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Imperial Department of Military Research Stormtrooper armor
Tantel Armor
Ubese Raider Armor


Atgar SpaceDefense Corporation 1.4 FD P-Tower Light anti-vehicle laser cannon
Borstel Galactic Defense NK-7 Ion Cannon
Golan Arms DF.9 Anti-infantry battery
Kuat Drive Yards v-150 Planet Defender
Spiezoc V-120 Artillery Emplacement
Spiezoc V-232 Artillery Emplacement


Aggrocrab (Armoured Crustacean)
Churi (Endorian Bird)
Cliff Worm (Large Carnivorous Worm)
Corellian Hound
Dianoga (Aggressive Cephalopod)
Dray (Aldhani Livestock)
Dryax (Humanoid Predator)
Ghhhk (Arboreal Beast)
Ghymnon (Sentient, Microscopic, Acellular Pathogen)
Gryzard (Reptilian Predator)
Gurreck (Horned Endorian Predator)
Houjix (Quadrupedal Cephalopods)
Ibisidon Buck
Ice Vulture (Carnivorous Bird)
Jerba (Equine Pack Animal)
K-lor-slug (Dangerous Vermiform)
Kintan Strider (Ferocious Creature)
Klatooine Paddy Frog (Edible Amphibian)
Lau Bird (Non-sentient Bird)
Luminescent Green Ray (Glowing Fish)
Lurca Hound (Large Canine)
Mairan (Telepathic Semi-Sentient Squid)
Molator (Alderaanian Mythical Creature)
Monnok (Primitive Hunter)
Moon-yo (Non-Sentient Primate)
Mylaya (Huge Cat-Like Creature)
Netcaster (Semi Sentient Arachnid)
Ng-ok (Predatory Guard Animal)
Pabu fish (Horned Fish)
Puffer pig
Rock wart (venomous parasite)
Sand Skitter (Desert Rodent)
Sand Whale
Spamel (Tall Riding Beast)
Specimen A (Zillo Beast (clone))
Tatoo-rat (Tatooine Rodent)
Tatooine Hallucinogenic Lizard
Tauntaun (Ice World Beast of Burden)
Verkle (Endorian Rodent)
Versimillipede (Climbing Lizard)
Vrathean (Carnivorous Leviathan)
Worrt (Desert Amphibian)
Wurrek (Edible Squid)
Z-Rakkon (Dangerous Predator)


BioTech Industries Borg Construct Aj^6


A-LT Utility Droid
Arakyd Industries KX-series security droid
Axis Droid
C1-series astromech droid
GM-Series Protocol Droid
GOUD-Series Messenger Droid
Groundmech Salvage Assist Unit
H0R-series Labor droid
Holowan Laboratories IG-RM bodyguard and enforcer droid
IN-4 Series Information Droid
Industrial Automaton LOM-series protocol droid
Industrial Automaton RX-Series pilot droid
JBL-series Labor droid
KUP24 Messenger Droid
L-1 tactical droid
Lothal Logistics Limited RQ protocol droid
Medtech Industries FX-7 Medical Assistant Droid
MerenData EV-series supervisor droid
MPH-series power droid
Refreshment Droid
Roche Hive 8D Series Smelting Operator
SE-2 worker droid
Serv-O-Droid, Inc. TT-8L gatekeeper droid
Staircase Droid


Computer spike
Growdi Harmonique
Ipsium Mining Tool
Jogan fruit
Jyns kyber pendant
Meiloorun fruit
Merenzane Gold
Nalargon (Red Ball Jett Keyboard)
Neuro-Saav Corporation NiteSite Infrared Motion Sensor
Plescinia Entertainments CS-Mark 12 Holoprojector
Self-Cauterizing Scalpel
Thorn pear
WET-02 Vapor Tank


Chav Tea


Cane Lightsaber
Double-bladed spinning lightsaber
Eighth Brothers lightsaber
Ezras lightsaber
Fifth Brothers lightsaber
Seventh Sisters lightsaber
Zaly Shield

Jedi Powers

Force Push
Force Stasis
Force Wave
Taming beasts

Non-Player Character

Acolytes of the Beyond (Brother)
Acolytes of the Beyond (Recruit)
Acolytes of the Beyond (Veteran)
Admiral Raddus
Baze Malbus
Bodhi Rook
Cassian Jeron Andor
Chewbacca (as of Solo: A Star Wars Story)
Chirrut ÃŽmwe
Cikatro Vizago
Coastal defender stormtrooper (Shoretroopers)
Cumberlayne Aresko
Death trooper
Doctor Ball
Han Solo (as of Solo: A Star Wars Story)
Imperial cadet
Imperial combat assault tank pilot
Imperial combat driver
Imperial Mimban Stormtrooper
Imperial Patrol Stormtrooper
Imperial Range trooper
Imperial Swamp trooper
Jyn Erso
Lady Proxima
Lando Calrissian (as of Solo: A Star Wars Story)
Myles Grint
Orson Callan Krennic
Rio Durant
Tobias Beckett


Anaxes asteroid belt
Imperial Planetary Occupation Facility
Zavian Abyss


Ring of Kafrene

Player Character Races

Candovantan (Candovants)
Florn Lamproid
Ishi Tib
Kowakian Monkey-Lizard
Mantellian Savrip
Mon Calamari
Shawda Ubb
Stennes Shifter
Tusken Raider (Sand People)
Wol Cabasshite


Senate Limousine


BlasTech DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol
BlasTech DL-44 LE heavy blaster pistol
BlasTech Industries A-300 Blaster rifle
BlasTech Industries A180 Reconfigurable blaster pistol
BlasTech Industries A280-CFE Blaste
BlasTech Industries A310 Blaster rifle
BlasTech Industries DL-18 Blaster pistol
BlasTech Industries DL-21 blaster pistol
BlasTech Industries DLT-18 Heavy blaster rifle
BlasTech Industries Dur-24 Wrist Laser
Blastech Industries E-10 blaster rifle
Blastech Industries E-10R blaster rifle
BlasTech Industries E-11 Stormtrooper blaster rifle
BlasTech Industries E-11D Blaster rifle
BlasTech Industries SE-14C blaster pistol
BlasTech Industries SE-14r Light repeating blaster
BlasTech Industries/Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc. E-Web Heavy Repeating Blaster
Clan Groogrun vibro-ax
Corpo Blaster
Czerka Arms 6-2Aug2 hunting rifle
DLT-19D heavy blaster rifle
Drearian Defense Conglomerate Defender Sporting Blaster Pistol (Satines Lament)
Dressellian Projectile Rifle
DT-29 heavy blaster pistol
Eirriss Ryloth Defense Tech Blurgg-1120 Hold-out blaster pistol
HF-94 Heavy Blaster Pistol
HH-12 rocket launcher
Ketsus staff
Lasan-Malamut Firearms Corporation AB-75 bo-rifle
Lasan-Malamut Firearms Corporation J-19 bo-rifle
Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc. 7-PrG proton grenade
Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc. Class-A thermal detonator
Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc. Mark II EWHB-10 Medium Repeating Blaster Cannon
Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc. Model 44 blaster pistol
Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc. MPL-57 Grenade Launcher
Mier-Lang V-59 concussion grenade
Morellian Weapons Conglomerate MWC-35c Staccato Lightning repeating cannon
MW-20 Bryar pistol
RK-3 Blaster Pistol
RT-97C heavy blaster rifle
SoroSuub BD-1 Cutter vibro-ax
SoroSuub Corporation X-30 Lancer target blast pistol
T-7 ion disruptor rifle
Wookiee Bowcaster
Xexto tinkerer Energy slingshot

Bespin Wing Guards

Non-Player Character

Alec Mard (Human Bespin Wing Guard)
Allen Neff (Human Bespin Wing Guard)
Ark Rutendo (Human Bespin Wing Guard)
Bialar Selis (Human Bespin Wing Guard)
Corman Jeihn (Human Bespin Wing Guard)
Duncan Hikmat (Human Bespin Wing Guard Pilot)
Fantes Merdarro (Human Bespin Wing Guard)
Gir Endac (Human Wing Guard)
Helder Spinoza (Human Bespin Wing Guard)
Isdam Edian (Human Bespin Wing Guard)
Jake Sirrom (Human Bespin Wing Guard)
Jann Derem (Human Bespin Wing Guard)
Jell Spiel (Human Bespin Wing Guard Pilot)
Jerrol Blendin (Human Bespin Wing Guard)
Pedar Solardo (Human Bespin Wing Guard)
Razell Tameron (Human Bespin Wing Guard)
Sergeant Bislav Merril (Human Bespin Wing Guard)
Utris MToc (Imzig Bespin Wing Guard)

