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02/December/2019 Posted by Freddy

Retro RPG: The Monstrous Manual, vs the Monster Manual, vs the Creature Collection

        This time rather than work my way through each individually, and pore over endless pictures of monsters, I've decided to compare the 2nd Edition AD&D Monstrous Manual, the D&D 3e Monster Manual, and the Sword and Sorcery Creature Collection for 3e.

        The Monstrous Manual: Need a monster? Look inside, where more than 300 new pieces of full color art show what the monsters really look like!
        This book contains more than 600 monsters, including all the creatures from the Monstrous Compendium Volumes 1 and 2! In addition, there are monsters from the other Monstrous Compendium Volumes, and some creatures never seen in the second edition AD&D Game before.
        Entries have been reorganized, corrected, updated, and fully cross-referenced, to make this the most valuable monster reference ever!

        The Monster Manual: From the mundane to the magical, from the meek to the mighty, the Monster Manual brings the monsters of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game to life with statistics, descriptions, full-color illustrations, and player character information. This book is essential for every Dungeon Master who wants to keep players on their toes!

        The Creature Collection: Here There Be MONSTERS! From the horrible Wrack Dragons to the intoxicating Brewer Gnomes, from the collossal Mithril Golem to the tiny Bottle Imp; here is a host of new creatures for use in your 3rd edition campaign.
        COMPATIBLE WITH 3RD EDITION RULES. Sword and Sorcery books are published under the Open Gaming License and are 100% compatible with 3rd edition rules and the D20 System.

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