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20/December/2019 Posted by Freddy

Top 5: Best RPGs on the Sony Playstation Portable

        Welcome to this episode of RPGGamer Top 5s, and this time we're going to do the top 5 RPG's on the Sony Playstation Portable.
        The PlayStation Portable often referred to as the PSP is a handheld game console developed and marketed by Sony Computer Entertainment. It was first released in Japan on December 12, 2004, in North America on March 24, 2005, and in PAL regions on September 1, 2005, and is the first handheld installment in the PlayStation line of consoles. As a seventh generation console, the PSP primarily competed with the Nintendo DS.
        The PlayStation Portable uses the common "bar" form factor. with the front of the console being dominated by the system's 4.3-inch LCD screen, which is capable of 480 × 272 pixel display resolution with 24-bit color, outperforming the Nintendo DS. Also on the unit's front are four PlayStation face buttons; the directional pad, the analog "nub", and several other buttons. The system also has two shoulder buttons with the back of the PSP featuring a read-only Universal Media Disc (UMD) drive for access to movies and games.

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