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Section of Site: Races D6Belongs to Faction: TransformersSubtype: Era: Canon: Crossover

By Hellstormer1

   The Transformers (Cybertronus cybertronii) are a species of sentient, living robotic beings (mostly) originating from the distant machine world of Cybertron. The stories of their lives, their histories, and most especially their wars have been chronicled across many different continuities in the vast multiverse.

   The designation "Transformer" stems from the species' generally-shared ability to transform, to change their bodies at will, rearranging their component parts from a robotic primary mode (usually, but not always, humanoid) into an alternate form; generally vehicles, weapons, machinery, or animals. In some continuities this ability to transform is innate to all members of the species, in others it was a wartime innovation that was adopted by most, but not all, of the populace.

   While this species is commonly known throughout the galaxy as "Transformers", the technical term for these beings is Cybertronians, which they generally use to refer to themselves. Other, less-frequently used terms to refer to beings from Cybertron include Cybertronic or simply Cybertron.

[NOTE: This write-up uses the rules from the Star Wars Roleplaying Game Revised & Expanded, as well as the REUP version for rules references.  Also worth mentioning, these character creation rules may seem complicated at first.  Once the altmode is figured out, just pay attention the the Special Abilities, and everything else for Cybertronian characters "should" work out just fine.]


01-Species Attributes
-----Special Abilities
-------Mechanoid Lifeforms
---------Force Sensitive/Skills/Powers
---------Dark Side Points
---------Combat, Injury, and Healing vs Repair
---------Natural Armor
---------Tech Level
---------Vulnerability (Ion Weapons)
-------Stasis Lock
02-Altmode Creation Rules
-----Advanced Altmode Rules
-------Altmode Piloting
-------Altmode Speed
-------Altmode Weapons
---------Weapon Damage
---------Weapon Range
---------Weapon Fire Arc
---------Multiple Weapons
---------Missiles And Ammunition
---------Weapon Fire Control
-------Altmode Passengers And Cargo
-------Altmode Sensors
-------Vehicle Stat Block
-------Altmode Types
---------Vehicle Altmodes
-------------Space Flight
-------------Interstellar Flight
---------Static (Stationary) Altmodes
---------Beast Altmodes
-----------Ground Beast
-----------Flying Beast
-----------Metal Beast
-----------Flesh Beast
---------Alt-Bot Modes
---------Altmode Functions
-----------Equipment Set
-------------Communications Gear
-------------Jamming Device
-------------Weapons Platform
---------Altmodes And Scale Difference
---------Examples Of Altmodes
-----------Hand-Held Weapon
03-Movement Speed Chart
04-Rules Companion Guns Modifier Chart (Altmode Weapons Chart)
05-Advantages/Disadvantages Rules Expansion

- - - - - - - - - -


Type: (Template Type)
Species: Cybertronian

Attribute Dice: 12/18
Move: 20/24

Special Abilities:

-Mechanoid Lifeforms: Transformers at first glance may appear to be droids or robots.  Upon deeper inspection, they are actually a form of "mechanoid lifeforms", created through a form of mechanoid evolution or divine creation by a greater power such as their god Primus or the super computer Vector Sigma.  As mechanoid lifeforms, their advancement differs from biological charcters as such:

--Attributes: They start with 18 dice and distribute these among their attribute minimums/maximums as normal for other characters.  Except for how explained here, attribute improvement is performed the same as other Star Wars D6 characters.  When improving an attribute die code, they still need to perform "training time" as biologicals do.  This is because the time is not about training, but about preparing the body to receive an "upgrade" to improve the mechanoid character's functions, as well as preparing the equipment that will cause the upgrade in their body, along with any other preparation required (such as studying the body to figure out the process to be performed to install the upgrade, much like how a mechanic might work on a vehicle, or someone modifying a house or other structure or equipment).  If they have the Character Points, these can be spent to perform upgrades to the character's body.  This may seem similar to how droid characters advance, but is a reflavoring of the standard improvement time rules for biologicals.  Unlike droid characters, the Transformer character is still limited to how far they can improve their attributes, just like biological characters.  Every upgrade requires the character to roll their new attribute die code against 3D rolled by the Gamemaster.  If the character rolls under the GM's result, the upgrade takes and the character now uses the new die code.  If they roll over the GM's result, then the upgrade does not take due to their spark not being powerful enough (yet) to sustain the modification to the character's body.  They must wait two weeks before trying again so their spark can recover from the previous attempt.  GMs can negate the "training time" or require money to purchase the upgrade equipment when mechanoid lifeforms wish to improve their attributes, but this is not explained here for the sake of keeping things simple.

