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Crown Prince Qrrrl Toq (Nazzar Jedi Knight) | Kuat Drive Yards EF76 Nebulon-B Escort Frigate | Jotaz (Carnivorous Predator) | GoCorp Util-313 Shuttlebus |
This is a downloadable Windows utility program, which can automatically generate Non-Player Characters for the Star Wars D/6 Role Playing Game. The program is intuitive to use and doesn't really need any instructions. It doesn't require installing, being a single program which can be run by simply double-clicking.
It has been rigorously virus checked by us, but we of course advise you to thoroughly check it with whatever virus scanning software you use before executing the code on your system. Neither or Benjamin Lamberth offer any guarantee of reliability or stability (in other words, while we're all nice guys, and the program is an excellent utility, we have no wish to be sued if it conflicts with other software you are running and wipes your hard-drive.)
Click Here to Download
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.