Confederacy of Independent Systems


Arakyd Industries Ringneck Recon Droid

Space Station

LaserWeb Defense Station

Crimson Dawn

Non-Player Character

Dryden Vos


The Vermillion


Non-Player Character

Barneeson (Ewok Warrior)
Chief Chirpa (Ewok Tribal Leader)
Chubbray (Ewok Warrior)
Flitchee (Ewok Warrior)
Kazak (Ewok Elder)
Keoulkeech (Ewok Shaman)
Khungata (Ewok Warrior)
Lakotup (Ewok Scout)
Leektar (Ewok Hunter)
Logray (Ewok Shaman)
Nanta (Ewok Warrior)
Nho-Apakk (Ewok Warrior)
Nicki (Ewok Warrior)
Paploo (Ewok Warrior)
Peekpa (Ewok Hacker)
Rabin (Ewok Beast Tamer/Hunter/Loner/Thief)
Romba (Ewok Warrior)
Stemzee (Ewok Warrior)
Taras (Ewok Villager)
Teebo (Ewok Hunter)
Tokkat (Ewok Warrior)
Warok (Ewok Glider Pilot)
Widdle Warrick (Ewok Warrior)
Wijunkee (Ewok Warrior)
Wispeth (Ewok Warrior)
Wunka (Ewok Warrior)
Wuta (Ewok Scout)
Zephee (Ewok Mother)

Galactic Empire


Imperial Officer Battle Armor
Tauntazas Armor (Imperial Powered Battle Suit)
Tunqstoid Protective Boot


Kuat Drive Yards Raider II-class corvette
Corellian Engineering Corporation IGV-55 surveillance vessel
Imperial Arrestor Cruiser
Kuat Drive Yards Arquitens-class command cruiser
Kuat Drive Yards Cantwell-class Arrestor Cruiser
Kuat Drive Yards Executor-class Star Dreadnought
Kuat Drive Yards Imperial I-class Star Destroyer
Kuat Drive Yards Imperial II-class Star Destroyer
Kuat Drive Yards Tector-class Star Destroyer
Sienar Fleet Systems Interdictor-class Star Destroyer
SoroSuub Corporation Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier


Slither vine (Carnivorous Plant)
Unidentified summa-verminoth subspecies (Giant Space Predator)


4D6-J-A7 (Imperial Security Droid)
5D6-RA-7 (Arakyd RA7 Droid)
Arakyd Industries BT-16 Perimeter Droid
Arakyd Industries ID10 Seeker Droid
Arakyd Industries ID9 seeker droid
Arakyd Industries Prowler 1000 Seeker Droid
Arakyd Industries Viper-Class Dwarf probe droid
Aratech Repulsor Company 11-3K viper probe droid
AV-6R7 (Imperial V-series Droid Supervisor)
Baktoid Combat Automata DT-series Sentry Droid
C2-B5 (Imperial Astromech Droid)
Cybot Galactica SP-4 ISC
E-3PO (Imperial Protocol Droid)
E-XD infiltrator droid
Giant Mouse Droid
IM4-099 (Imperial Mark IV sentry droid)
IMG-099 Imperial Mark IV patrol droid
Imperial Department of Military Research 9D9-s54 Dianoga spy droid
Imperial Department of Military Research IT-O Interrogation Unit
Imperial Department of Military Research Mark IV Sentry Droid
Imperial Medical Droid
Imperial Nanny Droid
Imperial sentry droid
Industrial Automaton DTS-series Dismantler Droid
K-9X1 (Imperial Labor Droid)
KMD-RA-71 (Imperial Protocol Droid)
LIN-V8M (Imperial LIN Demolitionmech Droid)
R2-Q2 {Artoo Kyootoo} (Imperial Astromech Droid)
R2-Q5 (Imperial R2 Astromech Droid)
R3-M3 (Imperial Astromech Droid)
R3-T6 (Imperial Astromech Droid)
R4-I9 (Imperial Astromech Droid)
R4-M9 (Imperial Agromech Droid)
R5-J2 (Imperial R5 Astromech Droid)
RA-7-81 (Imperial Logistics Droid)
Rebaxan Columni MSE-6 series repair droid
Slandarvs Battle Droid Model
Tantiss Medical Droid
WED-15-I7 (WSB-15 Sabotage Droid)
ZED-6-7 (Imperial SP-4 ISC forensics droid)


Imperial N-S9 Starpath Unit
Kuat Drive Yards 49-v99 Deflector shield generator
Mobile Bacta Unit
Sinrich Optical Dephaser
Suicide shocker
Tunqstoid Steel Shock Floors
XX-23 S-thread tracker

Ground Vehicles

Kuat Drive Yards 20-T Railcrawler conveyex transport
Rothana Heavy Engineering TX-225 Occupier Assault tank