--Move: Transformer characters in their robot mode have a Movement speed depending on their size.  Character scale characters have a Move of 10/12 like most characters in that scale.  Speeder scale characters (the expected scale of most Transformers characters) have a Move of x2, 20/24.  For Transformers characters of higher scales, increase the Move speed x2 for every scale increase (Walker scale x4, 40/48; Starfighter scale x8, 80/96; Capital scale x16, 160/192; Death Star scale x32, 320/384)
---Alternate Rule: If GMs/players want Move speeds more in line with the Movement Speed chart in the Star Wars D6 rules, they could instead apply speed as: Characters scale 10/12; Speeder scale 21/25; Walker scale 45/53; Starfighter scale 80/96; Capital scale 160/192; Death Star scale 330/394.
---Vehicle Speed: This is handled in the rules for Altmodes below.

--Force Sensitive/Skills/Powers: Due to being "alive", Transformers characters could potentially learn how to use The Force.  On the other hand their mechanoid nature could deny this.  GM discretion here for which way they prefer to go.  If they choose to allow Transformer characters to use The Force, then rules are the same as for biological characters.

--Dark Side Points: Same as with biological characters, even if Transformers cannot use The Force, as this is a good way to keep track of characters falling to evil.  Even non-Force users collect Dark Side points for performing evil actions.

--Skills: Learned and improved the same as biological characters.  Whether Transformer character can improve their skills the same as droid characters by installing upgrades is up to the GM (though this could be allowed in a similar fashion to attribute improvement, possibly even requiring the player to roll against the GM for the upgrade to take in the characters brain module).

--Size: Standard size for most Transformer characters is Speeder scale, though they can exist at Character, Walker, Starfighter (rare, combiners), Capital (extremely rare, titans/city bots), and in some exotically rare cases Death Star scale (Unicron, Primus).

--Combat, Injury, and Healing VS Repair: When suffering wounds and damage in combat the damage is treated similarly between droid and biological characters in Star Wars D6 rules.  However, to recover, Transformer characters do not heal.  They must repair themselves in a similar fashion as droid characters do.  "Healing" for Transformer character requires a Repair skill (possibly called Mechanoid Repair, Cybertronian Repair, Transformer Repair).  Droid Repair is not quite the same, but could be used to figure out a Transformer character's "anatomy" and perform repairs (GMs may increase the Difficulty Level if this is done).  Tools and spare parts are still required to repair such characters.

--Natural Armor: Due to their bodies being made of metal, all Transformer characters have a ntural armor that biologicals usually do not possess.  This starts at +1D vs all forms of damage (even radiation), but GMs can raise this if they feel the need to (before doing this, please read Tech Level below).

--Tech Level: Due to their highly advanced nature and mechanoid bodies, Transformer characters may be highly resistant to Damage depending on what they are fighting.  If fighting humans on modern day Earth, Transformers would have +3D to their Strength to resist Damage from modern day weapons (or more if GMs believe this is too weak).  In the Star Wars setting this may be +1D, or perhaps negated alltogether due to Star Wars' tech level and widespread use of energy weapons and other advanced technologies.  (Inspiration for this comes from the fan-made Galaxy Guide 16 The Old Republic and the Era Modifiers chart found on page 6 within, though may not be exact for simplicity, as the difference of millions of years could make these modifiers become ridiculous; GM discretion is advised).

[NOTE: Even at its lowest, Tech Level and Natural Armor would give Transformer characters +4D vs modern Earth weapon damage and +2D vs Star Wars weapon damage, and even more when taking into acount most Transformers are Speeder scale (+2D) on top of this (+6D vs modern Earth, +4D vs Star Wars).  Add to this the character's Strength, which could be as high as 5D, and these characters start to become very formidable when fighting against most biological characters in Star Wars D6!]

--Equipment: Weapons, armor and other equipment for Transformer characters functions much the same as for biological characters.  If being obtained for larger scale characters, the price will be x4 per scale increase (x4 price for Speeder scale Transformer characters; x8 for Walker scale; x16 for Starfighter scale characters).  For Capital and Death Star scale characters, GMs could say x32 and x64 respectively, but due to how large such characters can become, GMs can increase these price increases as they see fit.  Transformer characters can wear armor, but if it is not made with their technology to be able to transform with their bodies and become part of their almodes, then they may not be able to transform when using such armor without damaging it or themselves.  Weapons of choice (melee and/or ranged) may be able to become part of their altmodes, and in some cases may actually be a key part of said altmode.  Unless their altmode has been made to have extra carrying capacity or to be of a larger scale than their robot mode, the altmode has the same encumbrance limits as their robot mode.  Carried items in altmode are carried on or in the characters altmode form.  Items going beyond the character's encumbrance limits cannot be carried by the altmode unless it has been specified to have some ability to do so (see altmode rules below).

--Vulnerability (Ion Weapons): When ion weapons are used against Transformer characters they receive the full Damage effect as droid characters would.

