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Rockhopper View Update

10/January/2020 Posted by Freddy

Top Five: Star Wars Movies

        Welcome to this episode of RPGGamer Top 5s, and this time we're going to do the top 5 Star Wars Movies.
        So with a new Star Wars movie out at the cinema, and The Mandalorian series conquering all the Meme's, we thought we'd have a popular poll and see what people thought were the best Star Wars movies. Because the fanbase have proven so rational and contemplative that we can calmly discuss such a topic without anyone getting insulting or argumentative.
        Star Wars has three eras, the originals, which although classics are now beginning to look a little dates, the prequels which were badly received at the time, but now are the Star Wars movies that many fans grew up with, and the Disney era, which many consider to have been the doom of the franchise by taking it away from George Lucas and letting some other movie makers have a play in his universe.
        Now the poll is of movies released in cinema's, so no Holiday Special here, and we stuck to the main live action movies, so the Ewok movies, Caravan of Courage and Battle for Endor were ignored too (even though I remember them being released in cinema's at the time), as was The Clone Wars animated movie. We just stuck to the nine parts of the three trilogies, and the two Star Wars Stories which were released. And, because I know people would ask, I'll run down the votes for every movie before we reach number one, so in reality this is a top 11.
        But it's one of our bigger polls where over 55,000 votes were cast, so there's obviously no way anyone could disagree with the results.

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