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Building a Lightsaber (Revised and Enhanced)


            To build a lightsaber takes a minimum of one month and requires a successful Lightsaber Repair roll against a Very Difficult Difficulty. Decrease the difficulty by one level for each extra month spent constructing the saber to a minimum of Easy.

            Jedi may adjust a lightsabers base damage die code through modifications (as indicated in the “Improving Vehicles, Vessels and Weapons” section of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game Revised and Expanded). Characters rely on their Lightsaber Repair skill to make such improvements.


            At the time of construction a Jedi may decide to make the Lightsaber to contain one, two or three crystals, for each extra crystal added it increases the difficulty by one level (e.g. for two crystals it increases to Heroic, or for three it increases to Heroic +10). One crystal must always be a focussing crystal, this creates the blade setting its basic damage causing capabilities and colour, the other crystals are power crystals, which modify the way the blade behaves.

            Once the lightsaber is constructed, it is far easier to swap crystals in and out of the completed weapon, only taking an Easy Lightsaber repair roll and 10 minutes for each crystal to be changed. Also as long as the weapon has a focussing crystal it will work even if it doesn’t have the full complement of crystals it was designed for.


Types of Lightsaber

            Although the standard Lightsaber as used by Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader has always been the most commonly used Jedi weapon, the variety of different types of “light” weapons was as wide as the variety of different Jedi that used them.



Advantages / Disadvantages

Standard Lightsaber


Short Lightsaber

+1D to Parry skill rolls, -1D to attack skill rolls

Double Bladed Lightsaber

Difficulty to use increased one level, Free Parry without Penalty

Wrist Saber

-1D Damage, Difficulty to use reduced one level.


Difficulty to use reduced one level, weapon is not concealable.


Damage increased 1 pip, battery life greatly reduced.


Damage increased 1D, user’s skill reduced 1D.


Difficulty to build increased by one level, bonus 1D to conceal weapon.


+2D to Parry skill rolls, -1D to attack skill rolls, -1D damage.



Focussing Crystals

            There are five standard types of Focussing Crystals known to exist, these determine both the colour and damage that the blade does. These five are


















Standard or Special



            To determine the colour of each crystal roll on the following tables.


Crystal Colours


Standard Colours

1- Blue

2- Red

3- Orange

4- Green

5- Yellow

6- Special Colour (Roll again on Special Colour table)


Special Colours

1- Bronze

2- Silver

3- Violet

4- Viridian (Silvery Green)

5- Cyan

6- White



Power Crystals

            These crystals modify the flow of energy into the Lightsabers blade, changing the way it works to a small degree, making it faster, easier to control, more damaging, or changing the type of damage that the weapon does. If the crystal allows the weapon to do multiple types of damage, then it is up to their wielder which of these he adds his Control bonus to for using Lightsaber Combat (e.g. a saber 5D Energy Damage (as standard) +2D Physical, would allow a wielder with a 5D Control Bonus to either do 12D Energy or Physical damage, depending on which the wielder decided to use). Energy Damage merely adds to the base damage of the weapon (e.g. the same 5D saber with a 5D control skill but this time with a +2D Energy bonus would do 12D energy damage), Ion Damage adds to the damage of the weapon only against Droids and Electronics, burning out circuitry and electronic systems while only doing the normal base damage to organic beings or physical objects (e.g. the 5D saber with a 5D control skill, but this time with a +2D Ion bonus would do 12D to a Droid or Landspeeder, but only 10D to a wall or an organic being).

Energy Damage stacks with either of the other two, but Physical and Ion damage do not stack together, so a saber that does 5D Damage +2D Energy +1D Physical +2D Ion, can do 8D Energy or Physical damage, or 9D (+2D energy +2D Ion) against Droids and Electronics. While some crystals may give a higher Physical bonus than Ion bonus apparently making the Ion bonus void (a saber that does 5D Damage +2D Energy +2D Physical +1D Ion, could against a Droid do 9D Physical or Energy Damage, or do 8D Ion Damage), it must be noted that Ion damage passes through force shields (meaning that in the previous example the entire 8D damage would pass straight through any force shield, providing a flexibility in use that perhaps is not immediately apparent on a first look).



                Mined on distant asteroids in the Alderaan system, they produce a volatile lightsaber beam that pulses on impact, potentially stunning an opponent.

