A wee bundle of updates from the subject of yesterdays review, Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 4 Episode 7: Darkness on Umbara. Today I've added the Umbaran Militia Protective Suit,Umbaran Millicreep Assassin Droid and Umbaran blaster rifle to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment/Weapons Section, the Umbaran hover tank to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section, and the Umbaran starfighter to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.
While writing up the Umbaran Armour, I was reading up on Clone Trooper and Storm Trooper Armour and spotted a couple of things I'd never noticed before about the Standard set of Storm Trooper armour.
Firstly, it's described as "Although this armor provided less protection from blaster weapons than wartime Phase I and Phase II armor, it offered superior protection from the elements.", which puts a mockery to any stats I've made up for Clone Trooper Armour, as I've usually made them weaker, so there is an evolution from Clone Trooper Phase 1, through to First Order Storm Trooper Armour.
Secondly, "Other features of the armor included:" . . . "A personal energy shield for use during combat. This was specifically issued towards Stormtrooper commanders of particularly high value.", which came as hell of a shock to me, as I was totally unaware of Storm Troopers with force shields.
Guess I'll have to revisit the Storm Trooper Armour for new Stats sometime soon.