--Cybernetics/Upgrades: Where biological species surgically implant/install technological prosthetics and devices to their organic bodies, adding such items to the body of a Cybertronian should be looked at more as upgrading a droid or vehicle or other such item.  Like those items there's usually a limit to how far these upgrades can go, and Cybertronians' bodies can only take so many upgrades.  These upgrades could follow the rules on The Force and Cybernetics where they limit or negate the character's access to The Force, since these upgrades are not a natural part of the mechanoid body their spark shaped for them when they were "born" during a Spark Surge on Cybertron (If using the origin where Transformers were robots created by another species, then these limits should be the same as droids, but they also should not be able to use The Force).  Otherwise, upgrades could be limited either by their Strength attribute (1 minor upgrade per +1 pip, 1 major upgrade per 1D), or be counted as an increase to their attributes (Ex: If increasing ability score from 4D+2 to 5D but also having 2 minor upgrades (+2), when rolling their new attribute dice against the Gamemaster's 3D and having to roll under the GM, the player rolls their 5D with +2 due to the presence of the upgrades).

-Spark: Transformer characters have a Spark that counts as their heart and soul, literally their spark of life and sentience.  The Spark requires Energon to maintain it and remain lit, one of the main reasons Transformers consume this substance.  When wounded and in a state where they may be "bleeding out", Transformer characters run the risk of running low on Energon and having their Spark dim and fizzle out, dying like other biological characters.  Oddly enough, such characters have also been known to be able to have their Spark and its Spark chamber removed from their bodies and either reinstalled in said body or installed in a new body (which could be seen as a life saving action if circumstances require such a transfer, such as suffering from the Rust Plague).

-Energon: Transformers characters do not consume food and drink like biologicals, and do not need power recharging like droids.  Instead, they consume Energon, a substance vital to keeping their Spark alive.  Energon can even be mixed and altered to produce kinds of "fuel" that consume, and some variants of this can even inebriate the character (hence why Transformers have bars on their homeworld of Cybertron and colony worlds).  Transformer characters can go a long time before needing to consume more Energon, possibly years, decades, or even centuries, millenia, and longer.  When they do reach their limit of needing Energon, instead of starving they will enter a state known as Stasis Lock (see below).  In some cases, Transformer characters have access to Synthetic Energon though this is usually not as good as the real stuff.

-Stasis Lock: When a transformer character is injured to the point of death or Energon starvation (Killed result on the Combat Damage chart), instead of dying they will enter Stasis Lock.  This appears like a deactivated, depowered robot but is in reality a form of deep coma.  Characters in Stasis Lock can have their bodies be repaired (like droid characters) and then be reactivated and "brought back to life".  This can often be done even if the character has been ripped apart or blown to pieces.  The only necessity is that their Spark chamber must be intact, though the Spark may need an Energon infusion if the body has lost this somehow.  If the character reaches Incapacitated or Mortally Wounded on the Damage chart their onboard computer will recommend entering Stasis Lock to preserve their life.  The character also has the ability to override this, but if they do, a Killed result will result in their actual death and they cannot be revived.  Their Spark will move to the afterlife, where "all become one".

-Altmode: Most Transformer character have an altmode, the ability to transform their mechanoid bodies into some other form, often a vehicle of some kind, but can also be something stationary that performs a specific purpose or function.  On rare occasions a Transformer may not have an altmode, or can have two or more altmodes.  Transforming bwteen robot mode and altmode(s) is a full-round action in a combat round (GMs may decide to make this a single action if they feel this takes too long, and "upgrades" or advantages could be used to speed this up too).  When creating a Transformer character, players need to look below at the Altmode Creation Rules to decide what their altmode will be.  While their altmode may perform a certain way, the mode can look like almost anything they want.  This can allow the character to look like a vehicle common on the world they are adventuring on, and therefor blend in and hide in plain sight, becoming a "robot in disguise".  Altmode Creation Rules are presented below, and should be read when making a Transformers character.

--TransScan: Some versions of the Transformers setting have the characters using an ability often referred to as TransScan.  The character has a scanner wave emitted from their body to scan over an object desired as their altmode (full-round action).  Once scanned the character's altmode can look like the scanned object (+2D to Hide skill rolls to look like scanned object).  If the Hide skill roll is failed, this does not affect how the altmode performs, but it will not look quite like the scanned object.  Scanned objects can also affect the character's robot mode appearance.  GMs can require a Perception roll to scan objects for altmode appearance, especially if this is happening during combat or tense circumstances.

Force Sensitive: See above
Force Skills: See above
Dark Side Points: As normal
Skills: As normal
Size: Speeder Scale*

*= Can be as normal, but read above just in case.

Starting Credits: As normal
Starting Equipment: See above

Anything else not mentioned here about character creation should be assumed as normal for Star Wars D6 rules.

