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Tarn Mison (Human Rebel Pilot)

Tarn Mison (Human Rebel Pilot)
Acolytes of the Beyond (Recruit)

Acolytes of the Beyond (Recruit)

Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: CapitalEra: New RepublicCanon: No


Craft: Corellian Engineering Corporation/Nubia Star Drives Legacy-class Star Defender
Type: Super Star Destroyer/Star Defender
Scale: Capital
-Length: 9,990m
Skill: Capital ship piloting: Legacy star defender
Crew: 100,000 (uses extensive slave rigging)
-gunners: 1,151
-skeleton: 5,000/+15
Crew Skill: Astrogation 5D+2, capital ship gunnery 6D, capital ship piloting 5D+2, capital ship shields 5D, communications 4D+1, sensors 5D
Passengers: 5,000 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 300,000 metric tons
Consumables: 6 years
Cost: N/A
Hyperdrive: x1.75 (Backup: x10)
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 0D
-Space: 3
Hull: 11D
-Shields: 9D
   Passive: 75/1D+2
   Scan: 150/3D+2
   Search: 300/5D
   Focus: 8/6D+2

-6 starfighter wings (3-5 squadrons per wing, as needed)

   125 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (of 8 cannons)
      Location: Scattered about the hull
      Fire Arc:
       -25 front
       -50 right
       -50 left
      Crew: 3
      Skill: Capital ship gunnery
      Scale: Capital
      Fire Control: 1D
      Space Range: 5-20/40/60
      Atmosphere Range: 10-20/80/120km
      Damage: 10D
      Ammo: N/A
      Rate of Fire: 1/2

   125 Turbolaser Batteries (of 8 cannons)
      Location: Scattered about the hull
      Fire Arc:
       -25 front
       -40 right
       -40 left
       -20 back
      Crew: 3
      Skill: Capital ship gunnery
      Scale: Capital
      Fire Control: 2D
      Space Range: 3-15/35/75
      Atmosphere Range: 6-30/70/150km
      Damage: 7D
      Ammo: N/A
      Rate of Fire: 1/2

   125 Ion Cannons
      Location: Scattered about the hull
      Fire Arc:
       -50 front
       -25 right
       -25 left
       -25 back
      Crew: 1 (50), 2 (50), 4 (25)
      Skill: Capital ship gunnery
      Scale: Capital
      Fire Control: 1D
      Space Range: 1-10/25/50
      Atmosphere Range: 2-20/50/100km
      Damage: 4D
      Ammo: N/A
      Rate of Fire: 1

   125 Concussion Missile Tubes
      Location: Scattered about the hull
      Fire Arc:
       -25 front
       -40 right
       -40 left
       -20 back
      Crew: 1
      Skill: Capital ship gunnery
      Scale: Capital
      Fire Control: 2D
      Space Range: 2-12/30/60
      Atmosphere Range: 4-24/60/120km
      Damage: 9D
      Ammo: 30 missiles per tube
      Rate of Fire: 1

   20 Tractor Beam Projectors
      Location: Scattered about the hull
      Fire Arc:
       -10 front
       -5 right
       -5 left
      Crew: 1
      Skill: Capital ship gunnery
      Scale: Capital
      Fire Control: 4D
      Space Range: 1-5/15/30
      Atmosphere Range: 2-10/30/60km
      Damage: 9D
      Ammo: N/A
      Rate of Fire: 1

   6 Gravity Well Projectors
      Location: Built within the hull
      Fire Arc: "Turret"
      Crew: 1
      Skill: Capital ship gunnery
      Scale: Capital
      Fire Control: 6D
      Space Range: 1-5/75/150
      Damage: N/A (blocks hyperspace travel)
      Ammo: N/A
      Rate of Fire: N/A

   After the Battle of Endor, the Alliance to Restore the Republic (Rebel Alliance) quickly changed its title to that of New Republic and instantly took to the political venue needed to run a government.  Many in the Rebel Fleet were not comfortable with this fast-paced transition, and instead of meeting the changes needed to become the New Republic Defense Fleet, these soldiers, rebels to their deep core, simply returned to their previous lives if they could, un aligned with any military or givernment force.  Many others still had answered the call and could not simply let it go, and felt that the battle was far from over.  One such force, the Bloodstripe Battle Group, felt as such.