Non-Player Character

Admiral Gorin (Human Imperial Officer)
1047 (Imperial Sandtrooper Sergeant)
Admiral Barrow Oicunn (Human Imperial Officer)
Admiral Barton Coburn (Human Imperial Officer)
Admiral Brom Titus
Admiral Corleque (Human Imperial Officer)
Admiral Firmus Piett
Admiral Garrick Versio (Human Imperial Officer)
Agent Fabarian (Human Imperial Officer)
Ahmar (Alien Inquisitorial Candidate)
Alexsandr Kallus
Alton Kastle
Ames Uravan (Human Imperial Weapons Scientist)
Ankala Sahm (Human Revenger)
Arihnda Pryce (Imperial Governor)
Ars Dangor (Human Member of the Imperial Ruling Council)
Attendant Corv (Human Imperial Security Bureau Agent)
Attendant Felzonis (Human ISB Datavault Operator)
Attendant Heert (Human ISB Agent)
Bachenkall (Human Imperial Officer/Helmsman)
Backstabber (Human Tie Fighter Pilot)
Baron Slandarv (Human Imperial Noble)
Cade (Clone Naval Officer)
Captain Bewil (Human Imperial Officer)
Captain Bolvan (Imperial Gunnery Officer)
Captain Bragg (Human Imperial Officer)
Captain Brandei (Human Imperial Officer)
Captain Brunson
Captain Canonhaus (Human Imperial Officer)
Captain Dunstig Pterro (Human Imperial Aide)
Captain Elk (Human Imperial Starship Captain)
Captain Jonus (Human Imperial Tie Pilot)
Captain Khurgee (Human Imperial Officer)
Captain Lagret (Human ISB Supervisor)
Captain Lorth Needa (Human Imperial Officer)
Captain Mann (Human Imperial Officer)
Captain Pearce (Human Imperial Officer)
Captain Sarkli (Human Imperial Storm Commando Officer)
Captain Shaef Corssin (Human Imperial Officer)
Captain Slavin (Imperial Officer)
Captain Terisa Kerrill (Human Imperial Officer)
Captain Varko Grey (Human Tie Fighter Pilot)
Captain Venka (Human Imperial Officer)
Captain Xamuel Lennox (Human Imperial Officer)
Captain Yorr (Human Imperial Officer/Pilot)
Cassio Tagge
Chief Inspector Hyne (Pre-Mor Security Chief)
Chief Regional Auditor Cygnus Anton (Avian Imperial Officer)
Chief Retwin (Human Imperial Officer)
Chief Siward Cass (Human Imperial Officer)
Clone Commander Mayday (Clone Officer)
Clone X (Clone Assassin)
Clone X Trooper (Reprogrammed Clone)
Colonel Davod Jon (Human Imperial Officer)
Colonel Dyer (Human Imperial Officer)
Colonel Gralm (Human Imperial Officer)
Colonel Jendon (Human Imperial Pilot)
Colonel Partagaz (Human Head of Imperial Security Bureau)
Colonel Petigar (Human Imperial Officer/Engineer)
Colonel Starck (Human Imperial AT-AT Commander)
Colonel Wullf Yularen (Human Imperial Officer) {as of A New Hope}
Commandant Jayhold Beehaz (Human Imperial Officer)
Commander Daine Jir (Human Stormtrooper Officer)
Commander Desanne (Human Imperial Officer)
Commander Gherant (Human Imperial Officer)
Commander Igar
Commander Jad Bean {Scorch} (Human Imperial Death Star Trooper/Pilot)
Commander Merrejk (Human Imperial Officer/Spy)
Commander Nahdonnis Praji (Human Imperial Officer)
Commander Nemet (Human Imperial Officer)
Conan Antonio Motti
Conscription Trooper Pilot (Human Imperial Pilot)
Corpo (Human Preox-Morlana Security Guard)
Corporal Ansin Thobel (Human Death Star Trooper)
Corporal Avarik (Human Imperial Scout Trooper)
Corporal Derdram (Human Imperial ISB Agent)
Corporal Drazin (Human Imperial Stormtrooper)
Corporal Drelosyn (Human Imperial Scout Trooper)
Corporal Grenwick (Death Star Trooper & Interrogator)
Corporal Kimzi (Human Imperial Officer)
Corporal Oberk (Human Imperial Scout Trooper)
Corporal Prescott (Human Death Star Trooper)
Councillor Xanto (Human Imperial Politician)
CR978 (Human Tie Fighter Pilot)
Crag (Clone Imperial Stormtrooper)
CT-3278 (Clone Stormtrooper)
CT-8801 (Clone Trooper)
Daine Jir
Dainsom (Human Imperial Naval Trooper)
Dante (Caphex Inquistor Candidate)
Darth Sidious - Sheev Palpatine - The Galactic Emperor (Human Sith Lord) {as of Return of the Jedi}
Darth Vader (Human Dark Lord of the Sith)
Darth Vaders Guard (Elite Imperial Bodyguards)
Davin Felth (Human Stormtrooper)
Deena Lorn {TK-27342} (Human Imperial Stormtrooper)
Demolition Trooper (Specialised Stormtrooper)
Devin Cant (Human Death Star Trooper)
Doctor Emerie Karr (Clone Scientist)
Doctor Gorst (Human Imperial Interrogator)
Doctor Scalder (Human Imperial Scientist)
DS-181-3 {Fels Wrath} (Human Imperial Starfighter Pilot)
DS-181-4 (Human Imperial Starfighter Pilot)
DS-61-3 {Backstabber} (Human Tie Fghter Pilot)
DS-61-4 {Dark Curse} (Human Tie Fighter Pilot)
DT-5537 (Human Imperial Death Trooper)
DV-523 (Clone Stormtrooper)
E-10.5 Blaster Rifle
Eighth Brother
Ensign Yort Cavwol (Human Imperial Officer)
Erebus Prison Camp Warden (Human Imperial Officer)
Fenson (Human Imperial Naval Trooper)
Feyn Vann (Human Imperial Weapons Scientist)
Flob (Human Imperial Administrator)
Freck (Alien Transport Driver)
FS-451 (Human Imperial Stormtrooper)
Galen Walton Erso (Human Farmer/Imperial Weapons Scientist)
Gani Riduli (Ishi Tib Banking Clan Politician)
General Hurst Romodi (Human Imperial Officer)
General Maximilian Veers (Human Imperial Officer)
General Sotorus Ramda (Human Imperial Officer)
Gideon Hask (Human Imperial Special Forces Commander)
Goran (instructor)
Governor Grotton (Imperial Officer)
Governor Tauntaza (Human Imperial Governor)
Grand Admiral Thrawn (Mitth raw nuruodo)
Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin (as of A New Hope) (Human Imperial Officer)
Havina Vonreg (Human Tie Fighter Pilot)
Heavy Weapons Stormtrooper
Hexx (Clone Stormtrooper)
High General Trech Molock (Human Imperial Officer)
Hurdiss (Human Imperial Communications Officer)
Iden Versio (Human Female Ex-Imperial Special Forces Commander)
Imperial Jump Troopers
Imperial Prison Guard
Imperial Scout Trooper
Imperial Special Forces Trooper
Imperial Stormtrooper
Imperial TIE Pilot
Imperial Weapons Technician
Inspector General Bozeden Jeems (Human Imperial Officer)
Janus Greejatus
Jeroen Webb (Human Rebel Spy)
Jhoff (Human Imperial Flight Control Officer)
Jimmon Arbmab (Human Imperial Tank Commander)
Junior Lieutenant Tobix Chasser (Human Imperial Officer)
Kassius Konstantine (Imperial Admiral)
KE-829 (Clone Stormtrooper)
Kendal Ozzel
Kent Deezling (Human Imperial Deck Technician)
Kloris (Human ISB Undercover Agent)
Kravas Drezzer (Human Pre-Mor Security Officer)
Kren Blista-Vanee
Lastok {TK-7834} (Human Imperial Walker Pilot)
Leonart Beehaz (Human Commandants Son)
Lieutenant Ardo Banch (Human Imperial Officer)
Lieutenant Blanaid (Human AT-ST Driver)
Lieutenant Blevin (Human ISB Agent)
Lieutenant Cabbel (Human Imperial Officer)
Lieutenant Casido (Human Imperial Officer)
Lieutenant Cecius (Human Imperial Officer)
Lieutenant Colin Hakelia (Human Imperial Officer)
Lieutenant Commander Ardan (Human Imperial Officer)
Lieutenant Criden Valdas (Human Imperial Officer)
Lieutenant Danbit Brun (Human Imperial Technician/Officer)
Lieutenant Dedra Meero (Human ISB Supervisor)
Lieutenant Endicott (Human Imperial Officer)
Lieutenant Enric Pryde (Human Imperial Officer) {as of Vader 44}
Lieutenant Gorn (Human Rebel Agent/Imperial Army Officer)
Lieutenant Grapa (Human Imperial Officer)
Lieutenant Grond (Human Imperial Officer)
Lieutenant Hebsly (Imperial Officer / Pilot)
Lieutenant Hija (Human Imperial Gunnery Officer)
Lieutenant Holmes (Human Imperial Officer)
Lieutenant Keysax (Human Imperial Officer)
Lieutenant Maylur (Human Imperial Officer)
Lieutenant Milton Putna (Human Imperial Officer)
Lieutenant Mytus Adema (Human Imperial Officer)
Lieutenant Nash Windrider (Human Imperial Officer/Pilot)
Lieutenant Nolan (Human Imperial Officer)
Lieutenant Novitz (Human Imperial Officer)
Lieutenant Oxixo (Human Tie Fighter Pilot)
Lieutenant Pol Treidum (Human Imperial Officer)
Lieutenant Renz (Human Imperial Officer)
Lieutenant Sheckil (Human Imperial Officer)
Lieutenant Suba (Human Imperial Chief of Security)
Lieutenant Sulaco (Human Rebel Agent/Imperial Double Agent)
Lieutenant Tanbris (Imperial Officer/Pilot)
Lieutenant Watts (Human Imperial Scout Walker Pilot)
Lord Espis Zanchal (Imperial Noble)
LT-514 (Human Imperial Controller)
Lyn Rakish, The Fourth Sister (Near-Human Imperial Inquisitor)
Major Hewex
Major Marquand
Major Mianda (Human Imperial Tie Fighter Pilot)
Major Rhymer (Human Imperial Tie Fighter Pilot)
Maketh Tua
Master Chief Gunnery Officer Tenn Graneet (Imperial officer)
Mithel {Mauler} (Human Tie Fighter Pilot)
Mod Terrik (Human Stormtrooper Officer)
Moff Isdain (Human Imperial Officer)
Moff Tiaan Jerjerrod
Moff Ubrik Adelhard (Human Imperial Officer)
Moradmin Bast
Mortar Stormtrooper
Myn Kyneugh (Human Royal Guardsman Instructor)
Nahdonnis Praji
Narkina 5 Intake Warden
Narkina 5 Prison Commander
Niles Gavla (Human Imperial Officer)
Nova (Clone Stormtrooper)
Ochi of Bestoon, Assassin of the Sith (Humanoid Issues 6-13 of Darth Vader)
Penrie {NA811} (Human Tie Fighter Pilot)
Pol Treidum
Prefect Vanis Tigo (Human Imperial Officer)
Protectorate Gleb (Imperial Politician/Instructor)
Ralsius Paldora (Human Imperial Defector)
Rasett Milio (Human Imperial Weapons Scientist)
Rear Admiral Chiraneau (Human Imperial Officer)
Rella Sol (Human Tie Fighter Pilot)
Reva: The Third Sister (Human Inqusitor)
Riot Control Stormtrooper
Royce Hemlock (Human Imperial Scientist)
Sardis Ramsin {TD-7556} (Human Stormtrooper)
Scalder (Human Doctor/Scientist)
Scorch {RC-1262} {as of the Bad Batch} (Clone Commando)
Second Lieutenant Frobb (Human Imperial Officer)
Sergeant Barich (Human Imperial Scout Trooper)
Sergeant Elsek (Human Imperial Scout Trooper)
Sergeant Hume Tarl (Human Stormtrooper)
Sergeant Linus Mosk (Human Pre-Mor Security Officer)
Sergeant Major Bursk (Human Imperial Blizzard Force Snowtrooper)
Sergeant Major Enfield (Human Death Star Trooper)
Sergeant Narthax (Clone Imperial Snowtrooper)
Sergeant Nova Stihl (Human Death Star Trooper)
Shann Childsen
Shann Childsen (Human Imperial Officer)
Shen (Human Tie Fighter Pilot)
Sim Aloo
Sirro Argonne (Human Imperial Energy Weapons Scientist)
Slip {CT-0409} (Clone Trooper Officer)
Sly Moore (Umbaran Dark Side Adept and Politician)
Sniper CloneX {CX1} (Sniper Assassin)
Sniper CloneX2 {CX2} (Clone Assassin)
Sniper CloneX3 (Reprogrammed Clone Trooper)
Sniper CloneX4 (Reprogrammed Clone Trooper)
Sniper CloneX5 (Reprogrammed Clone Trooper)
Stormtrooper Commander
Supervisor Grandi (Human ISB Agent)
Supervisor Lonni Jung (Human Rebel Agent/ISB Agent)
Syril Karn (Human Deputy Inspector/Civil Servant) {as of Season 1 of Andor)
Tajis Durmin (Human Death Star Trooper)
Tarvyn Lareka - TK-4601 (Human Stormtrooper/Pilot)
TD-787 (Human Sandtrooper Sergeant)
The Fifth Brother
The Grand Inquisitor
The Seventh Sister
Thorn (Human Imperial Spy)
Tian Chyler (Human Imperial Spy)
Tiber Saxon
Tig (Female Human Stormtrooper)
Tig (Human Imperial Stormtrooper)
TK-1016 (Human Imperial Stormtrooper)
TK-119 (Clone Stormtrooper)
TK-14057 (Human Imperial Stormtrooper)
TK-32028 (Human Imperial Coastal Defender Stormtrooper)
TK-3338 (Human Stormtrooper)
TK-343 (Imperial TK Stormtrooper)
TK-40121 (Human Imperial Stormtrooper)
TK-421 (Human Strormtrooper)
TK-422 (Clone Stormtrooper)
TK-4247 (Human Stormtrooper)
TK-5187 (Human Imperial Walker Gunner)
TK-710 (Human Stormtrooper)
TK-7624 (Human Stormtrooper)
TK-8332 (Human Stormtrooper)
TK-875 (Clone Stormtrooper)
TK-9091 (Human Stormtrooper)
Todes Halvax (Human Imperial System Administrator)
TS-4068 (Human Imperial Snowtrooper)
Unidentified Inquisitor (Humanoid Imperial Inquisitor)
Uyohn (Human Imperial Engineer)
Valen Rudor
Vaneé (Human Imperial Attendant)
Veetch (Clone Stormtrooper)
Veris Hydan
Verlo Skiff (Human Pre-Mor Security Officer)
Vice Admiral Rae Sloane (Human Imperial Officer)
Vlex Onopin (Human Imperial Computer Scientist)
Vult Skerris
Wanten (Human Stormtrooper)
Warda Gojun {HH-4413} (Human Imperial Tank Driver)
Warrant Officer MKae (Human Imperial Communications Officer)
Wilco (Clone Captain)
Willard Waylin (Human Imperial Engineer)
Wrenga Jixton (Human Imperial Agent)
Wullf Yularen
Wyler (Clone Stormtrooper)
Yogar Lyste


