So, we're into Solo: A Star Wars Story Week on I've gone through all of the Vehicles and Starships there's information available for, either through Wookieepedia, or the Solo: A Star Wars Story Official Guide. So today I've added, the Trast Heavy Transports A-A4B landspeeder, the Mobquet Swoops and Speeders M-68 landspeeder, the Aratech Repulsor Company C-PH patrol speeder bike, the Arrogantus-X Skyblade-221 swoop bike, the Caelii-Merced Skyblade-330 Swoop bike, the Kuat Drive Yards 20-T Railcrawler conveyex transport and the All Terrain Defense Turret (AT-DT) to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section of the Site. And the Imperial Arrestor Cruiser, the Kuat Drive Yards Y-45 armored transport hauler, and the Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/rb heavy starfighter to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.
Now the obvious one missing from the above is the Millenium Falcon itself, but we'll come to that in the fullness of time.