We're onto the "R"s, so obviously there's a whole load of R-series Astromechs to get through. In fact with those in the Jawa Sandcrawler, around Mos Eisley, on the Death Star, and manning Rebel Starfighters, I think that Star Wars: Episode 4: A New Hope is perhaps the movie with the most Astromechs of them all. Anyway, today I've added R1-G4 (Astromech Droid), R2-A3 (Rebel Astromech Droid), R2-A5 (Astromech Droid), R2-F2 (Rebel Astromech Droid), R2-Q2 (Imperial Astromech Droid), & R2-X2 (Rebel Astromech Droid) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.