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Goliath Lifter Labor Droid

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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: Galactic EmpireSubtype: DROIDSEra: New RepublicCanon: EU

Name: Arakyd Industries Hunter-Killer Probot
        Dodge 5D
        Bureaucracy 3D. Law Enforcement 4D
        Capital Ship Gunnery 6D, Capital Ship Shields 5D, Sensors 5D
        Search 5D

Scale: Capital
Size: 150 meters tall
Cost: 165,000 credits
Space: 3
Atmosphere: 105; 300KMH
Shields: 1D
Hull: 4D
Equipped With:
        * 4 heavy grasping extensors (+2D to lifting)
        * 4 fine work grasping extensors
        * Advanced sensor array:
                Passive: 40/2D
                Scan: 80/2D+2
                Search: 100/3D+1
                Focus: 5/4D+2
        * Capture system including:
                One Tractor Beam Projector
                        Fire Arc: Front
                        Space Range: 1-5/15/30
                        Atmosphere Range: 100-500/1.5/3KM
                        Damage: 5D
                        * Internal secure chamber. Large enough to hold a light freighter (30 meters by 30 meters by 10 meters tall).
        Two Quad Blaster cannons (fire-linked)
                Fire Arc: Turret
                Skill: Starship gunnery
                Space Range: 1-5/10/17
                Atmosphere Range: 100-500/1/1.7KM
                Damage: 4D+1
        Two Ion Cannon
                Fire Arc: Turret
                Skill: Starship gunnery
                Space Range: 1-3/7/36
                Atmosphere Range: 100-300/700/3.6KM
                Damage: 4D

Description: The Hunter-Killer probot, also known as the H-K probot, was a bizarre evolution of the more common Viper probe droid. Produced by Arakyd Laboratories, they were commonly used as autonomous patrol vehicles near Imperial worlds.

Shaped roughly like its design predecessor, the Hunter-Killer was a technological monstrosity scaled up to capital ship-size. The interior of each droid was designed to be a detainment platform for captured starships, with tractor beam projectors covering the droid's outer hull, ready to drag wayward ships into one of several internal docking bays.

Following capture, prisoners would be held inside the droid, until the Imperial officer in charge was notified of the capture and had determined the appropriate course of action. They were often used with Imperial Customs Frigates and Guardian-class patrol ships.

However, like capital-ships, it possessed a design flaw: Someone imprisoned could gain access and hijack a Hunter-Killer probot via its control room and thus it creates the risk of it turning against the Empire.

After the Viper probe droids proved successful at locating Rebel bases, Arakyd gambled by producing a massive 150 meter droid. The H-K found great favor in the Empire, used to capture smugglers and Rebel ships.

A number of Hunter-Killers were stationed around Byss after Palpatine's return. A notable flaw in the design was exploited when a smuggler being held inside an H-K broke into the control room, and took control of the droid.

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