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16/July/2018 Posted by Freddy

Star Wars RPG 1st Edition

        A wonderful article about the re-release of Star Wars 1st Edition over on Enworld, and I have to admit although I've owned the game since it came out, I have never played or GM'ed 1st Edition. It was 2nd Edition and 2nd Edition R+E we always played in our group, but I've been told that 1st had a number of features which were actually better than 2nd, but without playing the game I'm not in a good position to judge.

        In many ways the 1st Edition books were far better presented, and while for me the 2nd Edition R+E rulebook is a masterpiece, there definitely is something about the original which is more of a collectable and there's something fan more fanboy about it. Remembering the time it was released, when Star Wars was basically dead (in the Early 90's Star Wars was basically where Starship Troopers is now, there are a bunch of fans, and many remember it kindly, but it's years old and its credibility was ruined by cheap follow ups), this was something that treated it right and something fans could pick up and feel pride in.

        Anyway, let me know if you've any memories of 1st edition, and head on over and read Enworlds thoughts on the matter.


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