Imperial airfield
Reklam Station
Skystrike Academy
Tantiss Base


Corellia (revised)
Gabredor III
Morlana One
Narkina 5
Slandarvia M-9


Aratech Repulsor Company 614-AvA speeder bike
Aratech Repulsor Company 74-Z Speeder Bike
Aratech Repulsor Company C-PH patrol speeder bike
Imperial patrol transport
Imperial Repulsorlift Troop Transport
Incinerator tank
Ravens Peak sky train
Santhe/Rothana Heavy Engineering LAAT/le gunship

Space Station

Climate Disruption Array
Golan M3185 space station
Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights Collective Imperial construction module
Imperial Department of Military Research / Sienar Fleet Systems DS-1 Orbital Battle Station
Imperial Department of Military Research Death Star II Battlestation


Sienar Fleet Systems TIE Advanced v1 Experimental twin ion engine space superiority fighter
Sienar Fleet Systems TIE Interceptor (squadrons)
Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/D Defender
Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/D Defender (squadrons)
Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/D Defender Elite
Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/IN interceptor
Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/LN (Squadrons)
Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/ln space superiority starfighter
Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/rb heavy starfighter
Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/rp Reaper Attack Lander (squadrons)
Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/sa bomber
Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/sa Bomber (squadrons)
Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/sk x1 experimental air superiority fighter
Sienar Fleet Systems Twin Ion Engine Advanced x1
Slayn & Korpil A/SF-01 B-wing Assault Starfighter (squadrons)


Arakyd Industries X3-13 tactical infiltration pod
Corellian Engineering Corporation C-ROC Gozanti-class Cruiser
Corellian Engineering Corporation Gozanti-class cruiser
CX Dagger Vessel
Eta-class supply barge
Gallofree Yards, Inc. GR-75 medium transport
Imperial Research Transport
Kuat Drive Yards Class four container transport
Kuat Drive Yards Y-45 armored transport hauler
Morgan Elsbeths Starship
Phi-Class Shuttle
Phial-class Heavy Transport
Preox-Morlana Personnel Carrier
Sienar Fleet Systems / Cygnus Spaceworks Lambda-class T-4a shuttle
Sienar Fleet Systems Delta-class T-3c shuttle
Sienar Fleet Systems Delta-class T-3c shuttle
Sienar Fleet Systems Sentinel Class Transport
Sienar Fleet Systems Sentinel-class landing craft
Sienar Fleet Systems TIE Boarding Craft
Sienar Fleet Systems TIE Reaper
Telgorn Corporation/Sienar Fleet Systems Zeta-class cargo shuttle
Telgorn Corporation/Sienar Fleet Systems Zeta-class cargo shuttle
The Scythe


All Terrain Defense Turret (AT-DT)
AT-DP Arc Cannon Prototype
Kuat Drive Yards / Imperial Department of Military Research All Terrain Scout Transport (AT-ST)
Kuat Drive Yards All Terrain Armored Cargo Transport (AT-ACT)
Kuat Drive Yards All Terrain Armored Cargo Transport (AT-ACT)
Kuat Drive Yards All Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT)
Kuat Drive Yards All Terrain Armored Transport (early rebellion against the Empire)
Kuat Drive Yards All Terrain Defense Pod (AT-DP)


Arc Pulse Generator
BlasTech Industries DC-15A Blaster Carbine
BlasTech Industries E-22 Blaster rifle
BlasTech Industries EC-17 Hold-out blaster
BlasTech Industries T-21 Light Repeating Blaster
Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc. C-25 Fragmentation grenade
Pre-Mor Blaster Rifle
Smart Rocket
Zap Rod

Griven Empire





CZ-4 (Droid Watchman)
Jabbas EV-series sous-chef droid

Non-Player Character

8D8 {Atedeeate} (Droid Torturer)
Ak-rev (Weequay Bodyguard/Drummer)
Amanaman (Amani Headhunter)
Attark (Hoover Technician)
Barada (Klatooinian Bodyguard)
Barquin D-an (Bith Musician)
BG-J38 {Beegee} (Gambling Droid)
Bib Fortuna
Bokku (Hutt Gangster)
Brock Starsher (Guard)
Cane Adiss (Yuvernian Pilot/Smuggler)
Daws (Human Mercenary Pilot)
Doallyn (Geranite Hunter)
Droopy McCool
Ephant Mon (Chevin Arms Dealer)
EV-9D9 (Eve-Ninedenine) (Droid Chief of Droid Operations)
Fozec (Human Guard)
Gailid (Human Tax Collector)
Gak-Sixtoo (Droid Navigator to Bokku the Hutt)
Gauron Nas Tal (Saurin Combat Trainer)
Geezum (Snivvian Sociopath)
Ghana Gleemort (Gamorrean Guard)
Ghoel (Wol Cabasshite Observer)
Giran (Nikto Guard)
Hermi Odle (Baragwin Weapons Specialist)
J-ywz-gnk Kchhllbrxcstk Et-nrmdndlcvtbrx {Joh Yowza} (Yuzzum Musician)
Jabba Desilijic Tiure
Jess (Human Musician)
Kani (Hutt Grand Council Member)
Kithaba (Klatooinian Slave/Guard)
Klaatu (Nikto Gambler)
Lathe (Nikto Guard)
Loje Nella (Riorian Jabbas Court Member)
Lyn Me (Twi-lek Singer/Dancer)
Malakili (Human Rancor Handler)
Marlo (Elder Hutt Leader)
Max Rebo
Meeka (Hutt Grand Council Member)
Nizuc Bek (Human Bodyguard)
Nysad (Nikto Guard)
Pagetti Rook (Weequay Guard)
Pote Snitkin (Skrilling Arms Dealer)
Rapotwanalantonee {Rappertunie} (Shawda Ubb Musician)
Rayc Ryjerd (Bimm Pilot)
Ree-Yees (Gran Dog Handler)
Rennek (Human Nerf Herder)
Rintel Aren (Weequay Pilot)
Saelt-Marae (Yarkora Informant)
Salacious B. Crumb (Kowakian Monkey Lizard Jester)
Shasa Tiel (Ishi Tib Accountant)
Snipp Nkik (Jawa Criminal)
Sy Snootles
Taym Dren-garen (Human Henchman)
Thok (Gamorrean Guard)
Umpass-stay (Klatooinian Drummer)
Vedain (Nikto Slave)
Velken Tezeri (Human Guard/Arms Dealer)
Vizam (Nikto Weapons Master)
Wam Lufba (Yuzzum Pest Exterminator)
Weeba Weeba (Human Rancor Keeper)
Wooof (Nikto Smuggler/Administrator)
Yarna dal Gargan (Askajian Dancer)
Yotts Oren (Nikto Guard)


Zee-Nine City Seven


Sakiya (Saki)


Bokku The Hutts Personal Barge



Naboo Ion pulse


Kuat Drive Yards EF76 Nebulon-B Escort Frigate


Bantha (Beast of Burden)
Batcher (Omegas Lurca Hound)
Ice Wyrm (Predatory Snow Snake)
Lava nymph (Fire Breathing Flying Creature)
Omi (Force Sensitive Dianoga)
Rrr-ur-R (Tusken Raider Bantha)
Vendaxan land squid (Territorial Hunting Squid)


