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Micahs father (Human Villager)

Micahs father (Human Villager)
Industrial Automaton ASP-series Labor droid

Industrial Automaton ASP-series Labor droid

Cylon Centurion

Cylon Centurion

Section of Site: Vehicles D20Belongs to Faction: Galactic EmpireSubtype: RepulsorliftEra: ImperialCanon: No

Compact Assault Vehicle, Field Modified

Tanks need to be supported by artillery, and the only means of keeping artillery up with fast moving repulsortanks is to mount them on the chassis of older-generation tracked vehicles. With a few field modifications to vehicles such as the CAVs, artillery can become highly mobilized.

Craft: Imperial Compact Assault Vehicle, Field Modified
Class: Speeder [Tracked]
Size: Huge (6 m long)
Passangers: 1 (communications officer)
Cargo Capacity: 25 kg
Speed: 90 m
Max Velocity: 260 km/h
Cost: Not available for sale
Crew: 1 (Normal +2)
Initiative: +0 (-2 size, +2 crew)
Maneuver: +0 (-2 size, +2 crew)
Defense: 13* (-2 size, +5 armor)
Shield Points: 0
Hull Points: 35 (DR 5)
*Provides full cover to crew and passanger.
  88mm S-5 Artillery Field Gun
    Fire Arc: Front
    Attack Bonus: -1 (-2 size, +1 fire control)
    Damage: 4d10
    Range Increments: 300 m (16 m)
  Medium Repeating Blaster
    Fire Arc: Front
    Attack Bonus: -2 (-2 size, +0 fire control)
    Damage: 4d8
    Range Increments: 50 m

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