- - - - - - - - - -


   When deciding a Transformer's altmode, there are two ways to approach this, one simple, and one more advanced.  The simple way is for the character to use their "trans-scan" ability to scan a technological machine like a vehicle (but just about any machine can be used as an altmode, and even lifeforms on occasion), and take on that machine's appearance and functions.  The advanced way is to use the characters attribute dice, break them down into pips as points, then redistribute these into the altmode's stat block to customize its functions and abilities.  In this instance, trans-scan is only used to decide the altmode's appearance to disguise and blend in.


   When making a Transformer character's altmode, the basic idea is to take the character's attribute dice (18D), break them down to pips (54), then use these as points to purchase the pips/dice, functions/abilities, and other traits of the desired altmode.  Presented below are the relevant portions of a vehicle stat block that will be used for determining the altmode, or discussed with further detail where needed.

   If GMs feel the amount of pip points are too much or not enough for purchasing the altmode's various traits, they can simply increase or decrease the amount the players use for constructing altmodes.  Remember to take into account player advancement over time and how they and their altmodes would become stronger over the course of gameplay.

   If players advance their attributes over the course of gameplay, these pips/dice will count towards enhancing their altmodes as well and should be distributed where they see fit.

   In circumstances such as altmode weapon damage, where the damage is based on the altmode's Hull/Body Dice, there is a limit of +3D.  This limit can be increased if the altmode is a Static Altmode which does not move (increased to +4D).


   Transformer characters can drive/pilot themselves but need the relevant skill in their type of altmode to do so (or use their relevant attribute if they do not have the skill).  Altmodes can also have Maneuverability purchased to make it easier for the character to pilot their altmode.  Other characters like humans can be allowed to drive/pilot the Transformer's altmode if such a circumstance comes up.


   Where robot modes have a Movement Speed of 20/24 (x2 that of Character scale characters), their altmodes will likely have a different Movement Speed.  When choosing the altmode's base form (ground vehicle, flying, static, nautical, etc), the altmode's Movement Speed will start at a different number than the robot mode.  This Speed can then be increased by putting pip points into it.  When Movement Speed comes up, the Star Wars D6 Movement Speed Chart has been added below for easy reference.

   Most Vehicle stats start at 0 and do not increase until pips are put into them.  However, Movement Speed will usually be moved higher than the robot mode, depending on the Altmode Type selected.  If players want extra pips for an altmode idea, they can decrease the altmode's Movement Speed instead of increasing it, and get back +1 pip per rank decrease on the Movement Speed Chart.


Weapon Damage

   If player's wish for their character's altmode to have weapons, they purchase these with pips.  1 pip gets 1 weapon with damage equal to their altmode's Hull/Body Dice.  2 pips gets damage = Hull/Body Dice +1D.  3 pips gets damage = Hull/Body Dice +2D.  Weapon damage beyond this needs to be worked out between the player and the gamemaster (Advice: keep vehicle weapons limited to Damage = Hull/Body Dice +2D, but stationary artillery weapon platforms could have more since they do not have a Movement Speed).

Weapon Range

   Weapon range starts at 1-5/10/17 (Space) and 100-500/1/1.7km (Atmosphere).  Range can be increased at 1 pip = x2, 2 pips = x3, 3 pips =x4, and so on.  Range and other weapon traits are left vague on purpose beyond this as gamemasters may wish to increase/decrease weapon range, how to increase them (or if players even can), etc.

Weapon Fire Arc

   When the weapon is purchased, a fire arc must be selected for it.  Other fire arcs can be given to it but cost 1 pip per extra fire arc.  A turret weapon that can fire in all fire arcs requires 3 pips (the first fire is free, then +3 pips to gain 3 more fire arcs to make a turret).

Multiple Weapons

   If wanting multiple weapons for their character, every extra 1 pip put into this multiplies the weapon they have created as per the Rules Companion Guns Modifier Chart below, remade here from the Star Wars D6 Rules Companion for ease of reference (Ex: +1 pip = x2 weapons, +2 pips = x3 weapons, +6 pips = x12 weapons, etc).  These weapons can even be fire-linked at the cost of 1 pip to combine into a single attack roll that increases the To Hit and Damage rolls (bonuses to To Hit/Damage rolls also in the Guns Modifier Chart), and this can work around the Weapon Damage limit stated above.

Missiles And Ammunition

   Most Cybertronian weapons are energy based and don't have ammo limitations.  However, sometimes there may be exception, such as trans-scanning a vehicle with such weapons and deciding to use these in combat.  In this case, the character recreates these weapons, but not their ammo and must get these elsewhere.  How much ammo, missiles, bombs, etc, they can carry is decided by the altmode.

Weapon Fire Control

   If using the simple altmode rules, weapons with Fire Control would be copied as is.  With the advanced rules, Fire Control is not decided here, and should be decided by the GM.  If purchasing Fire Control is allowed, the every 1 pip = +1D to Fire Control, to a maximum of +3D.  This is avoided because of the player needing to spend their attribute pips for just about every trait of the altmode.

