Well I've finished with Visions, but am absolutely floored by a cold (The BBC is calling it the "worst cold ever", and I can't disagree), my son brought it into the house a week ago, and he's still suffering although I seem to be on the mend. So to tide over until I can get back into it, here's a couple of sets of stats which apparently I missed when doing Episodes 8 & 9, Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo (Human Resistance Officer), & Zorii Bliss (Human Pilot/Smuggler) added to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.
Reading through Holdo's backstory, she has an astounding range of skills, from imbedded agent with Crimson Dawn, legislator for The Empire, through to head of Bomber Command for the Resistance. I've tried to give her all that experience without making her overpowered, but I think that perhaps I should have just put her on a level with Han, Luke & Leia, with skills in the 10D+ range. Let me know what you think?