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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: Old RepublicSubtype: TransportEra: ImperialCanon: No

Republic Modular Transport

The Republic deployed a wide variety of starship variations throughout
its extensive history ranging greatly in both design and purpose. The
inter-stellar space carrier vehicle (ISSCV) or modular transport as the
crewers liked to refer to it, was one of the more versatile designs to
be introduced shortly before the rise of the Galactic Empire.

The ISSCV is a modular vessel consisting of a basic flight frame mounting
the main ion drives and the cockpit. This frame is capable of successfully
and adequately mounting either a standardized cargo or passenger pod,
depending upon the mission.

The cargo pod is a simple affair, nothing more than an armored box capable
of storing up to 35 metric tons of cargo. During the height of the Clone
Wars the ISSCV was commonly found making light supply runs, especially
combat starships performing missions too valuable to pull away for a pit
stop at a supply depot.

The passenger pod turns a harmless ISSCV into a light troop transport
complete with side-mounted blaster cannons for use both in space and in
an atmosphere. The side-mounted blasters are simple in design and anyone
with basic training in starship gunnery can easily handle one. The troops
carried on board are usually responsible for manning these weapons in the
case of an attack or for laying down covering fire during a landing.

The ISSCV maneuvers exceptionally well through the use of four ion drives,
two of which mounted at the rear of the vessel (the main drives) and the
other two mounted near the front on rotating mounts capable of rotating
the engines up to 270 degrees.

While the ISSCVs had their use, it was a rare site to find any of them
attached to any cruisers or carriers on the front lines. Typically they
worked independent of larger starships from a space station or planetary

Craft: Aero-Tech Space Division's ISSCV
Type: Multi-purpose military transport
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 30.1 meters
Skill: Space transports: ISSCV
Crew: 2; skeleton: 1/+15
Crew Skill: Space transports 4D, starship gunnery 4D
Passengers: 0 (cargo pod), 24 (passenger pod)
Cargo Capacity: 250 kilograms (passenger pod), 35 metric tons (cargo pod)
Consumables: 1 week
Cost: Not available for sale
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x16
Nav Computer: Limited to 2 jumps
Maneuverability: 1D
Space: 6
Atmosphere: 280; 800 kmh
Hull: 3D+2
        Passive: 30/1D+1
        Scan: 50/2D
        Search: 70/3D
        Focus: 2/3D+1
Weapons (passenger pod only):
2 Blaster Cannons
        Fire Arc: 1 left, 1 right
        Skill: Starship gunnery
        Crew: 1
        Fire Control: 2D
        Space Range: 1-3/7/36
        Atmosphere Range: 100-300/700/3.6 km
        Damage: 2D

Comments made about this Article!

17/Apr/2016 02:36:41 Posted by {}

Is this site abandoned

22/Apr/2016 23:34:34 Posted by Freddy {}


Spent a lot of time fighting off hackers in recent months. Would be nicer if I was allowed to spend the time on content instead.

I don't play d6 anymore, so not sure what I'm going to do with the site next.

18/May/2016 03:06:11 Posted by Simon {}

It's alive...IT'S ALIVE! IT'S ALIVE! Mwhahahahahahaha!!!!

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