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12/July/2019 Posted by Freddy

Top Five: Star Wars Games of the 2000s

        Welcome to this episode of RPGGamer Top 5s, and this time we'd like to take a look at the top 5 Star Wars Video games which came out in the 2000's.
        The 2000's were an amazing time for Star Wars games, and this has been the most difficult of the lists to do, as everytime we thought we'd finished and began to render the video, we'd remember we'd forgotten something, so apologies to lovers of Empire at War, Starfighter, Rogue Squadron 2 + 3 and many others, we just remembered them too late. But, if they didn't pop into our minds, maybe they're just not memorable enough to get a spot on the list.
        Anyway, with that bombshell, lets get on with the list.

Comments made about this Article!

12/Jul/2019 19:38:40 Posted by Catsi563

for me one of the best is Star Wars Rebellion. Great RTS where you build for the entire galaxy planet by planet system by system till you either capture Coruscant and the Emperor and Darth Vader or you blast the rebel hq with the Death Star

12/Jul/2019 20:41:06 Posted by Freddy

That's a game I absolutely failed to get into, there's a copy sitting less than 2 feet from me at this very moment, but I haven't played it after a week or so after I bought it.
It seemed quite impressive, but it just didn't grab me.

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