   GMs could say that Fire Control only needs to be purchased once and applied to each weapon the altmode has, instead of purchasing it for every individual weapon.


   Passengers and cargo is tricky for Transformer altmodes.  GMs/players, feel free to adjust this as you wish if you disagree or if a character's altmode should be handled differently.

   For a general rule of thumb, I'd say Speeder scale Transformer characters can have 1-4 character scale Passengers (or 1 Speeder scale passenger if they're a Transformer or similar sized character) and cargo capacity equal to their Hull/Body Dice x10 in kilograms.  If they have an altmode of greater scale then multiply these x10 for each scale increase..

   Ifr deciding Passenger and Cargo space is proving difficult, simply pick some real world vehicle similar to what you are going for and use that as the basis for the altmode's Passenger/Cargo space.  Especially if it has been trans-scanned to use it's appearance as a disguise.

   There are Advantages further below for adjusting these numbers further.


   Another tricky one.  If an altmode has been scanned that has some form of sensors, GMs could allow these to be used by the TF character and/or its passengers.

   As a rule of thumb, Altmodes od Speeder scale start with sensors of Passive 5/0D (5 meters on the ground, 5 space units in space), Scan 10/1D (10m on ground, 10 space units in space), Search 20/2D (20m on ground, 20 space units in space), and Focus 1/3D (1m on ground, 1 space unit in space).

   If the altmode is of larger scale, these ranges and dice are doubled with each scale increase.  As for increasing the sensor bonus dice, this must be done using the pip points for constructing an altmode.  There is an equipment set further below that can increase these further, and Advantages could be made and used to increase sensor range and dice.

Vehicle Stat Block

Scale: As per the character's altmode scale
Length: As per scanned object or decided by player/GM
Skill: Character's skill
Crew: Self
Crew Skill: As per crew/passengers and altmode type
Passengers: See above
Cargo Capacity: See above
Consumables: As per scanned object or decided by players/GM
Cost: Not available for sale
Hyperdrive Multiplier: As per scanned object or by altmode construction rules and GM
Nav Computer: As per scanned object
Maneuverability: 1 for 1*
Space: 1 for 1 (see below)
Move/Atmosphere: 1 for 1 (see below)
Body Strength/Hull: 1 for 1
Shields: As per scanned object, or 1 for 1
Sensors: As per scanned object, 1 for 1, or see above


   (Weapon Name)
      Fire Arc: Pick 1 when making weapon, more purchased with pips
      Skill: As per character
      Scale: As per the weapon or the altmode's scale
      Fire Control: Special (See above)
      Space Range: See above
      Atmosphere Range: See above
      Damage: See above



   If creating a vehicle altmode, the one trait that needs special attention is the altmode's Movement Speed and means of mobility.  Choose this from below, then check the Movement Speed Chart further below to see where the chosen vehicle altmode's Speed starts at.  Then use pips to increase this at +1 rank per +1 pip.  All other altmode traits in the vehicle stat block are purchased on a 1-for-1 basis using pips.

-Ground: Movement speed starts at 26, 75kmh, +1 pip per Movement Speed Chart rank increase.

--Drilling: Can also drill into and move undeground.  Extra +1 pip per Movement Speed Chart rank increase.  Limited max to half base Movement Speed on ground (Move full speed on the ground, no more than half full speed underground; if full speed cost 4 pips, then Drilling costs 2 extra pips at the most).

--Repulsorlift: Vehicle hovers over the ground no more than 2 meters, moves at full ground Movement Speed, but avoids difficult terrain unless it's over 2 meters high.  +2 pips base cost.

--VTOL: Vehicle flies like a helicopter or similar vehicle, but it's Movement Speed is still that of a ground/nautical vehicle, but a a Flying one.  Can also vertical take-off or land, and hover in the air.  Base Movement Speed costs 2 pips per Speed rank increase from the Movement Speed Chart.

-Nautical: Vehicle travels over the surface of water or other bodies of liquid.  Movement speed starts at 26; 75kmh, , +1 pip per Movement Speed Chart rank increase.

--Submersible: Vehicle can travel underwater.  Extra +1 pip per Movement Speed Chart rank increase.  Limited max to half base Movement Speed on water surface (Move full speed on water surface, no more than half full speed underwater; if full speed cost 4 pips, then Submersible costs 2 extra pips at the most).

-Flying: The altmode can fly through the air, perhaps even space.  Base Flying does not allow VTOL or hovering in the air, and unless the character transforms to drop to the ground, they can only attack by doing a "fly-by" then must take 1 or more combat rounds to turn around and attack again.  If VTOL is also taken, they can now take off and landing vertically and hover in the air to attack without the need to do fly-by attacks and maneuvers.  Movement Speed starts at Move 150, 430kmh, +1 pip per Movement Speed Chart rank increase.

