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05/August/2022 Posted by Freddy

        And the rest of the non-droid "R"s as we continue through the characters of Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. So today I've added Dak Ralter (Human Rebel Gunner/Pilot), Beryann Raleg (Human Rebel Pilot), Chief Retwin (Human Imperial Officer), Commander Tamizander Rey (Human Rebel Logistics Officer), & Ark Rutendo (Human Bespin Wing Guard) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.
        Now Wookieepedia listed another character as being in Empire Strikes Back, Ciena Ree, but when I read through her background I couldn't find where she appeared in the movie at all (although she is involved in the Battle of Endor, so will probably show up when I cover Return of the Jedi).


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