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29/July/2024 Posted by Freddy

        Onto the penultimate episode, The Acolyte: Season 1: Episode 7: Choice, and today I've added Aniseya (Human Witch), Eurus (Human Witch), Jaalyn (Human Witch), & Koril (Zabrak Witch) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.
        I've got a feeling that making these basically Jedi with special effects is going to be a bit of a controversial decision, although we see them Affect Mind, & Force Push and not much more, so giving them generic abilities seems like a way of fleshing them out without making them massively inferior to Jedi NPC's.
        Lots more to do from this episode so back tomorrow.


Comments made about this Article!

29/Jul/2024 16:26:11 Posted by catsi563

well truthfully thats what most of the non force users are in the RAW for such things

basically everything is the same force mechanics with a little more leeway in Light/darkside interpretation then the jedi and sith have

so honestly as a GM id do the same so youre fine with what you did in my opinion

30/Jul/2024 07:58:01 Posted by Freddy

Cheers for the support, much appreciated. It's just that I've been criticised for giving NPC's powers they never displayed, and the witches really didn't do much, so giving them an array of force powers made sense to me, since they're witches and should have some powers, but I'm waiting for someone to ask me where they displayed these powers.

02/Aug/2024 16:51:10 Posted by catsi563

i understand and if it helps from a game and fluff mechanic heres how id justify it

as a jedi or sith you start instruction with the basics breathing mediation physical and mental exercises

then you advance the training to sensing things "feeling the force" and eventually you advance to floating rocks and using the lightsaber and martial arts and weaving all of it together

it is very easy to see the witches and sages of some such and every other force using group doing basically the same thing in their training

breath little witch breath the thread in and feel its weight upon your shoulders and through the thread which connects all things you can influence the minds of the beasts and so on and so forth

so witches and sages and so on could easilly have access to all the powers jedi and sith do through the most basic of training and realization of what the force can do

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