Hi, we've lost some data due to someone with the IP Address deleting the editorials and the latest update (as well as some of our stats), if anyone wants to suggest a fitting punishment, then please let me know. I've already contacted their ISP (TELEFONICA DE ESPANA) and asked them to kick him where it hurts.
Hacking can be fun, I've done some of it in the past, although have never deleted someone elses work to fuck things up for other people. Theres an easy way I can stop the site getting hacked, and thats to take it down completely. The site only costs me money, and costs me time, and hassle like this takes away from the fun.
Anyway, I'll re-add the missing two StarGate characters they deleted (Captain Elisabeth Campbell and Arvin Sloane) and the Star Wars Planet (Skye) as they're all stored elsewhere. My editorials are a stream of consciousness thing, so they're gone, but I was going to write another soon anyway (oh, Google cache seems to have at least one of them :))