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        I've just added some goals to our Patreon, which I'll return to in a few days. I've always wanted RPGGamer to remain free to everyone, and I want to keep updating the site as often as I do.
        But the realities are, that I've got a wife and two kids, and that to devote the amount of time that I do to the site, it's going to have to start paying some of it's bills, or I'll need to devote the time to paying work. It's a sad reality, but one that has been preying on my mind the last few weeks.
        So, please, have a look at the Patreon. Even if you don't want to contribute to the costs of the site, then please let me know what you think would entice you into helping? More updates? More Sourcebooks? Your name up in lights? Let me know.

Our Patreon

        Thanks for reading.


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