow to use the Blue and white instead.

        A new poll has been added, using an outside service, which means that the results can be viewed at any time by anyone. I hope this is of interest to the sites visitors, and this service means that I can revise the poll quicker and more easily, meaning the polls will probably last about a month each from now on.


        Added Gorilion Territorial Primate to the Star Wars Gamesmasters Statistics section.


        Added Mon Calimari MC-30 Cruiser and Kuat Delta-7 Aethersprite Starfighter to the Star Wars Starships section.


        Added Blade X Blaster Pistol to the Star Wars Equipment section.


        Added Low Altitude Assault Transport (LAAT/i) to the Star Wars Vehicles section (the Republic Gunships out of Attack of the Clones). Also added Warhammer Skill Improvement, Star Wars D/6 Wild Die and Star Wars D/6 Stun Damage to the RPG Hint House Rules section.


        Added Mercury Sports Air Speeder to the Star Wars Vehicles section, also added a new section "RPG Hints" with only a single article in it at the moment Hit the Road which I originally started in 1998 (finishing it today, only 2 sittings to complete a 2000 word article), and was originally going to submit it to the RPG Magazine "Valkyrie", because I kept seeing articles in both "Valkyrie" and the long defunct "Arcane" about journeys and travelling in adventures, but these articles always pointed out a multitude of reasons why adventurers might want to travel from point A to point B, and how this could be used to write an adventure. But they never gave examples of how the journey could be used for an adventure, only on why you might want to make an adventure based around a journey. So I made this attempt at writing an article on what things you can use to flesh out a journey, I never finished it due to an advanced case of laziness, and have to note that I`m far more verbose now than I was 4 years ago.

        Also I apologise if doing an update today offends anyone, and not stopping to show my respect on 9/11, however I don`t stop every other day for the 28,000 people who die every day from starvation. This isn`t because I don`t care, or don`t have pity and respect, but life goes on, for anything else to happen is to let those who seek to disrupt and destroy our way of life win.


        Added Trade Federation Single Person Air Skimmer (SPAS) to the Star Wars Vehicles section, too tired to do anything else than this obviously token effort.


        Added Reek Territorial Grazing Animal to the Star Wars Gamesmaster Statistics section.


        Added Boriak Hunting Beast to the Star Wars Gamesmaster Statistics section, this section used to be the NPC`s section but I`ve reworked it since it had everything sort of jumbled in together. So I`ve had a go at tidying it up a little, but thats all I can be bothered to do today since I`m pretty shattered.


        Added All Terrain eXperimental Transport (AT-XT) to the Star Wars Vehicles section (you can`t blame me for the acronym this time, the vehicle is out of the game Clone Wars, so they`re to blame :-) ). Finished Warcraft III, which turned out to be a disapointment, various characters are introduced then disappear without mention of what happens to them, just so the game can go onto new characters and forces. Its definitely a wargame trying to pretend its got roleplaying elements, and although a very pretty wargame, I still prefer Galactic Battlegrounds (I found Warcraft III limited by the fairly small size you can increase your army to, a maximum of 80 people (however I felt limited by the unexpanded Galactic Battlegrounds limit of 200)). Anyway I`m GM`ing tonight so no other updates today, possibly tomorrow, dependant on when I get to bed tonight.


        Added Single Person Air Control Speeder (SPACS) to the Star Wars Vehicles section, not much of an update today I`ve spent far too long playing Warcraft III. However it looks as if I`ll finish it tonight, so may have more time for an update tomorrow :-)


        Added Wrath Interceptor and Kuat Drive Yards Nebulon-D Frigate to the Star Wars Starships section, and Single Person Aerial Transport (SPAT) to the Star Wars Vehicles section and also The Killer Out of Spaz to the Last Words section.


        Added Kuat Delta-20 Warsprite Starfighter to the Star Wars Starships section, and Mou-Gun 1aa Blaster Pistol to the Star Wars Equipment section. Apologies for the lack of attention I`ve been paying to the Site for the last few days, a combination of being tired after GM`ing at the weekend, getting a new CD-writer, installing it and playing around with it, and getting Warcraft III, left me with too little time to do the stuff I really wanted to do. However Star Wars updates will continue as usual, there may be something else for Warhammer, and I might get a new Last Words story done, also I hope to have a new section done this week (it might happen !?!) which will include the house rules we use, in the vague hope they might be of some use to other people :-) .


        Added Mandalorian Rapier Patrol Fighter and Mandalorian Hellhound Assault Fighter to the Star Wars Starships section.


        Added Kuat Drive Yards Nebulon-A Frigate to the Star Wars Starships section, I`ve also added our RPG group Charter to the "My RPG Group" menu. We introduced this to allow the GM`s in our group have something to fall back on after a rash of cheating occured, and apart from repeatedly correcting characters which had way too much experience, the GamesMasters had nothing else they could do, so we agreed to the charter and made it clear that these were the rules that players in our games were agreeing to.

Page designed in Notepad, logo and buttons done in Personal Paint on the Amiga.
Text completely by F J Moody.
Images stolen from various web page I`ve now forgotten where (Copyright however will reside with LucasFilm).
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster F J Moody.