0-0-0 (Assassin Droid)
1-JAC (Droid Bounty Hunter)
2X-3KPR (KPR Servant Droid)
2X-7KPR (KPR Servant Droid)
3B6-RA-7 (Arakyd RA7 Droid)
4-LOM {FOR-ELLOEM} (Droid Bounty Hunter)
6Y-2KPR (KPR Servant Droid)
Arakyd Industries RA-7 protocol droid
Axis Leader (Droid Leader of the Vanguard Axis)
B2EMO (Andor Family Droid)
BT-1 (Assassin Droid)
Cyborg Spider Tank
Cybot Galactica LIN demolitionmech Autonomous Minelayer Droid
Cybot Galactica WED 15 Treadwell Droid
Cybot Galactica WED-1016 Repair Droid
Cybot Galactica WED-15 Septoid Treadwell
CZ-1 (CZ-series secretary/business communications droid)
CZ-3 (CZ-series communications/business droid)
Droid Patch-in Unit
Engineer Droid
Essie (Farm Worker Droid)
Flash Raktor {The Trickster} (Droid Racer)
Gand med droid
Gee-Ninety (Droid Assassin)
Hangar deck scrubber droid
Haxxon Trajanix (BX-series droid commando Racer)
Hyper Rod (Droid Racer)
IG-88B (Assassin Droid/Bounty Hunter)
Industrial Automaton GNK Power Droid
K-OHN {Kone} (Manumitted Street Droid)
K-series Astromech Droid
Lerrimore Droids KPR Servant Droid
LIN-V8K (LIN Demolitionmech Droid)
Loader Droid
Lothal Logistics Limited astromech droid
M-HYD 6804 (Dowser Binary Hydromech Droid)
MEL-221 (Phee Genoas Modified Power Droid)
MEL-222 (Phee Genoas Re-built Droid)
MerenData V-series droid supervisor
Mini-Huvicko/Yuzabi Dowser Binary Hydromech Droid
NED-B (Loader Droid/Jedi Sympathiser)
Olly (Refuelling Depot Droid)
Ought-Six (Captain of the Droid Crush Pirates of Bestoon)
P2 (prototype astromech droid)
Quickdraw Quasar (Droid Racer)
R1-G4 (Astromech Droid)
R2-A5 {Ayfive} (Astromech Droid)
R2-C4 (House Organa Astromech Droid)
R3-T2 (Astromech Droid/Saboteur)
R4-E1 (Vehicle Computer Operation Droid)
R5-A2 (Mos Eisley Astromech)
R5-D4 (Self Sacrificing Astromech)
Scourge (Droid Hive Mind)
Scourge Controlled Techno Union Octuptarra Tri-Droid
Scourge Spider-droid
TAY-0 (Droid Pilot)
Toy Droid
Two-ton (Load Lifting Droid)
Veril Line Systems EGL power droid
WED-15-77 (Wed Treadwell Droid)
WED-15-I662 (Wed Treadwell Droid)
WED-15-ST68 (Wed Treadwell Droid)
WED-9-M1 {Bantha} (Wed Treadwell Droid)
WSB-15 sabotage droid
Y-O (Alderaanian Protocol Droid)


Beast Call
Code Cylinder
CryonCorp EnhanceScan General-Purpose Scanner
Dorenian Beshniquel
Droid Caller
Droid Mod (Integrated Starship Co-Pilot)
Eirtaés Levitating Boots
EPT-212 Droid Detector
Fabritech Q4-E Quadnoculars
Gandorthral Atmospherics Roamer-6 Breath mask
Kloo horn
MB450 Macrobinoculars
MicroThrust Processors OrC-19 Com-Scan Integrator Console
Neuro-Saav TE1.3 Quadnoculars
Neuro-Saav Technologies XX-23 Homing Beacon
Ommni box
Pretormin Environmental GX-8 Moisture Vaporator
SoroSuub Corporation C1 Personal Comlink
Vehicle Maintenance Energizer
Wrist comm


Andoan (Alcoholic Beverage)
Lum (Alcoholic Beverage)
Wicked Womprat (Alcoholic Beverage)

Ground Vehicles

Jawa Sandcrawler (Modified Corellia Mining Corporation Treaded ground transport)
Swamp crawler

