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Sa-Di (Human Dark Side Adept)

Sa-Di (Human Dark Side Adept) View Update

29/July/2024 Posted by HellStormer1

Transformers D6

Greetings everyone! Today we have two sets of character creation rules for making Transformers in Star Wars D6 rules. Both have rules for making altmodes, but one is "simple" and the other "advanced". Many people out there may disagree with what is presented here, like the scale of the characters and such. Please leave comments with your opions, as I see such statements as alternative rules options others may also want to read/hear and use for their own games. And if what is presented is missing something or needs better explaining, please leave comments and ask or let me know.

Cybertronians/Transformers (Simple Altmode Rules)

Cybertronians/Transformers (Advanced Altmode Rules)

Comments made about this Article!

30/Jul/2024 08:09:15 Posted by Freddy

Great stuff, and cheers for giving me a preview before you posted.
Really like the Altmode form, so you don't have to choose whether you spend experience on one form or another, both improve alongside each other.

30/Jul/2024 08:59:15 Posted by Hellstormer1

I had not thought of it that way, but yeah, doing it that way makes sense. Less hassle, keep it simple and fun (or, as simple as can be?). Thank ya Freddy. I did forget a few things before posting here, but added them in after. I think they’re complete. But if anyone points out something missing, or something to add, great, it’ll just make it better. Any who, now that these character creation rules exist, we have a framework for Transformers D6 stuff….Hmm….TF characters….

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