--Space Flight: The vehicle can reach orbit and fly through space.  First purchase Flying Speed up to Move 210, 600kmh.  The purchase Space Speed at +1 pip per rank.  Flying/Atmosphere and Space Speed do not have to be the same rank, but most Space Flight altmodes have equal ranks of Speed in both.

--Interstellar Flight: The spaceborne altmode can fly further in space beyond orbit.  Interplanetary costs +2 pips.  Interstellar (from one star to another in local space) costs +4 pips.  Long range to galactic distance (like Hyperdrives from Star War) cost +6 pips or more (GM discretion on increasing this cost or not allowing it at all).


   Static altmodes do not move, so have no Movement Speed.  Because of this, they can allocate the pips to having stronger Hull/Body Dice, Weapon Damage and Range, becoming powerful weapons platforms, among other traits that can make them more formidable.  They could also use their pips to be great support units, using their altmodes to give medical care to mechanoids and/or biologicals, repair tech items, vehicles, or structures, manufacture items and goods, among many other possibilities.

   Most altmodes limit certain traits to a max of +3D such as weapons damage.  If a Static Altmode is selected, all of these limits are increased to 4D (GM discretion if you wish to increase these limits further ort reduce them, etc).


   If choosing a beast altmode, the base Movement Speed does not change from robot mode.  Instead, like with vehicle and static altmodes, beast modes allow the character to redistribute their attribute dice.  But instead of these being redistributed into a vehicle stat block, they instead use the same stat block as characters.  Pips can be used to give the altmode more speed, or less, or could be used to increase or decrease their attributes.  The Strength attribute could become higher than robot modes could usually have (beyond 5D).  This is why characters like the Dinobots are so overwhelmingly powerful in their dinosaur beast modes....they become slower in their altmodes, but also become so much stronger, and even have the might to challenge combiners!

   If wanting to give your beast mode some form of damaging attack, use the rules mentioned above for altmode weapons.  If making melee attacks, decide if these are teeth, claws, spikes, tails, or some other body part of the beast mode.  If ranged attacks, these only have 1/4 the range of those on vehicle and static altmodes.  This is because, whether by speed, stealth, or sheer durability, beast altmodes are known for getting in close to do their damage.  GM discretion on whether to change this or not.

-Ground Beast: Same as making other altmodes except where stated above.  Speed starts same as the robot mode, can be faster at +1 pip per Movement Speed Chart rank increase, but can also be made slower and give pips back at -1 pip per rank decrease.  And Altmode Weapons have shorter range at 1/4.

-Flying Beast: To make a flying beast mode, give the altmode VTOL trait and reflavor it was wings or some other form of animal flight.  Whether the beast mode has some kind of thrusters for faster flight is up to the GM and player(s).

-Metal Beast: All beast altmodes are assumed to be metal like most other altmodes and robot modes.

-Flesh Beast: Transformers Beast Wars had characters with animal altmodes that were covered by real flesh.  These also served the purpose of protecting the characters from being overloaded with Energon as it was very abundant in season 1.  Another benefit of this is being able to blend in with like animals (provided they were not oversized or based on an extinct animal).  If wanting a flesh-covered beast altmode, this costs +4 pips.


   This is mentioned due to the character from Transformers G1, Punch, who was able to transform from an Autobot form into a Decepticon form named Counterpunch.  Some versions of Punch had him also transform into a car.  This would effectively make him a Triple-Changer.  This type of altmode is better covered as an Advantage for the Advantage/Disadvantage rules.


   After deciding the altmode type asbove, the player may wish to give their altmode some extra function(s) besides just getting around.  Each function listed below grants more optiuons for the character's altmode, and Advantages/Disadvantages listed further below have more options.

   Also, GMs/players are encouraged to talk and create more of these functions and Advantages/Disadvantages if they don't see what they are looking for here.  Transformers as a franchise has been around a long time, and while these rules are meant to offer as many options as possible for Transformers characters, everything may not be represented here.

   The functions listed below cost 2 pips to acquire for an altmode.  GMs who feel this is too expensive or too cheap, adjust pip prices accordingly as you see fit.  Don't forget to take into account evcerything else the players will have to use their pips on to fully flesh out their desired altmodes.

Equipment Set: The altmode has all the equipment the character needs to perform certain kinds of actions, usually depending on their own skill set.  Examples include but are not limited to:

-Communications Gear: Ability to send signals to communicate with other such technology at a distance.

-Computer: Able to perform computer related actions, including programming, hacking, etc.

-Database: For storing massive amounts of data and records, separate from a Computer.

-Defense: Ability to put up a physical barrier or energy shield to help defend against incoming attacks.  Same rules as altmode weapons, costing +1 pip per +1D, max of +3D.

-Engineering: Tool Kit, Workshop, Construction tools, etc, ability to perform complex actions involving technology, architecture, etc.

[NOTE: The Constructicons would have the Engineering altmode functions on all of their altmodes, and when they work together they can get great bonuses for constructing or destroying structures of various kinds.  They can also use their vehicles' construction tools for melee combat in their vehicle altmodes.]

