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03/June/2019 Posted by Freddy

Retro RPG: Big Eyes, Small Mouth (BESM)

        Big Eyes, Small Mouth is a tabletop role-playing game that was designed to simulate the action of anime and manga. It is frequently referred to by the acronym BESM. The title alludes to the common anime drawing style of characters with huge, expressive eyes and comparatively small mouths.
        The initial edition, designed by Mark C. MacKinnon, was released by Guardians of Order in 1997. Soon after that, RPG writer David L. Pulver began writing supplements for what was essentially a fairly simple game, adding a detailed system for the creation of mecha with his book Big Robots, Cool Starships. Skills were added with the next supplement, a genre book called Hot Rods & Gun Bunnies. At the same time MacKinnon and his colleagues were using BESM's system (now referred to as "the Tri-Stat System") as the basis for licensed games based on anime properties such as Sailor Moon, Dominion: Tank Police, Demon City Shinjuku and Tenchi Muyo! All of these innovations were incorporated into a second edition, which was released in 2001 to a very strong reception.

Comments made about this Article!

04/Jun/2019 17:49:17 Posted by Catsi563

Lots of fun to be had with BESM and tristat since it basically covers every genre of Anime out there and all the fave titles like Naruto Bleach DxD and so on and so forth.

09/Jun/2019 09:35:44 Posted by Freddy

I really found BESM to kick off the imagination, as you read through the game with a basic idea of a campaign (mine was about the players being police in a demon infested version of earth, Hellcops) you read each power and ability and see how it would fit into the campaign as Cybernetic enhancements or demonic powers or whatever.
Great to get the creative juices running, but difficult to get a campaign off the ground.

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