And we reach the "M"s and "N"s as we move through the characters of Star Wars: Episode 2: Attack of the Clones, although all of the "N"s are members of Padme Amidala's family, the Naberries. Anyway, today we've added Magaloof (Leffingite Criminal/Driver), Shu Mai (Gossam Commerce Guild Presidente), Achk Med-Beq (Human Confidence Trickster), Cat Miin (Gossam Political Aide), Jobal Naberrie (nee Thule) (Human Naboo Civilian), Pooja Naberrie (Human Naboo Child), Ruwee Naberrie (Human Naboo Civilian), Ryoo Naberrie (Human Naboo Child), & Sola Naberrie (Human Naboo Civilian) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.
I've mentioned that I'm thinking about starting a Naboo based campaign when I finish off my current Star Wars campaign, and I have to admit that writing up all the Naberries today has inspired me to weave them into the storyline as well. I wonder what other ideas will come up as I continue through these movies.