-Jamming Device: Ability to interfere with sensory and detection systems, +1 pip per +1D of effect (think of the A-Wing's jamming device in Star Wars D6).

-Manufacturing: Ability to produce items and goods, perhaps even mass production, as long as this altmode is fed the necessary resources to do so.

-Medical: Ability to give medical aid to other characters.  Must choose if this works on biologicals or mechanoids, but both can be purchased and taken together if desired.

-Repair: Devoted repair station that can repair just about anything.

-Sensors: Altmodes start with sensors of Passive 5/0D (5 meters on the ground, 5 space units in space), Scan 10/1D (10m on ground, 10 space units in space), Search 20/2D (20m on ground, 20 space units in space), and Focus 1/3D (1m on ground, 1 space unit in space).  If the altmode is of larger scale, these ranges and dice are doubled with each scale increase.  This equipment set can be purchased to improve these ranges, and can be purchased multiple times.  Each time it is purchased with pip points, range is doubled.  As for increasing the sensor bonus dice, this must be done using the pip points for constructing an altmode, though Advantages could be made and used to increase sensor range and dice.

-Science: Detailed Analyzing, Lab Equipment, etc, everything needed to perform scientific actions, experiments, etc.  GMs may decide to make this specific (Chemistry, Physics, Temporal Studies, Geology, Archeology, etc).

-Stealth: Whether using some sort of texture camouflage or light-bending technology, this altmode is hard to detect.  This function could be easily gained by Advantage/Disadvantage rules as a Spsrk-born ability of the character, but for those who would rather it was specific to their altmode, Stealth costs +3 pips per +1D of Stealth ability, granting this bonus to Sneak and Kide skill rolls.

-Surveillance: Able to observe activities and characters, etc, from a distance, by visual (binoculars, telescope, etc), auditory (parabolic microphone), and other means such as infrared, utraviolet, radio signal, and other sensory systems.

-Transport (Passengers): Altmodes in general can carry 1-4 Character scale passengers or one small-ish Transformers character (Wheeljack was able to take Bumblebee inside his Cybertronian hovercar altmode in Transformers G1 episode 1, and such incidents are repeated throughout the series).  If players wish bto increase their altmode's passenger capacity, the cpst is +1 pip per x2 multiplier applied to passenger space.  Passenger space for Character/Speeder scale characters increases this way naturally if the altmode is made at higher scales, at x2 per scale increase.

-Transport (Cargo): Like with passenger space, altmodes have some cargo space available, depending on the altmode and the character's Strength attribute.  I don't have a set figure for this, but if players/GMs settle on a math system to figure this out, it could be increased similarly to passenger space as mentioned above.

-Weapons Platform (turning into a stationary weapons platform that can attack targets from distance, usually from cover or hiding)


   If wanting to make an altmode that is at a different scale from the Transformers character (Ex: Astrotrain, a Speeder scale character, becomes a Starfighter scale space shuttle; Soundwave, also Speeder scale, becaomes an old 1980s portable cassette tape player; Broadside, walker scale, can become a nautical aircraft carrier or destroyer depending on the story), this costs 4 pips per scale rank (Astrotrain's shutle costs 8 pips; Soundwave's miniplayer costs 8 pips because it is smaller than character scale; Broadside's aircraft carrier/destroyer costs 8 pips (from Walker scale to Capital scale)).  GM discretion on whether to allow or deny certain scales.


Fast: Whether a fast car or a fast jet, these altmodes focus less on Hull/Body Dice and focus much of their pips in Movement Speed, sacrificing durability and damage for speed and maneuverability, being hard to hit when attacked.  Many Autobots had fast car altmodes in the beginning, and these were fast and maneuverable enough to hold their own against Starscrea, and his Seeker jets at times.

Hand-Held Weapon: Megatron's classic altmode, this would be a Static altmode with the highest possible Altmode Weapon, and a x2 Scale Difference (from Speeder to smaller than Charscter scale).

Tank: The opposite of fast vehicles, a tank or similar vehicle sacrifices Movement Speed for higher Hull/Body Dice, and often adds an altmode weapon (or several) of some kind to go with it.  Tanks expect to get hit, and they also often are built to hit back.

Walker: Remembering that these rules are based on Star Wars D6 with its AT-ST and AT-AT walkers, Transformers characters could easily assume an altmode that mimics these.  They could use Vehicle Altmode rules, but drop the Movement Speed to start the same as Robot Mode, and make these walkers function much like Beast Altmodes but use the Vehicle stat block.  AT-STs would be rather small, but AT-ATs would be rather large, and could focus on having features that make them a walking Walker scale tank with armor and weapons, but also increase the cargo and passenger capacity to move freight for business, or troops into battle.

