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29/July/2019 Posted by Freddy

Retro RPG: The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen

        The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen was published by Hogshead Publishing in 1998 the first of what would later be called the company's "New Style" RPGs.
        It's a game where the players must tell extraordinary tales in the style of the boasts by the legendary Baron Munchausen filled with hilarous levels of exaggeration and impossible feats of derring do.
        In 2008, a 2nd edition was published by Magnum Opus Press. The first 1000 copies, called Gentleman's Edition, came out in a hardback deluxe format with a black leather effect cover with gold embossing, the rest of the print was published in softcover and was called the Wives' and Servants' Edition. A third, digital version, called the Difference Engine Number 3 Edition was available exclusively from E23, the digital store of Steve Jackson Games, and DriveThruRPG. All three editions are the same, except for one illustration which is only present in the Gentleman's Edition. The Wives' and Servants' Edition was reprinted in 2013.
        In 2016, Fantasy Flight Games released a new, third edition of the book in full color and with all-new artwork.

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