Non-Player Character

A-Vor (Tusken Raider Warrior)
Agira (Imroosian Princesses Handmaiden)
Ailish (Tarlafar Mother)
Angber Trel (Human Disciple of the Whills)
Ardon {Vapor} Crell (Human Moisture Farmer)
Arleil Schous (Defel Fortune Hunter)
Asu (Human Villager/Bridegroom)
Atheloe (Lutrillian Spacer)
Aved Luun (Jawa Shaman)
Babwa Venomor (Trandoshan Slaver)
Bane Malar (Telepathic Bounty Hunter)
Barriss Offee (Mirialan Jedi) {as of Tales of the Jedi episode 6}
Bayrn (Tarlafar Youngling)
Beedo (Rodian Bounty Hunter)
Beezer Fortuna (Twilek Partizan Soldier)
Benni Baro (Human Thief)
Birnok (Human Prisoner)
Bix Caleen (Human Mechanic)
Boelo (Human Thug)
Bom Vimdin (Advozse Mercenary)
Bosco Brix (Nikto Racer)
BoShek (Human Smuggler/Tech)
Boushh (Ubese Bounty Hunter)
Braconnor Bakiska (Stennes Shifter Spacer)
Brasso (Human Salvager)
Brea Tonnika (Humanoid Con Artist)
Bron Burs (Alien Commando)
Cadeliah (Human Crime Family Heir)
Captain Tonra (Human Naboo Security Officer)
Carrax (Human Farmer)
Caysin Bog (Humanoid Cyborg Mercenary)
CC-3636 Wolffe (as of Rebels)
CC-5576-39 Gregor (as of Rebels)
Chachi De Maal (Duros Spacer)
Chava the Wise
Chilla Zin (Insectoid Master Assassin)
Ciddarin Scaleback {Cid} {as of Season 2 The Bad Batch} (Trandoshan Fixer/Informant)
Clem Andor (Human Scavenger)
Cobb Sonbepol (Gotal Gambler)
Cornelius Evazan (Human Rogue Doctor)
Corran (Human Refugee)
Crosshair {CT-9904} {as of Bad Batch Season 3} (Defective Clone)
Cycyed Ock (Keredian Partizan)
Cyn Sendvall (Human Cyborg Mercenary)
Damono Deomaley (Humanoid Bar Patron)
Danz Borin (Human Pilot/Bounty Hunter)
Dardin Shull (Human Water Seller)
Dathcha (Jawa Trader)
Davo Sculdun (Human Crooked Banker)
Debnoli (Human Marksman)
Deke (Immature Clone)
Dengar (Human/Corellian Bounty Hunter) (as of The Empire Strikes Back)
Densin Clord (Human Starport Worker)
Dewi Pamular (Keredian Fisherman)
Djas Puhr (Sakiyan Bounty Hunter)
Dobias Cole-Truten (Human Trader)
Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra (Human Archaeologist)
Doctor Mullmoy (Human Doctor)
Doctor Quadpaw (Alien Surgeon)
Doctor Rhasiv (Human Prisoner)
Doctor Sera Lemare (Z-Rakkon / Human Hybrid Genetic Engineer)
Doda Bodonawieedo (Rodian Musician)
Doikk Na-ts (Bith Musician)
Dorme (Human Queens Handmaiden)
Drake (Human Juvenile Thug)
Duchess Celly Organa (Human Noble)
Eedy Karn (Human Mother)
Eenta (Human Villager)
Eirtae (Human Queens Handmaiden)
Elis Helrot (Givin Spice Smuggler/Pilot)
Enjikket (Jawa Scout)
Eva {SP-54} (Iktotchi Youngling)
Ezjenk (Jawa Droid Technician)
F (Human Jedi Padawan/Knight)
Feltipern Trevagg (Gotal Tax Collector)
Figrin Dan (Bith Musician/Gambler)
Former Admiral Edmon Rampart {as of Bad Batch Season 3} (Human Escaped Prisoner)
Freedi Pamular (Alien Fisherman)
G2-1B7 (Partizan Medical Droid)
Gani (Human Brothel Worker)
Garindan ezz Zavor (Kubaz Spy)
Garouf Lafoe (Human Pilot/Ice Trader)
Gavra Ubrento (Human Mechanic)
Gela Yeens (Human Smuggler)
Granik (Alien Dispatcher)
Greedo (Rodian Bounty Hunter)
Grini Millegi (Dowutin Crimelord)
Groff Ditcher (Human Butcher/Foreman)
Grugnak (Ugnaught Worker)
Guch Ydroma (Human Water Seller)
Haja Estree (Human Conman/Fake Jedi)
Ham (Human Prisoner)
Hapnix (Ugnaught Worker)
Harc Seff (Ishi Tib Civilian)
Haru (Human Bride/Villager)
Hem Dazon (Arcona Scout/Addict)
Hennet Kayn (Gotal Mechanic)
Herat (Jawa Shaman)
Het Nkik (Jawa Hero)
Hondo Ohnaka (as of Rebels)
Hrchek Kal Fas (Saurin Droid Mechanic)
Huika Siliu (Human Civilian)
Hunter {CT-9901} {as of Bad Batch Season 3} (Defective Clone)
Iasa (Jawa Merchant)
Ickabel G-ont (Bith Musician)
IG-88A (Assassin Droid Bounty Hunter)
Isa Durand (Devaronian Crimelord)
J-Quille (Whipid Hunter)
Jax {SP-32} (Mirialan Youngling)
Jayco (Human Child Con Artist)
Jek Nkik (Jawa Technician)
Jemboc (Human Prisoner)
Jerriko (Human Mutant Bureaucrat)
Jet Venim (Nosaurian Racer)
Jezzi (Human Civilian)
Jul Tambor (Skakoan Rebel Leader and Pirate)
Kabe (Chadra-Fan Thief)
Kalit (Jawa Chief)
Kane (Nikto Racer)
Kawlan Roken (Human Leader of The Path/Jedi Sympathiser)
Kayo Organa (Human Noble)
Kerri (Human (Kenari) Child)
Ketsu Onyo
Ketwol (Pacithhip Asteroid Miner)
Killi Gimm (Human Disciple of the Whills)
Kino Loy (Human Prisoner)
Kirak Infil-a (Jedi Master)
Kitster Banai (as of Vader 23) (Human ex-slave)
Kullbee Sperado (Meftian Mercenary/Gunslinger)
L0-LA59 {Lola} (Toy Droid)
Lando Calrissian (as of The Empire Strikes Back)
Lanse Crowder (Human Criminal)
Laudica (Human Gun Runner)
Lee Phenets (Human Bespin Engineer)
Leesub Sirln (Qiraash ex-Force Adept)
Leida Mothma (Human Senators Daughter)
Leslomy Tacema (Duro Pilot/Dock Master)
Lirin Carn (Bith Musician/Mercenary)
Lobot (Human Cyborg Administrator)
Lord Izuma (Umbaran Raider Leader)
Loriach (Alazmec Sniper/Assassin)
Lyana Hazard (Human Child)
Lyra Erso (Human Reporter/Researcher)
M-iiyoom Onith (Hnemthe Seductress)
Maarva Carassi Andor (Human Salvager)
Melas (Sarkan Socialite/Smuggler)
Melch (Ugnaught Labourer)
Mennis Duren (Alien Trader)
Micah (Human Infant)
Micahs father (Human Villager)
Micahs mother (Human Villager)
Mich Matt
Mokko (Gang Boss)
Momaw Nadon (Ithorian Agricultural Expert)
Morgukai Warrior
Muftak (Talz Thief)
Myo (Abyssin Scout)
Nabrun Leids (Morseerian Smuggler)
Nalan Cheel (Bith Musician)
Nari (Human Jedi Knight)
Nebit (Jawa Chief)
Neesh (Rodian Bounty Hunter)
Nesta Term (Lens of the Central Isopter)
Nevar Yalnal (Ranat Scavenger)
Niano Organa (Juvenile Human Noble)
Nik Hepho (Britarro Bounty Hunter)
Niko (Human Child Rickshaw Operator)
Noegaud (Human Gangmember/Thug)
Nurchi (Human Junk Dealer)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Human Jedi Exile) {as 8BBY)
Ohwun De Maal (Duros Spacer)
Omega {as of Bad Batch Season 3} (un-modified yet enhanced Clone)
Omisha Joyo (Human Clansman of the Toribota)
Ownellco (Lutrillian Spacer)
Padu Cherd (Human Laborer)
Palejo Reshad (Human Spice Smuggler)
Pegla (Human Security Guard)
Pendra Siliu (Human Child)
Perrin Fertha (Human {Chandrilan} Senators Consort)
Phee Genoa (Human Treasure Hunter)
Ponda Baba (Aqualish Spice Smuggler)
Pons Limbic (Siniteen Pilot)
Princess Leia Organa (Human Senators Child) {as of 8BBY}
Pucumir Thryss (Human Tibanna Gas Miner)
Rabé Tonsort (Human Queens Handmaiden)
Rashi (Human Salvager)
Reegesk (Ranat Thief & Trader)
Revidjasa (Rodian Crimelord)
Ric Olie (Human Starship Pilot)
Riyo Chuchi {as of Bad Batch season 2) (Pantoran Senator)
Romar Adell ( Human (Serennian) Survivor)
Ront Byrnloo (Human Thug)
RR-uruurrr (Tusken Raider Animal Handler)
Ruescott Melshi (Human Prisoner) {as of Andor}
Runai Sculdun (Human Aristocrat)
Rycar Ryjerd (Bimm Pilot/Smuggler)
Rystall Sant (Half Theelin Dancer/Entertainer)
Sache (Human Queens Handmaiden)
Sai-torr Kal Fas (Saurin Droid Mechanic/Scout)
Saku (Human Villager)
Samara Kebyc (Human Accountant)
Sami {SP-39} (Pantoran Youngling)
Senni Tonnika (Humanoid Con Artist)
Shep Hazard (Human Mayor of Pabu)
Silvanie Phest (Anomid Disciple of the Whills)
Sira (Weequay Revenger)
Slorda (Human Politician)
Stak (Immature Clone)
Stekan Sculdun (Human Bankers Child)
Sul Fansord (Human Partizan Soldier)
Sully Stark (Human Pilot/Jedi Sympathiser)
Sun-il Ei-de (Bith Musician)
Swilla Corey (Human Jerba Tender)
Sylar Saris (Alien Assassin)
Taga (Human Prisoner)
Takeel (Snivvian Mercenary)
Tala Durith (Human Imperial Officer/Jedi Sympathiser)
Tam Posla (Human Cyborg Bounty Hunter)
Tanka (Trandoshan Revenger)
Tawni Ames (Human Governor of Desix)
Tay Kolma (Human Banker)
Tech Mo-r (Bith Musician)
Tedn Dahai (Bith Musician/Scout)
Teeka (Jawa Trader)
Teenar (Human Senator)
Tenek (Human Hotel Cook)
Tetha Grig (Near-Human Spice Dealer)
The High Priest (Lorrdian Priest of the Brotherhood of the Beatific Countenance)
The Time Grappler (Human Musician)
Thedit (Jawa Leader)
Thul Fain (Human Smuggler)
Timm Karlo (Human Mechanic)
Toshdor Ni (Lorrdian member of the Brotherhood of the Beatific Countenance)
Treva Horme (Lutrillian Accountant)
Trinto Duaba (Stennes Shifter Traveller)
Tuck Hybecks (Human Prisoner)
Tunda Ress (Masked Figure)
Ugloste (Ugnaught Carbon Freeze Supervisor)
Ukchet (Jawa Scout)
Ulaf (Human Prisoner)
Unidentified Cyborg
Ur-Ru-r (Tusken Raider Warrior)
Uutkik (Jawa Scout)
Valco (Human Explorer)
Valwid Ined (Vobati Forger)
Vect Nokru (Human Mercenary)
Veemoss (Human Prisoner)
Vetch (Urodel Laborer)
Vivyn (Human Senator)
Vul Tazaene (Kiffar Security Officer)
W1-LE (Willie)
Wade Resselian (Human Pilot/Jedi Sympathiser)
Wald {as of Vader 44} (Rodian Ex-Slave)
Warba Calip (Human Con Artist)
Wicket Wystri Warrick
Willi (Human Civilian)
Willrow Hood (Human Technician)
Wilmon Paak (Human Salvager)
Windi (Human Resident of Niamos)
Wiorkettle (Snivvian Artist)
Wittin (Jawa Trader)
Woan Barso (Human Smuggler)
Wrecker {CT-9903} {as of Bad Batch Season 3} (Defective Clone)
Wuher (Human Bartender)
Xanwan (Human Businessman)
Xaul (Human Prisoner)
Yanna (Wookiee Wisewoman)
Yeelhoy (Jawa Scout)
Yerka Mig (Human Ex-Imperial Intelligence Agent)
Yoxgit (Ugnaught Trader)
Yuralla Vega (Human Miner)
Zinska (Human Prisoner)
Zubwen (Brawny Jawa)
Zuckuss (Gand Bounty Hunter)

Non-Player Characters

Mox (Immature Clone)


Ringali Nebula


Brentaal IV
Skara Nal

Player Character Races



12 Series Speeder
Arrogantus-X Skyblade-221 swoop bike
Bespin Motors Storm IV Twin-Pod Cloud Car
Bespin Motors Void Spider TX-3 Air Taxi
Byblos TurboDrive StreetBoss 50-50 Airspeeder
Caelii-Merced Skyblade-330 Swoop bike
Class A Speeder
Incom Corporation T-47 Airspeeder
Kitster Banais Podracer (Custom Podracer)
LC-10bW Laser Ice-Cutter Cannon Sled
Mobquet Swoops and Speeders A-1 Deluxe Floater
Mobquet Swoops and Speeders Flare-S Swoop
Mobquet Swoops and Speeders M-68 landspeeder
Ore crawler
Pabu Skiff
Seven Deuce Blaster
Shuttle Ferry
SoroSuub Corporation RGC-18 landspeeder
SoroSuub Corporation V-35 Courier Speeder
SoroSuub X-34 Landspeeder
Speeder Truck
Tatooine Repulsor Train
Trast Heavy Transports A-A4B landspeeder
Ubrikkian Industries 9000 Landspeeder
Ubrikkian Industries Bantha-II cargo skiff
Ubrikkian Industries Luxury-class sail barge
Zebulon Dak Speeder Corporation Joben T-85 speeder bike

Space Station

Fostar Haven
Suria Space Station
Vanguard Axis station


Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/mg Mining Guild starfighter


Appazanna Engineering Works Auzituck anti-slaver gunship
Automated Transport
BFF-1 Bulk Freighter
Breon Dayvan
Corellian Engineering Corporation Sphyrna-class corvette
Corellian Engineering Corporation Sphyrna-class corvette
Corellian Engineering Corporation VCX-100 light freighter
Corellian Engineering Corporation VCX-series auxiliary starfighter
Corellian Engineering Corporation WUD-500 star yacht
Corellian Engineering Corporation YT-2400 light freighter
Fondor Haulcraft
Freighter 2716
Hammerhead corvette
Incom Corporation Tri-Wing S-91x Pegasus Starfighter
Leech vessel
MandalMotors Lancer-class pursuit craft
Marauder {as of The Bad Batch series}
Max-7 Rono freighter
Mobile Tac-Pod
Outcast (Fennec Shands Ship)
Providence (Phee Genoas Ship)
Sacul Industries Star Commuter 2000 Shuttle
Sienar-Chall Utilipede Transport
Slave 1 (as of Empire Strikes Back)
Starfeld Industries ZH-40 Tribune-class Light Freighter
The Ghost
The Millennium Falcon (as of Solo: A Star Wars Story)
The Phantom


