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09/August/2019 Posted by Freddy

Top Five: 8-Bit Gems from LucasFilm Games

        Welcome to this episode of RPGGamer Top 5s, and this time we're going to list the top 5 8Bit Gems by LucasFilm Games.
        Before they became LucasArts, the games division of Lucasfilm, was simply Lucasfilm Games, and long before they began producing numerous Star Wars games they produced some amazingly imaginitive and innovative games for the 8 Bit Atari and Commodore machines.
        Not content with simply producing versions of known genres, Lucasfilm Games pushed their own technologies and genre's, making some real gems of games which still stand out from the crowd.
        Many of these have faded away into history, almost forgotten. But some of the names behind these games are still making successful titles to this day based on the reputations they made back in the 1980's with Lucasfilm games.

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