                Effects : On a successful hit the target receives a 3D stun effect in addition to other damage, this stun effect lasts one round.


                Found on the desert world of Daminia, these crystals can be used in lightsaber construction to produce a clearly defined beam of subtly wider width and length.

                Effects : +1D Lightsaber skill with this weapon.


                Once mined on the third moon of Erai, ancient Sith bombardment shatter much that remained. If they can be found, these crystals produce a clear, superior lightsaber beam.

                Effects : +2 Pips Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +2 Pips Energy Damage.



                This heavy crystal is collected by the natives of Rafa V. If used in lightsaber construction it produces an electrically charged beam that is devastating to droids.

                Effects : +2 Pips Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +2D Ion Damage (added to damage against electronics).


                The refined form of Opila, this crystal has been cleansed of all impurities. When used in lightsaber construction it produces a blade of unerring quickness.

                Effects : +2 Pips Energy Damage, +1D+2 Parry Skill with this weapon.

Krayt Dragon Pearl

                Taken from the gullet of a Krayt Dragon, this crystalline “pearl” appears to have refractory qualities that might allow it to function as a lightsaber crystal once properly adapted.

                Effects : +1D Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +2 Pips Energy Damage.



                Ambria was a world in the grip of the dark side. Through years of mental battle, strange Jedi Master Thon contained the evil to Lake Natth. Long Meditation can form this powerful crystal from the tainted water.

                Effects : +2 Pips Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +1D Ion Damage (added to damage against electronics).



                This crystal is mined in the mountains of planet M’haeli, and when used in lightsaber construction it produces a volatile blade that can cause surprising amounts of damage.

                Effects : +1 Pip Lightsaber skill with this weapon, Roll and add on a 5 or 6 on the Wild Die when rolling for damage with this weapon, not just on a 6.



                Found in the asteroid fields of the Fyrth system, this crystal can be used in lightsaber construction to produce an intense beam that seems extraordinarily quick to the cut.

                Effects : +1D Energy Damage, Roll 2 dice for each 6 you get on the Wild Die when rolling damage for this weapon instead of just re-rolling the Wild Die.


                The strange byproduct of rare impurities bonding during the making of certain alloys and some random external condition, this crystal produces a fiercely burning lightsaber beam.

                Effects : +1D Physical Damage



                Used in lightsaber construction, Rubat crystal is mined on Phemis. It produces a clearly defined blade that a Jedi can easily track, making it easier to hit opponents.

                Effects : +1 Pip Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +1 Pip Energy Damage.



                This crystallized material was excreted once every 11 years by the ancient Volice worm of Lwhekk, now extinct. It produces a more intense lightsaber beam, granting better control.

                Effects : +2 Pips Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +1D Energy Damage.



                Mined in the Sigil System, this crystal is a costly but valued addition to a lightsaber. It produces a fiercely bright beam that sears on contact, inflicting great damage.

                Effects : +1 Pip Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +1D Energy Damage.


Solari (can only be used by Light Side Jedi)

                There are many famous lightsaber crystals spoken of in the history of the Jedi Order, though none is as powerful as the legendary Solari Crystal. An artefact of true light side power, only those Jedi who are pure in spirit can wield a lightsaber equipped with this gleaming white gem. When the great Jedi Ood Bnar initiated his life-cycle change after a thousand years serving the Jedi Order, he bequeathed the Solari Crystal to his most promising student, a young female Jedi named Shaela Nuur. When Shaela disappeared shortly after the time of the Great Hunt, the Solari Crystal vanished with her.

                Effects : +1D Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +1D Energy Damage, +1D+2 Physical Damage vs Dark Side.



                Strangely, this crystal is usually encountered scattered in the orbit of primarily forest worlds. It is brittle but versatile, and a Master Jedi can get it to produce many effects.

                Effects : +1D Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +1D+2 Energy Damage.




Special Focussing Crystals


Heart of the Guardian (Colour: Orange, Base Damage: 5D)

            Though its origins have been lost, the legendary artefact known as the heart of the Guardian was rumoured to have been instrumental in the founding of the guardian order of the Jedi. Nothing further is mentioned in any Jedi archive, but both Sith and Jedi whisper their own legends. According to the Jedi, the Heart will appear in a time of greatest turmoil and deliver the galaxy into salvation. The Sith, however, believe it to be an object of their heritage, which with bring the galaxy under their dominion.