Joopa Base
Rexs Modified AT-TE Walker
Skara Nal


BlasTech Industries DC-15LE blaster rifle
BlasTech Industries DH-17 Blaster Pistol
BlasTech Industries DH-17 Blaster Pistol
BlasTech Industries DH-447 Sniper Rifle
BlasTech Industries DL-22 Blaster Pistol
BlasTech Industries DLT-19x targeting blaster
BlasTech Industries DLT-20A Blaster rifle
BlasTech Industries DLT-20A Pulse Cannon
BlasTech Industries DT-12 Heavy Blaster Pistol
BlasTech Industries DT-15 Blaster Pistol
BlasTech Industries EE-3 Blaster Rifle
BlasTech Industries EE-4 carbine rifle
BlasTech Industries RSKF-44 heavy blaster
BlasTech Industries W-90 Concussion Rifle
Boiler Rifle
Cycler rifle
Czerka Arms ZX Miniature Flame Projector
Dioxis grenade
Drearian Defense Conglomerate Defender Sporting Blaster Pistol
EE-3 carbine rifle
Flash grenade
Gaderffii stick
Impact grenade
Jawa CA-87 Shock Blaster
Kalvarek Consolidated Arms MM9 Rocket System
KiSteer 1284 Projectile Rifle
Mennotor DAS-430 Electromagnetic Projectile Launcher
Merr-Sonn Munitions K21c portable ordnance launcher
Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc. GRS-1 Snare Rifle
Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc. M-57 Blaster pistol
Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc. Mark II EWHB-10 Medium Repeating Blaster Cannon
Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc. Power-5 Heavy Blaster Pistol
Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc. SX-21 Scatterblaster rifle
Monlitzer S-195 blaster pistol
NT-242 Sniper rifle
Relby K-23 Blaster Pistol
RG-4D Blaster pistol
Shock Grenade
Smoke bomb
Stun Baton
Thermal imploder
TL-50 Heavy Repeater
Utapaun Monk Cudgel
Valken-38x Sniper rifle
Vulk TAU-6-23 (Blastmill) rotary blaster cannon
Wynz-Tek Mk IV Firestorm or Merr-Sonn D-24 Inferno Ion Grenade



Mandalorian armor


Mandalorian Vambrace

Non-Player Character

Alrich Wren
Fenn Rau
Gar Saxon
Imperial Super Commando
Mandalorian Fleet Commander (Mandalorian Captain)
Tristan Wren
Ursa Wren






SoroSuub Corporation / MandalMotors Fang fighter

New Republic


Nadiri Dockyards

Old Republic


Arex (Jedi Training Droid)

Non-Player Character

Advanced Recon Commando (Clone Republic Special Force)
Alderaan guard (Human Soldier)
Clone Assassin
Clone Lieutenant Hilo (Clone Commando)
Fireball (Clone Trooper)
Greer (Clone Trooper)
Gungi {as of Bad Batch Season 2} (Jedi Padawan)
Nemec (Clone Trooper)
Samson (Clone Trooper)
Senator Dagonet (Human Politician)
Vik (Clone Trooper)

Rebel Alliance


Corellian Engineering Corporation CR90 corvette
Dornean Brahaket Fleetworks Conglomerate Gunship
Kuat Drive Yards Pelta-class Command Cruiser
Mon Calamari independent engineering MC75 Star Cruiser
Mon Calamari independent engineering MC75 Star Cruiser
Mon Calamari Shipyards MC80 Home One type Star Cruiser
Mon Calamari Shipyards MC80 Liberty Type Heavy Star Cruiser
The Invincible Faith (Mon Calamari MC80 Liberty Type Heavy Star Cruiser)


2-1B {Too-Onebee} (Rebel Medical Droid)
Arfive-Emmtoo {R5-M2} (Rebel Astromech Droid)
D4-R4B (Rebel R4 Astromech Droid)
Dio (Modified Arakyd Industries ID10 Seeker Droid)
FX-7 {Fixit} (Rebel Medical Droid)
K-3PO (Rebel Tactics Protocol Droid)
R-3PO {Ar-Threepio} (Rebel Protocol Droid)
R2-A3 (Rebel Astromech Droid)
R2-BHD {Tooby} (Rebel Astromech Droid)
R2-F2 (Rebel Astromech Droid)
R2-SHW (Rebel Astromech Droid)
R2-X2 (Rebel Astromech Droid)
R3-A2 (Rebel Astromech Droid)
R3-M2 (Rebel Astromech Droid)
R3-S1 {Threece} (Rebel Astromech Chief)
R3-Y2 (Rebel Astromech Droid)
R4-D6 (Rebel Astromech Droid)
R5-D8 (Jek Porkins Astromech)
R5-F7 (Rebel Astromech Droid)
R5-G19 (Rebel R5 Astromech Droid)
R5-K6 (Rebel Astromech)
R5-SK1 (Rebel Astromech Droid)
U-3PO (Protocol Droid)


