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24/December/2017 Posted by HellStormer1

So....I did up The Supremacy (Mega-class Star Dreadnought).  And if Freddy or anyone else is working on one, I hope you guys put them up here anyways.  Always nice to see different people's take on a thing.  More ships may come later.

So, yeah.  The Last Jedi.  No point in rehashing what innumerable reviewers have already said about it.  I have my opinion on it, just like everyone else.  But I'm also a starship-o-phile, and I love me some SHIPS!  And this movie has several.  So at least there's that.

BTW, speaking of ships, did you see that one really cool move Admiral Holdo did in the movie?  Yeah, explanation of how to do that in your Star Wars D6 games can be found in the write-up for the Supremacy, and if I get to the Raddus, I'll put it in there, too.  Might even make it its own separate thing on here somewhere, but not sure where to put it....hmm, "The Holdo Maneuver"...

[EDIT] Added the MC85 Star Cruiser, not as the Raddus but as a more "standard" New Republic ship.  [EDIT] And now we have The Raddus, and it's got options for some custom stuff, but also notes to run it more standard.  Take a look, and feel free to leave feedback.

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