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December/2016 UPDATES

27/December/2016 Posted by Freddy

Not sure what to say, just heard about the tragic death of Carrie Fisher taken from us far, far too young.
        There's not a lot more to say. She'll be missed, watched her only a couple of weeks ago on Stephen Colbert, and she was witty (as she always was), entertaining (as she always was) and just so vital and alive.
        There have been so many losses this year, many close to my heart, David Bowie, Prince, George Michael, Alan Rickman, Ron Glass, Robert Vaughn, Leonard Cohen, Gene Wilder, Anton Yelchin, Muhammad Ali, Steve Dillon and of course Kenny Baker. But Carrie Fisher's death just hurts a little more, and is the only one I've cried over.
        The weird thing is, we've got another movie ahead with her in, she'd finished her parts in Star Wars Episode 8, and next christmas she'll be with us one final time as Princess Leia. Thank you Carrie, thank you for being a wonderful part of so many of our lives.


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