            The Heart of the Guardian appears to be a magnificently shaped lightsaber crystal of unknown composition. Analysis by Suvam Tan has yielded inconclusive results, not being able to identify what mineral it is made of. Suvam has even begun to wonder if it is a normal crystal at all, for at times it almost seems as if it were alive.

All known lightsaber crystals seem to have a strange resonance with the Heart of the Guardian, their properties being altered or enhanced when in close proximity to it. Additionally, energy focussed through the heart results in a beam of unique clarity and colour.

            The Alternative effects for each Power Crystal when coupled with the Heart of the Guardian are as follows.



                Effects : 4D Stun Effect for 2 rounds in addition to other damage.


                Effects : +1D Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +2 Pips Energy Damage.


                Effects : +1D Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +1D Energy Damage.


                Effects : +1D Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +3D Ion Damage (added to damage against electronics).


                Effects : +2 Pips Energy Damage, +2D+1 Parry Skill with this weapon, +1 Pip Dexterity while this weapon is in hand and activated.

Krayt Dragon Pearl

                Effects : +1D Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +1D+2 Energy Damage.


                Effects : +1D Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +2D Ion Damage (added to damage against electronics).


                Effects : +1 Pip Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +1 Pip Energy Damage.


                Effects : +2 Pips Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +1D Energy Damage, Roll 2 dice for each 6 you get on the Wild Die when rolling damage for this weapon instead of just re-rolling the Wild Die.


                Effects : +3D+1 Physical Damage.


                Effects : +2 Pips Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +2 Pips Energy Damage.


                Effects : +1D Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +1D+1 Energy Damage.


                Effects : +2 Pips Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +2D+2 Energy Damage.

Solari (can only be used by Light Side Jedi)

                Effects : +2 Pips Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +3D+1 Energy Damage, +1D+1 to Parry with this weapon.


                Effects : +1D+1 Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +2D Energy Damage.


Mantle of the Force (Colour: Sky Blue, Base Damage: 4D+2)

The Mantle of the Force is an item assembled by Suvam Tan from pieces found in the ruins of Exar Kun’s temples on the fourth moon orbiting Yavin. It appears to be the remains of an even older artefact of unknown origin. It is not known if it was used by Exar Kun, or just uncovered when his temples were destroyed. Nor is it known what the original properties of the item were, but given the current abilities, in its original state it must have been fearsome indeed.

            The Mantle is a crystalline lattice, resembling a lightsaber crystal in many ways, but having the property of being able to radically alter the flow of energy that passes through it. When combined with other crystals, the mantle warps their properties, often enhancing them to incredible levels.

            Additionally, the Mantle seems to act as a focussing tool for Force-sensitive individuals, leading to the idea that the original artefact may once have been a powerful tool of the Sith, or perhaps something they took with them when the dark Jedi originally split from the Order.

            The Alternative effects for each Power Crystal when coupled with the Mantle of the Force are as follows.



                Effects : 4D Stun Effect for 2 rounds in addition to other damage.


                Effects : +1 Pip Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +1 Pip Energy Damage, +2 Pips Force Skills while this weapon is activated and in hand.


                Effects : +1D Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +1D Energy Damage.


                Effects : +1D Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +3D Ion Damage (added to damage against electronics).


                Effects : +2 Pips Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +1D+2 to Parry with this weapon.

Krayt Dragon Pearl

                Effects : +1D+1 Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +1D to Parry with this weapon.


                Effects : +1D Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +2D Ion Damage (added to damage against electronics).


                Effects : +1 Pip Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +1 Pip Energy Damage.


                Effects : +2 Pips Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +1D Energy Damage, Roll 2 dice for each 6 you get on the Wild Die when rolling damage for this weapon instead of just re-rolling the Wild Die.


                Effects : +3D+1 Physical Damage.


                Effects : +1D Force Skills while weapon is activated and in hand.


                Effects : +1D Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +1D+1 Energy Damage.


                Effects : +2 Pips Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +2D+2 Energy Damage.

Solari (can only be used by Light Side Jedi)

                Effects : +1D+1 Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +2D+2 Energy Damage, +2D Energy Damage vs Dark Side.


                Effects : +2 Pips Lightsaber skill with this weapon, +1D Energy Damage, +2D+2 to Parry with this weapon.

Page designed in Notepad, logo`s done on Personal Paint on the Amiga.
Text completely by FreddyB, based on LucasArts "Knights of the Old Republic" computer game.
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.