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05/August/2008 Posted by Freddy

        Well back from my Hol's, and back to the updates. I'll try to change the poll within the next few days, but as usual when I say these things, I'll probably not get around to it :(. Anyway, continuing with the conversions to Star Wars, another few Babylon 5 vessels, I've added Minbari Federation "Sharlin" Class War Cruiser, Interstellar Alliance "Whitestar" Class Monitor and Interstellar Alliance "Victory" Class Destroyer.
        Something I noticed while doing these were the difference in crew levels between Babylon 5 and Star Wars, for example the Victory Class Destroyer is some 3 kilometers in length, and has a crew of a mere 600, compared to a vessel like the Nebulon-B Frigate, which is a tenth of its length at 300 meters, and needs 850 crew. I can only guess that the Babylon 5 systems are far more bulky, so the crew areas within their vessels are much smaller in comparison to the total size of the vessels, but if anyone else has any theories, then please let me know.
        I'll try to do something else next week rather than sticking with Babylon 5 until I've done it all.

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