Day three of Force Awakens week on RPGGamer, and today I decided to do Creatures, so have added Barghest, Steelpecker, Happabore, Rathtar and Nightwatcher worm to the Star Wars D/6 Characters/Creatures section of the site.
And no hero today, the villain of the movie, Kylo Ren (as of The Force Awakens). I've had to assume a bunch of powers for him, as he doesn't use many during the film. And I've had to work around the fact that there's no power in the game that allows a character to hold a blaster bolt in place (or until I put one up later in this week). As always, these are just my opinions, if yours differ, then let me know and we can work something out.
It's getting towards the middle of the week I decided to dedicate to The Force Awakens, and it's starting to look overly optimistic I'll be able to cover everything in just one week. The amount of work required to keep this up is massive, and I'm starting to think I was a total idiot to even attempt this. But I said I would, so I'm going to keep soldiering on. However, with 4 days left, and Weapons, Equipment, Minor NPC's, Droids, Planets and some Major Characters still to do, I don't think I'm going to get it all finished, unless I roll Weapons, Equipment and Droids into one massive daily update. We shall see how much of an idiot I was to attempt this in the next few days. . .