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Chaff Korus (Human Rebel Pilot)

Chaff Korus (Human Rebel Pilot)

Darth Baras (Human Sith Lord)

Darth Baras (Human Sith Lord) View Update

23/July/2009 Posted by Freddy

        Well, after finishing DLOS I promised to move onto other sites which I felt required rescuing and returning to the Internet. Today its the turn of "ADMIRAL DOLUK'S GUIDE TO THE STAR WARS ROLE PLAYING GAME", a website that was last updated on October 26 1999, and which dissappeared from the internet 2 years later.
        The email addresses on the site are long dead, but the homepage did say "You may also use it on your own web pages if you so desire, but please give me credit." . . . So, Ben Wafer I pay homage to you, the contents of your site are incredibly well written, and there are loads of really cool things here.
        So today I've added Deaths Head Battle Cruiser, Mandelore Juggernaut, Bricktal Enterprises Antelope-class Sloop, Dauntless-class Cruiser, The Serendipity, Damorian Manufacturing Berserker-Class Battlecruiser, KDY Diomedes-class Carrier, The Dominion, Kuat Drive Yards Tarkin-II Class Star Dreadnought, PN Shipyards Mark XI Dominator-class Battleship, Neogi Deathspider, Neogi Mindspider, Kians Crusader (Mercys Angel), Incom Arrow Superiority Fighter, Rendili StarDrives Dagger-class Light Gunboat, Neogi Urchin, Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/ae, Sienar Fleet Systems Tempest-class Assault Gunboat, Tulwar Missile Boat, TaggeCo Mandalore-Class Strike Fighter, KDY R/M/C Facility Mk. VI, KDY Mobile Mining Facility Mk.1, Rendili Stardrive Citadel-Class Planetary Assault Cruiser, Rendili Stardrive Tug 440, Republic Sienar Homebase-class Scout Station, Neogi Leech, FNASS Furious, FNASS Argus, FNASS Eagle, FNASS Hermes, FNASS Courageous-class, FNASS Ark Royal, FNASS Illustrious-class, FNASS Implacable-class, FNASS Unicorn, FNASS CAM ships (many models), FNASS Audacity, FNASS MSC Dry Class, FNASS Activity, FNASS Archer-class, FNASS Perseus and Pioneer to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section, and Mobquet Racer-9 Safety Armor, BlasTech Survivor 1000 Concealment Vest, Lobic Arms GPS-CAv.1 (Combat Armor version 1), BLR-1B Beam Rifle (Surgeon), GAICO GANT (Gauss-Action Needle Thrower), Lobic Arms/Blastech Eviscerator, Lobic Arms EX-240 StarKiller Rail Gun, Lobic Arms Phoenix III Heavy Plasma Burner, Lobic Arms Heavy PBC mk2.2, Hunter-Killer Missile System, MerenData EX-1b experimental communications jammer, Industrial Automaton GL-2 general labour droid, MerenData Storm Berserker-Class War Droid, AccuTronics I-1 Combat Instruction droid, AccuTronics M0-SR Pest Control Droid to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment Section, and SedriMotors Ltd. Hydra-Class Attack Submersible, Aratech Gladiator Repulsortank, Kuat Drive Yards EX-3 Devastator, MerenData Colossus-Class Tank Droid, Santhe/Sienar Systems Trailblazer-Class Command Transport, Merr-Sonn Mil/Sci Shepherd-Class Armored Personnel Carrier, Merr-Sonn Mil/Sci Ibliton-Class Infantry Fighting Vehicle, Defence Corp. R-95 Dominater, Defence Corp. R-98 Punnisher, Defence Corp. R-104 Storm, Mobquet Stormfire-Class Gunship, Mobquet Tortoise troop transport, Mobquet CarryAll transport airspeeder to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section, and Moff Lesbeat (Imperial Officer), Kayle Skolaris (Ex-Imperial Sovereign Protector), Matthew Dagger (Ex-TIE pilot/Former Pirate/Rebel Starfighter Commander ), Elcid Barret (New Republic Privateer), SHFT-9 (Shaft) (Cargo Droid), KIK-334 (Labour Droid), Bulligh Lac (Corrupt Sabaac Dealer), Ytic Bran (dancer/assassin), Kian Kevor (Vengeful Bounty Hunter), Count Olco (Wealthy businessman), Assistant Professor Mageda (Near Human Scholar), Montolio (Adarian Shipping Magnate), Budde Blanck (ISB agent), Noqtuar, Noinuinians, Mutcer, Xerxians, The Paq Nalthiin, Sonep, Geoon, Salit, Redsha, Neogi, Vodyanki, The Serp, The Palancons to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, and Mondia Sector Overview, Mondia Sector - Credippe System, Conheav Sector Overview, Conheav Sector - The Nethin System, Conheav Sector - The Conheav System, Conheav Sector - Noinu System, Conheav Sector - Veursa System, Conheav Sector - Alegna System, Conheav Sector - Draxins Star, Conheav Sector - Kalpol, Conheav Sector - Lechar, Conheav Sector - Pecsus System, Conheav Sector - Kurk System, Conheav Sector - Paqmoc System, Conheav Sector - Treah System, Conheav Sector - Cholddut System, Conheav Sector - Timgro System, Conheav Sector - SYtnom System, Conheav Sector - Sponia System, Conheav Sector - Tuarte System, Conheav Sector - Shurc System to the Star Wars D/6 Planets Section, and Ben Wafer Alternate Force Rules, Crystal Skull, Neogi Force Powers to the Star Wars D/6 The Force Section, and The Lucky Despot Casino, Lobic Arms, AdarFreight Incorporated, The Nestor Syndicate, The Free Noqtuar Alliance, The Homeworld Preservation League, The Black Fang Pirate Band, The Paq Nalthiin Confederacy, The Mad Gundarks, The New Republic, ConheavNewsNet Issue 0278, Dirty Phils Scrapyard or The nic-nac-netbook of spare parts to the Star Wars D/6 Supplements Section of the Site, all written by Ben Wafer (some of the Supplements don't quite fit into that section, but I felt it was the best fit without adding yet another section to the site).

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Page designed in Notepad, logo and buttons done in Personal Paint on the Amiga.
Images stolen from various web page I`ve now forgotten where (Copyright however will reside with the artists.
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB