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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: EQUIPMENTEra: Old RepublicCanon: EU


   The Chiss, having been isolated from galactic society for millenia, developed different weapons technologies than what became the galactic standard throughout the Old Republic, Galactic Empire and New Republic.  One example is their standard choice of weapon system to disable other ships, the Shock Net.  Not having discovered ion weapons technology, the shock nets were still very useful in their own ways, and could even be deployed as traps like a mine, catching unwary ships who would pass through an expected area of space and become caught in the nets, long enough for CEDF fighters to hit them hard and fast, taking them out in quick order.  Even after the Empire of the Hand and Chiss Expansionary Defense Force began using Imperial weapons technologies, the shock nets still had their uses in Chiss warfare.

Model: Chiss Expansionary Defense Force Shock Net
Type: Ship Disabling Weapon System
Scale: Starfighter or Capital
Skill: Starship or Capital ship gunnery
-Launcher (Starfighter): 2,800 (includes 8-missile rack of shock nets)
--Replacement Missile: 650
-Launcher (Capital): 26,000 (includes 6-missile rack of shock nets)
--Replacement Missile: 6,000
Availability: 3, R
--Space: 1/3/7
--Atmosphere: 50-100/300/700m
--Space: 1-3/12/24
--Atmosphere: 100-300/1.2/2.4km
Damage: 6D (Starfighter and Capital)
Game Notes:
   Shock Nets are launched by missile at a target, then unfurl in a net-shaped swathe of highly charged gossamer material.  When it hits a ship it discharges, causing damage like an ion weapon and affecting the ship as usual on the Vehicle/Starship Damage Table.  When unfurled, the nets are a kilometer wide, requiring the pilot to make a defensive dodge roll against the roll to hit their ship at +5 to the Difficulty of the roll.  They are also easier to conceal in a ship than an ion weapon, at -1 to the Difficulty to do so.  Also, because shock nets have a physical component, they are resisted if a ship is using shields.  However, the shock net's damage is inflicted upon the shields first, like an ion weapon.  If and when the shields are lost, the damage is then inflicted against the hull dice of the target ship, again like an ion weapon.  This is done against shield and hull dice separately, not together.  Also, if a target ship's crew is canny enough, they could attempt to shoot the shock net missile out of the sky before it reaches them and unfurls.  If the STARFIGHTER version of the shock nets are used, they still unfurl ina kilometer area but have less charge than their capital scale equivalent.  When fire-linked, the Difficulty to Piloting skills to dodge the shock nets are +10 instead of +5, but no further as the nets will begin to get in each other's way when unfurling.

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