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Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/sa Bomber (squadrons)

Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/sa Bomber (squadrons)
Arcadia (Green)

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Silya Shessaun (Human Representive)

Silya Shessaun (Human Representive)
Ace Kallisto (Human Thief)

Ace Kallisto (Human Thief)

March/2011 UPDATES

04/March/2011 Posted by Freddy

        Many great contributions this time, Simon Lucas has been reading the comments on his original Star Trek to Star Wars article he submitted, and has come back with Star Trek to Star Wars (Rev 02), brilliant work. And long time contributor to the site has come back with many more of his amazing character stats, with Wolffe (Clone Trooper Commander), Colt (Advanced Recon Commando), Levet (Clone Trooper Commander), Bacara (Advanced Recon Commando), Ponds (Clone Trooper Commander) and Advanced Recon Commandos all being added today.
        Will try my best to get something done myself in the next week. See you all soon.

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All text, HTML and logos done by FreddyB
Images stolen from an unknown website at some remote time in the past.
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