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AdarFreight Incorporated:
   AdarFreight Incorporated is a division of the all-encompassing Adarian corporation (see Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens, Enemies and Allies for more details). AdarFreight operates primarily within the Conheav sector, but also to a certain degree within the neighbouring sectors. If a client wants something shipped outside this area then AdarFreight co-ordinates with other divisions of the Adarian corporation. AdarFreight is currently under the management of an Adarian known as Montolio. Montolio is the individual who gave AdarFreight its current name, since he felt that people within Conheav sector would be more willing to use a company which they could identify as being based within the sector, rather than a galaxy-spanning giant whose profits were all funnelled to a far-away world. To this end Montolio founded a local head office on Conheav Prime, started some public works programs within the sector (such as putting money towards such common concerns as affordable housing), and launched a massive advertising campaign. All of these things cost AdarFreight an enormous amount of money, and for 2 years AdarFreight operated with a deficit. Montolio was forced to come before the board of directors to explain himself a number of times. Eventually Montolio's gamble paid off. After all of the advertising citizens of Conheav came to associate the name AdarFreight with a company that cared about them. Slowly but surely AdarFreight's market share increased, and soon it was making record profits despite the massive amounts of money that continued to go into PR and public works.
    AdarFreight has recently negotiated a contract with Moff Lesbeat whereby AdarFreight has been awarded roughly 85% of all Imperial shipping within the sector. In return for this Lesbeat has purchased an Adarian Carbon Ice Drive for installation in one of his Star Destroyers (again see Galaxy Guide 12 for details) at greatly reduced prices. Lesbeat has an option to purchase more of the drives at similar prices in the future. The exact details of this contract are not known to the general public since Lesbeat has declared his experiments with the Carbon Ice Drive to be a military secret. What is known is that AdarFreight won a lucrative contract without being the shipping company to make the lowest bid. According to the press releases AdarFreight was chosen because of its proven ability to defend itself from pirates without Naval support, as well as because of the public works programs which AdarFreight is involved in. This is bunk, and the only factor which truly entered into Lesbeat's decision was the Carbon Ice Drive, although the official reasons given were a nice bonus.

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