Personal Identifier Transponders

Non-Player Character

Adam Swiftgale (Human Rebel Starfighter Pilot)
Admiral Gial Ackbar (as of the Battle of Endor) (Mon Calamari Rebel Officer)
Ahsoka Tano (as of Rebels)
Ahsoka Tano (as of Rebels)
Airen Cracken (Human Rebel Head of Intelligence)
Anker (Human Rebel Soldier)
Anto Kreegyr (Human Rebel Leader)
Antoc Merrick (Human Rebel Ace Pilot)
Ardo Barodai (Mon Calamari Rebel Officer)
Arro Basteren (Human Rebel Soldier)
Arvel Crynyd (Human Rebel Pilot)
Arvel Skeen (Human Rebel Agent)
Barion Raner (Human Rebel Pilot)
Bazer (Human Rebel Soldier)
Benthic {Tubes} (Tognath Mercenary Pilot)
Beryann Raleg (Human Rebel Pilot)
Biggs Darklighter
Bob Hudsol
Bren Derlin
Caitken (Mon Calamari Military Aide)
Calum Gram (Human Rebel Pilot)
Captain Broan Danurs (Human Rebel Pilot)
Captain Kado Oquoné (Human Rebel Officer)
Captain Morts Werl (Human Rebel Officer)
Captain Puck Naeco (Human Starfighter Pilot)
Captain Shawn Valdez (Human Rebel Evacuation Officer)
Captain Verrack
Captain Wyron Serper (Human Rebel Officer)
Captain Yutani (Human Rebel Officer)
Carlist Rieekan
Cassian Jeron Andor (Human Rebel Operative) {as of Andor Season 1}
Chaff Korus (Human Rebel Pilot)
Cham Syndulla
Chase Wilsorr (Human Rebel Engineer)
Chief Controller Toryn Farr (Human Rebel Gunnery Officer)
Chopper (C1-10P)
Cinta Kaz (Human Rebel Agent)
Col Takbright (Human Starfighter Pilot)
Colonel Anj Zavor (Human Rebel Officer)
Colonel Bandwin Cor (Human Rebel Officer)
Colonel Feyn Gospic (Human Rebel Officer)
Colonel Haxen Delto (Human Rebel Codebreaker)
Colonel Horton Salm (Human Rebel Pilot)
Commander Beryl Chiffonage (Human Rebel Officer)
Commander Tamizander Rey (Human Rebel Logistics Officer)
Corporal Bistan (Iakaru Rebel Door Gunner)
Corporal Delevar (Human Rebel Spec-ops Medic)
Corporal Eskro Casrich (Human Rebel Soldier)
Corporal Jav Mefran (Human Rebel Soldier)
Corporal Kensaric
Corporal Midge (Human Rebel Special Forces)
Corporal Osleo Prennert (Human Rebel Officer)
Corporal Serchill Rostok {Rostok the Rock} (Human Rebel Sniper)
Corporal Vildar Blin (Human Rebel Special Forces Trooper)
Corporal Walea Timker (Human Rebel Soldier)
Crix Madine (Human Rebel Officer)
Dak Ralter (Human Rebel Gunner/Pilot)
Davgar Llian (Human Scientist)
Davish (Pops) Krail (Human Starfighter Pilot)
Deacon Eso (Human Rebel Technician)
Del Goren (Human Rebel Technician)
Derek Klivian (Human Rebel Pilot)
Dex Tiree (Human Starfighter Pilot)
Dice Ibegon (Lamproid Rebel Agent)
Dorovio Bold (Human Rebel X-Wing Pilot)
Edrio Two Tubes
Elyhek Rue (Human Starfighter Pilot)
Ensign Cariso Smadis (Human Alderaanian Trooper)
Ensign Chad Hilse (Human Alderaanian Trooper)
Erskin Semaj
Euwood Gor (Human Rebel Pathfinder Soldier)
Evaan Verlaine (Human Alderaanian Starfighter Pilot)
Ezra Bridger
Farns Monsbee (Human Rebel Pilot)
Farsin Kappehl (Human Rebel Soldier)
Fassio Ablund (Human Insurgent)
Feresk Tssat (Trandoshan Rebel Pilot)
Firin Morett (Human Rebel Technician)
Garazeb Orrelios
Garn Stewer (Human Rebel Chief Technician)
Garven Dreis (Human Starfighter Pilot)
General Baccam Grafis (Human Rebel Logistics Officer)
General Davits Draven (Human Rebel Officer)
General Dustil Forell (Human Rebel Logistics Officer)
General Pashna Starkiller (Human Former Warlord of the Empire)
General Pharl McQuarrie (Human Rebel Military Advisor)
General Pitt Onoran (Human Rebel Logistics Officer)
Gobi Glie
Gooti Terez
Gracalia Vatara Sienar (Human Rebel Pilot)
Greeve (Human Rebel Special Forces Trooper)
Grizz Frix (Human Rebel Pilot)
Grondorn Muse (Human Rebel Soldier/Singer)
Habeer Zignean (Human Rebel Pilot)
Han Solo (as of A New Hope)
Harb Binli (Human Rebel Pilot)
Hera Syndulla
Hol Okand (Human Starfighter Pilot)
Ika Sulko (Mon Calamari Rebel Pilot)
Jai Kell
Jake Farrell {Gold Four} (Human Rebel Pilot)
Jaldine Gerams (Human Rebel Pilot)
Jalice Andit (Human Partisan Mercenary)
Jan Dodonna
Janse (Human Rebel Special Forces Sharpshooter)
Jek Pugilio (Human Rebel Pilot)
Jek Tono Porkins (Human Starfighter Pilot)
Jho (Ithorian Barkeeper)
John D. Branon (Human Rebel Pilot)
Jon (Dutch) Vander (Human Starfighter Pilot)
Jon Vander
Jonner Jin
Judder Page
Jun Sato
Kanan Jarrus
Karie Neth (Human Rebel Starfighter Pilot)
Karis Nemik (Human Rebel Agent)
Keir Santage (Human Rebel Pilot)
Keo Venzee (Mirialan Rebel Pilot)
Keyan {Lucky} Farlander (Human Rebel Pilot)
Kin Kian (Human Rebel Pilot)
Kit Valent (Human Rebel Pilot/Gunner)
Kleya Marki (Human Antiques Dealer/Rebel Agent)
Kulbart Zamoon (Centran Rebel Pilot)
Laren Joma (Human Rebel Pilot)
Ledick Firest (Human Rebel Trooper)
Leevan Tenza (Sabat Sniper/Pilot)
Lepira (Human Rebel Pilot)
Lieutenant Attico Wred (Human Rebel Pilot)
Lieutenant Blount (Human Rebel Officer)
Lieutenant Cal Alder (Human Rebel Officer)
Lieutenant Ekelarc Yong (Human Rebel Pilot)
Lieutenant Gureni Telsij (Human Rebel Pilot)
Lieutenant Heff Tobber (Human Rebel Pilot)
Lieutenant Nozzo Naytaan (Human Starfighter Pilot)
Lieutenant Pello Scrambas (Human Alderaanian Trooper)
Lieutenant Romas Navander (Human Rebel Officer)
Lieutenant Shollan (Mon Calamari Rebel Aide)
Lieutenant Taidu Sefla (Human Rebel Soldier)
Lieutenant Tigran Jamiro (Human Rebel Officer)
Lieutenant Voren Na-al (Human Rebel Officer/Historian)
Lieutenant Wion Dillems (Human Rebel Pilot)
Lindon Javes (Human Rebel Officer)
Loci Rosen
Luke Skywalker (As of A New Hope)
Luke Skywalker {As of The Empire Strikes Back} (Human Jedi)
Luthen Rael (Human Spy Master) {as of Andor Season 1}
Magva Yarro (Human Partisan)
Major Arhul Hextrophon (Human Rebel Officer/Historian)
Major Capin Harinar (Human Rebel Officer)
Major Evram Lajaie (Human Rebel Officer)
Major Haashn (Mon Calamari Rebel Officer / Engineer)
Major Olander Brit (Human Rebel Officer)
Major Palo Torshan (Human Rebel Security Officer)
Major Panno (Dresselian Rebel Officer)
Mart Mattin
Mon Mothma
Morad Sumar (Human Farmer/Rebel Agent)
Moroff (Gigoran Mercenary Gunner)
Nala Hetsime (Human Rebel Pilot)
Nichos Panib (Human Noble Rebel Pilot)
Nik Sant (Human Veteran Special Force Trooper)
Norra Wexley (Human Rebel Pilot)
Nower Jebel (Human Senator/Rebel Finance Minister)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Human Jedi Master) (as of A New Hope)
Oolin Musters {Nail}/{Kennel} (Blutopian Rebel Agent)
Orrimaarko (Dressellian Rebel Officer)
Osleo Prennert
Palso Thern (Human Rebel Pilot)
Paodok-Draba-Takat Sap-De-Rekti Nik-Linke-Ti- Ki-Vef-Nik-NeSevef-Li-Kek (Drabatan Rebel Commando)
Paril Ritta (Human Rebel Pilot)
Pedrin Gaul (Human Rebel Rookie Pilot)
Princess Leia Organa (Human Diplomat) {as of A New Hope}
Private Yosh Calfor (Human Rebel Demolitions Expert)
Ralo Surrel (Human Starfighter Pilot)
Rodma Maddel (Human Rebel Intelligence Agent)
Ryder Azadi
Ryle Torsyn (Human Starfighter Pilot)
s-Too Vees (Human Miner/Gambler/Engineer)
Sabine Wren
Salman Paak (Human Salvager/Rebel Agent)
Saw Gerrera (as of Rebels)
Sergeant Bruckman (Human Rebel Commando)
Sergeant Galen Torg (Human Guard)
Sergeant Junkin (Human Rebel Special Forces Explosives Expert)
Sergeant Kes Dameron (Human Rebel Soldier)
Sergeant Major Trey Callum (Human Rebel Trooper)
Sergeant Reye Hollis (Human Rebel Forces Trooper)
Shriv Suurgav (Duros Squadron Leader)
Sila Kott (Human Rebel Pilot)
Squadron Leader Kierah Koovah (Mimbanese Rebel Pilot)
Stordan Tonc {Stordie} (Human Rebel Soldier)
Tandorvo (Rebel Gigoran Cyborg MAR Corp Trooper)
Tanus Spijek (Elom Rebel Spy)
Taramyn Barcona (Human Former Stormtrooper/Rebel)
Tarn Mison (Human Rebel Pilot)
Tarrin Datch (Human Rebel Pilot)
Ten Numb (Sullustan Rebel Starfighter Pilot)
Tenk Lenso (Human Rebel Pilot)
Tenzigo Weems (Rebel Signals Intelligence Technician)
Thaneespi (Mon Calamari Rebel Officer)
Theron Nett (Human Starfighter Pilot/Smuggler)
Tigran Jamiro
Tigran Jamiros assistant (Human Rebel Aide)
Tivik (Human Rebel Informant)
Torge Gommer (Human Rebel Pilot)
Torius Chord (Human Rebel Pilot)
Toshma Jefkin (Human Alderaanian Consular Security)
Tynnra Pamlo (Human Senatial Representative for Taris)
Vanden Willard
Vangos Grek (Human Rebel Pilot)
Vasp Vaspar (Human Politician)
Vekozev Kabir (Human Rebel Pilot)
Vel Sartha (Human Rebel Agent)
Walex Blissex (Human Rebel Engineer)
Wedge Antilles (as of 0BBY) (Human Rebel Pilot)
Weeteef Cyu-Bee (Talpini Partizan Soldier)
Wenton Chan (Human Starfighter Pilot)
Wes Janson (Human Rebel Ace Pilot)
Will Scotian (Human Rebel Starfighter Pilot)
Wona Goban (Human Rebel Pilot)
Zal Dinnes (Human Starfighter Piloting)
Zerelda Sage (Human Rebel Engineer)
Zev Senesca (Human Rebel Pilot)


General Veertag (Human Rebel Officer)
Sarjenn 3
Yavin 4


Rebel personnel carrier


A/SF-01 B-wing starfighter prototype B6
Incom Corporation T-65 X-wing Starfighter
Incom Corporation T-65B X-wing Starfighter
Incom Corporation UT-60D U-wing starfighter/support craft (squadrons)
Incom T-65B X-wing (squadrons)
Koensayr BTL-S3 Y-wing (squadrons)
Kuat Systems Engineering RZ-1 A-wing interceptor
Kuat Systems Engineering RZ-1 A-wing Interceptor (squadrons)
Kuat Systems Engineering RZ-1T trainer A-wing interceptor


Incom Corporation UT-60D U-wing starfighter/support craft
Incom Corporation UT-60D U-wing starfighter/support craft
The Fondor (Luthen Raels Modified Fondor Haulcraft)

The Bad Batch

Non-Player Character

Crosshair {CT-9904} (Genetically defective clone Sniper)
Hunter (Genetically defective clone Scout/Commander)
Omega (Clone Child)
Tech (Genetically defective clone Technician)
Wrecker (Genetically defective clone Soldier)

Warbird Gang


Kragan Gorrs shuttle

Page designed in Notepad, logo done on Personal Paint on the Amiga.
Text by FreddyB.
Images stolen from various web pages I`ve now forgotten where (Copyright resides with the artists).
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.