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11/January/2018 Posted by HellStormer1

Finally.......we now have Snoke, Supreme Leader of the First Order, as well as his Praetorian Guard to guard his shnazzy throne room, both added in Characters D6, under Major Non-Player Character amd Non-Player Character, respectively. Along with the Guard, I also added their Praetorian Guard Armor, and the Guard's unique melee weapons, the Praetorian Guard Vibro-Voulge, the Praetorian Guard Vibro-Bisento, the Praetorian Guard Bilari Electro-Chain Whip, and the Praetorian Guard Double-Headed Vibro-Arbir Blade, all in Equipment D6 under Armour and Weapons, under The First Order title. I'm also posting this video I came across not too long ago that gave some extra details on the Praetorian Guard's armor and how it works.

[EDIT] After coming across the Acolytes of the Beyond, thought I'd do them up and add them in with Snoke and the bunch. Acolytes of the Beyond (Recruit), Acolytes of the Beyond (Brother), and Acolytes of the Beyond (Veteran), added to Characters D6, under Non-Player Characters. I hope to see further development of these guys in the lore over time.

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