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03/May/2019 Posted by Freddy

RPG Hints: Designing and Running a Star Wars RPG Campaign

        Today we're starting a long promised new series RPG Hints, with how to Gamesmaster a Star Wars RPG Campaign.
        In this series I'll walk you through . . .

  • Choosing one of the systems to play from the West End Games D6 System, Wizards of the Coasts D20 Saga Edition, right up to Fantasy Flight Games current version of the RPG. Choosing an era to play in, from the movies to the comics there's loads of time periods to play in, which are best?
  • Choosing a play style, are you going to play Plucky Rebels, Imperial Inquisitors, or Scum and Villainy?
  • Creating your campaign
  • Worldbuilding
  • Creating your cast of Non Player Characters.
  • The make up of your party
  • Writing star wars adventures
  • Gamesmastering Star Wars

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