Finishing off the "R"s today, and for the next two days I'll be posting my reviews of the first two episodes of the "Obi Wan Kenobi" series, before coming back to Star Wars: Episode 4: A New Hope and powering through to the end to hopefully synchronise with the end of the Obi Wan series. Anyway, today I've added Sardis Ramsin {TD-7556} (Human Stormtrooper), Rycar Ryjerd (Bimm Pilot/Smuggler), Elyhek Rue (Human Starfighter Pilot), Reegesk (Ranat Thief & Trader), Rrr-ur-R (Tusken Raider Bantha), & RR-uruurrr (Tusken Raider Animal Handler) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.