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October/2012 UPDATES

30/October/2012 Posted by Freddy

        I\'m guessing this will be everywhere, but what the hell, just in case you\'ve not seen it.

Global leader in high-quality family entertainment agrees to acquire world-renowned Lucasfilm Ltd, including legendary STAR WARS franchise.

Acquisition continues Disney\'s strategic focus on creating and monetizing the world\\\'s best branded content, innovative technology and global growth to drive long-term shareholder value.

Lucasfilm to join company\'s global portfolio of world class brands including Disney, ESPN, Pixar, Marvel and ABC.

STAR WARS: EPISODE 7 feature film targeted for release in 2015.

        Personally, I think this is pretty good news, although I was worried when Disney took over Marvel, they\'ve shown that it\'s safe in their hands (how good was The Avengers movie?), and I think Star Wars will be safe too. I\'m actually really interested to see what happens next, the talk by George Lucas on this announcement of handing over treatments for Star Wars 7, 8 and 9, other movies, and working with the numerous books, etc, sounds pretty darn good to me (anyone fancy the Thrawn trilogy done as animated movies, the way DC has done Dark Knight Returns?).

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15/October/2012 Posted by HellStormer1

Apologies for the last update and nothing to show yet.  It seems every time I start a project, things come up.  I have notes and info jotted down for Razor\'s Edge, but have no idea when I\'ll get it finished.  I took the last update down because I\'d hoped to have it done by now, or at least have something to post.  But it\'s started, and if it takes longer, it\'ll be better anyways.  Again apologies to everyone.

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