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Section of Site: Droids D6Belongs to Faction: Confederacy of Independent SystemsSubtype: DROIDSEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Name: Arakyd Industries Ringneck Recon Droid
Manufacturer: Arakyd Industries
Model: Ringneck recon droid
Class: Probe droid
Height: >1 meter
Sensor color: Red and black
Plating color: Gray or black
Armament: Blaster (1 or 2)
Affiliation: Confederacy of Independent Systems, Galactic Empire

Dexterity: 2D
         Blaster 4D, Dodge 4D
Knowledge: 1D
Mechanical: 2D
Perception: 4D
         Search 5D, Search; Tracking 6D
Strength: 3D
Technical: 1D

Equipped with:
         Repulsorlift Drive
         Human Range Optical and Audio Sensors
         Telescopic and Microscopic Optical Sensors
         Audio Discrimination and Extended Range Audio Sensors
         Self Destruct Mechanism
         Simple Vocabulator (Droidspeak only)
         Blaster cannons (2) (Damage: 4D)
         Manipulator and Mobility Limbs (4)

Move: 15 (Flying) / 10 (Walking)
Cost: 10,000 (new); 4,000 (used)

Description: The Ringneck recon droid, also known as the Separatist probe droid, was a model of probe droid manufactured by Arakyd Industries. It was used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. It came in varying sizes, one of the most feared variants which protected the Separatist stronghold on Lola Sayu.

The Separatist probe droid was manufactured by Arakyd Industries. It came in a variety of sizes.

One of the most feared variants was the Viper recon droid, also known as the Ringneck recon droid, which was over 1.65 meters in height. It sported a large, bulbous central photoreceptor alongside several smaller ones that dotted the probe droid's main body. The droid was used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars against the Galactic Republic. The Republic's successor state, the Galactic Empire, in turn deployed the droid against the Spectres group of rebels on Lothal.

Another variant was a small probe droid model with a main, contractable photoreceptor installed on its body. The model was also used by the Confederacy during the Clone Wars.

On the planet Maridun, its newly-arrived Separatist command center deployed small Separatist probe droids during Lok Durd's expedition to the world for the experimentation of his defoliator superweapon.

At the Citadel on Lola Sayu, the smaller variant was deployed by the Separatists alongside larger Ringneck recon droids.

After the Battle of Dathomir, another smaller variant on Dathomir observed Morgan Elsbeth, Nali, and two witches of the Mountain Clan search for weapons.

In the Imperial Era, the droid was used by the Galactic Empire on its occupied world of Lothal. There, the probe droid patrolled Imperial installations alongside the smaller sentry droids and TIE fighters.

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