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Bobs Editorial from 2012

        Back in 2012 was coming up to it's 10th Anniversary, so I reached out to "Bob the Dinosaur", who was responsible for so much of the custom designs which helped the site stand out from others. And he kindly wrote the below.
        Sadly as the anniversary arrived the site got hacked and instead of posting the Guest Editorial, and the other things I'd planned I spent the time fixing the site instead and the anniversary passed unmarked.
        Well, here we are 5 years later, the site's now 15 years old, so what the hell, here's Bob's editorial.

    I came across in the fall of 2002 while I was collecting Star Wars 3rd party source books. At the time I was not actively playing much of the d6 system, but I was working on a large Star Wars expanded universe art and technical information collection (this is before the days of the huge Star Wars wikia mind you). What kept me coming back to was the almost daily upkeep of Star Wars source materials detailed with pictures and an informative description.
    Around the same time I started learning 3d modeling and art (as a light enthusiast) I discovered I could shape concepts that I used in some of our improvised RPG sessions and that Freddy the guy behind would love to share them on his site. I eventually got into a 1 to 2 year craze of creating 3d art from my imaginative conceptualizations that would find a home with a in a descriptive and well sorted depository. My art, (which in retrospect is pretty casual) was liked enough where people started to make requests for their own conceptualizations that they wanted an visual depiction of and I was willing to create. This eventually led to a section in the forums where I would take art requests. The art requests were a mixture of an entertaining, taxing, and challenging experiences.
    Eventually real life took up more time than I could give for my amateur 3d art creations and I could no longer take requests. I think in the process I made maybe 200-300 pieces for myself and other goers, while the greatest reward was seeing people share and use them for their own imaginative RPG works. may not have the daily updates it once had but it had outlive the rise and fall of many other great d6 and d20 StarWars sites. With the addition of new participants at RPGgamer and expansion of more game systems the site has improved the adaptability of its resources and will continue to provide some of the best 3rd party source material for many role playing games.

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