   Taking their resources and "retreating" to a distant sector in the Outer Rim territories, these true rebels at heart established the Bloodstripe Confederation with the inhabitants and government of this region, awaiting the day when the New Republic would fall to the same self-interest that befell the Republic of Old, and ready to take up arms once again and fight for their freedom, vowing to never be taken off guard as they had with Emperor Palpatine and his regime.

   After many long years, some in the Confederation's higher echelons felt this threat would never come.  Yet, because of the choices they had made, the Bloodstripes had become responsible for the sector of space that took them in and gave them a new home for their forces, also wanting and needing their protection, sharing their hate of the Empire and fears of the New Republic.  This had eventually led to their blending with the politics that governed the sector, but they were pleased with this as the Bloodstripes had a say in how things were done, with the local governments openly accepting them and showing they had few secrets to hide.

   Eventually, they had at their disposal a full fleet, pulling their resources and gaining funding to properly train a permanent military force.  In the years to come, the governments of the sector unified into the Bloodstripe Confederation, taking the Rebel battle group's title as the name of the region of space they defended.  This resulted in a more efficient economy, which led to a better, stronger military, and more ships to build a true sector defense force.

   The crowning achievement of this defense force was the Legacy-class Star Defender, a variation of the well-known super star destroyers that the Empire had used in their great warmachine.  When considering how to go about building a great ship for their fleet to carry their ideals through the stars, the old Bloodstripe commanders desided to show any enemies they encountered that they meant business.  They obtained the deck plans for the Executor-class super star destroyers, the most feared vessels in the empire's regime below the Death Stars themselves, and modified these plans for a different weapons layout.  Relying on the shear size of the ship to instill awe and fear in opponents, they then lengthened the hull to make room for extra equipment, such as six gravity well projectors.  These would ensure that anyone trying to get away from the massive ship would not be able to, enhancing the chances that the Legacy-class and their crews could capture people with information they might need, and lessoning the risk of spies and informants getting away with tactical knowledge of the Legacy or the Bloodstripe Confederation in general.  The ships would have half the firepower of the Executor-class, but this was hardly a concern.  The Confederation had plenty of support vessels for the Legacy-class, and what they could still bring to bear would still be more than a match for anything save another star defender or super star destroyer.

   As the years went on, very few Legacy-class vessels were ever produced.  The threat that the Bloodstripes had feared never surfaced, with what few conflicts sprouting up in the galaxy being handled by the New Republic, wether they be from without or within.  After Borsk Fey'lya took the seat as the Chief of State for the New Republic, all of this changed drastically.  Borsk's policies had very powerful negative affects on the Bloodstripe Confederation and its citizens and politicians alike.  The old military commanders of the original Bloodtsripe battle group from the Rebellion days were called back to serve the Confederation government they had helped establish many years ago, to ready the sector yet again for the old threats of a New Republic gone astray, that might some day come knocking at their front door for subjugation.  And so they readied their forces, even gaining funding for new Legacy-class vessels to be constructed.

   By 25 ABY, the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy.  Borsk Fey'lya's New Republic was obviously ill-suited to handle the threat, leaving many worlds and sectors to defend themselves against the horrid invaders from beyond the galaxy.  Allowing space in Confederation territory for branches of Corellian Engineering Corporation to work alongside the Nubia Star Drives ship yards, the Bloodstripe Confederation had their most powerful ships built under within their own space, under private contract with some of the bets ship-builders in the galaxy.  When the Yuuzhan Vong came knocking at their front doors, they were ready to fight back, having already spent years beforehand preparing for an invasion anyways.

   Those Vong never knew what hit them...

   By 27 ABY, when the New Republic was restructured under Chief of State Cal Omas into the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, the Bloodstripes went to war again, ready to bring the fight on to the Yuuzhan Vong, fighting for their freedom once again.

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