The Conheav System
System Datafile:
System: Conheav
Star: Con (yellow)
Orbital Bodies:
Name Planet Type Moons
Atad Hot terrestrial 1
Rangeo Hot terrestrial 0
Ledoub Barren terrestrial 2
Conheav Temperate terrestrial 1
Ransorn Gas giant 7
Kasnac Ice ball 0
Capsule: The Conheav system is home to the capital of Conheav sector, the planet Conheav, also known as Conheav Prime. This was chosen as the sector capital due to it's pleasant climate, moderately rich resources, and central location. Aside from Conheav Prime, the Conheav system is fairly unremarkable. The inner 3 planets are all home to minor mining operations, but nothing exceptionally profitable. In fact, if not for the fact that there was another reason (ie. Conheav Prime) for being in the system the planets would hardly be considered worth mining. Ransorn, the only gas giant, has very few useful gases in its atmosphere, certainly not enough to support any type of gas mining operation. Kasnac, the outer planet, is realy no more than an exceptionally large comet that has been caught in a planetary-type orbit. Kasnac is home to a powerful subspace signal amplifyer in order to facilitate comunications with the sector capital, but is otherwise completely ignored.
Conheav Prime
Type: Temperate Terrestrial
Temperature: Temperate
Atmosphere: Type I
Hydrosphere: Moderate
Gravity: Standard
Terrain: Urban, plains, mountains
Length of day: 29 standard hours
Length of year: 250 local days
Sapient species: Humans
Starport: Imperial class
Population: 2 billion
Planet Function: sector capital, maufacturing, trade
Government: Imperial
Tech Level: space
Major Exports: Manufactured goods
Major Imports: Raw materials
Capsule: Conheav Prime is the capital of Conheav sector, and as such is a major trade and corporate center. Basically, the movers and shakers of the sector do their moving and shaking here. The biggest city on the planet, Greahun, is the home of both the headquarters of the Imperial government and military in the sector. As such, it has also become the home of many large corporations. Conheav Prime is home to many manufacturing plants owned by the massive companies that are based here. Almost all of the starship traffic in the system goes through one of Greahun's 5 Imperial-class starports. A typical day will see hundreds of bulk freighters landing and taking off on the planet. Due to this massive amount of traffic, new arrivals in the system are put into a holding pattern just outside the defensive perimeter untill they can land. Landing procedure is very strict, and no ship is allowed to land without using the automated system that is in place. As the seat of Imperial power in the sector the planet is very well defended, doubly so because of the orbital shipyards and naval base near the moon. These shipyards are actually several seperate yards owned by Kuat Drive Yards and Sienar Fleet Systems, amongst other smaller starship manufacturers. The bulk of these shipyards are given over to the lucrative, and highly important task of servicing naval vessels, and producing more military ships. Each of the shipyards maintains a private security force as defense, with corvette-class ships being the largest craft used. These private forces are ostensibly to protect against possible raids by pirates or rebels, but in practice they are used to prevent sabotage of the shipyards by rivals. The real defense of the system is given over to the sizable force that the Imperial Navy maintains here. In addition to the many capital ships and starfighters that will be stationed around Conheav Prime, and on patrol around the system at any one time, there is a perimeter of Golan defense platforms surrounding the planet and the orbital facilities, placed so that their fields of fire just barely overlap. The moon itself, which maintains an unusual geosynchronous orbit, houses a large customs base which is the headquarters for all of the customs vessels in the sector. At any one time dozens of customs ships, up to the size of corvettes, will be in the system, either on patrol, or in the customs facitilty's massive hangers. According to Moff Lesbeat's mandates, these customs craft stand ready to assist any naval actions should it become necessary. This has essentially put Imperial customs at the disposal of the navy, a fact which has not endeared Lesbeat to the higher echelons of customs, but which has recieved widespread support amongst the military.