- - - - - - - - - -


Move   Kilometers   Move   Kilometers   Space Speed
       Per Hour            Per Hour
       (All-Out)           (All-Out)

3      10           150    430
5      15           160    460
7      20           175    500
8      25           185    530
10     30           195    560
14     40           210    600           1
18     50           225    650           2
21     60           260    750           3
25     70           280    800           4
26     75           295    850           5
28     80           330    950           6
30     90           350    1,000         7
35     100          365    1,050         8
45     130          400    1,150         9
55     160          415    1,200         10
70     200          435    1,250         11
80     230          450    1,300         12
90     260          470    1,350
105    300          485    1,400
115    330          505    1,450
125    360          520    1,500
140    400

- - - - - - - - - -


Guns   To Hit/Damage Modifier
1       0
2      +2
3      +1D
4      +1D+1
5      +1D+2
8      +2D
12     +2D+1
16     +2D+2
24     +3D
32     +3D+1
48     +3D+2
60     +4D
90     +4D+1
120    +4D+2
180    +5D
250    +5D+1

- - - - - - - - - -


   Star Wars D6 has been using the fan-made Advantage/Disadvantage system for a long time, and fans have adopted it so much that it seems you can't have one without the other.  The A/D system was even integrated in the fan-made REUP version of the Star Wars D6 rulebook.  A/D not only grants more options for players both in combat and for roleplay, it also grants the D6 system a lot more options.  For example, if you like certain class features in another R{G system, A/D could be used to work those class features into the D6 system.

   Here is a collection of Advantages and Disadvantages that, while other types of characters could make use of them, they are meant for Transformers characters, and can grant many options Transformers has had in their franchise since the beginning, options that didn't really seem to fit anywhere else, but TF fans would want them available in some form.


Action Master (A/D), Cost: 3

   You no longer have an alt-mode, but your robot mode has been greatly enhanced.  +1D to Strength Attribute, or use these extra pips to purchase more Advantages at 1 pip/Advantage point (Up to 3 Advantage points).

Armor, Cost: 1-3

   You have armor that helps protect VS Physical OR Energy damage (not both).  +1 pip per 1 point, +1D per 3 points. Cannot be altered or modified using skills (that's for armor as equipment, this is for extra armor from how your Spark created your body).

Built-In Equipment, Cost: 1-4

   You have a tool or helpful device built into your body that transforms to replace a limb (hand/arm, foot/leg, tentacle?) when needed.  1 point per 1-handed device, 2 points per 2-handed device. (ex: wielder, jackhammer, cement gun, acid gun, other tools, scanners).  Requires Difficult Search roll to detect.

Cassette Carrier, Cost: 1-4

   You can carry Character Scale NPCs on or inside your body and eject them when needed.  Use rules for NPCs when making them (12D Attributes), but these are Character scale. NPC alt-mode is cassette mode to fit within your body, cassettes fit in your alt-mode, even if you change scale counts as stationary type and cassette function.  1 cassette per Advantage point.

Cityspeaker, Cost: 1

   You can communicate with Titans/Citybots in a way no one else is capable of, able to link with their vast and ancient minds full of overwhelming amounts of data, history and experiences, and not be subsumed by it, communing with the minds of these near godlike mechanoid beings.  No one can "hack" into these communications.

Combiner Link, Team, Cost: 3

   You can combine with a team of 5-6 other 'bots to make a bigger bot character that is 2 scales larger (standard Transformer character are Speeder scale, most combiners are Starfighter scale).  Each team member must be same scale.  Use character creation rules to make new combiner character.  Combiner character's altmode is to disassemble back into team members.

Combiner Link, Dual (A/D), Cost: 2

   You can combine with another character to create a new character that is 1 scale size larger than you were before.  The two members must be same scale.  Use character creation rules to make new character.  Altmode is to disassemble back into 2 individual characters.

Computer Link, Cost: 1

   In your robot mode, you have a small, retractable device somewhere on your body (ex: finger) that allows you to link and interact with computer systems with a connection port, this device is automatically a part of certain alt-modes but not robot modes unless this Advantage is taken.

Dual Alt-Mode (A/D), Cost: 2

   You turn into two separating altmodes, but risk one being damaged or destroyed or lost and not being able to reform your rebot mode.  Both altmodes are reduced -1 scale unless using rules for increasing/decreasing scale size when making altmodes, Attribute Dice reduced -2D when making pips pool to create these altmodes.

Energy Shields, Cost: 1-3

   You hcan create energy shields that help protect VS Physical OR Energy damage (not both, select one).  +1 pip per point, +1D per 3 points, cannot be altered or modified using skills (that's for energy shields as equipment, this is an ability eminating from your Spark).

Fast Trans-Scan, Cost: 2

   Trans-Scan is usually a full-round action.  You can now do it in a single action (attack action, move action, etc).

Fast Transform, Cost: 2

   Transforming ois usually a full-round action.  You can Transform as a move or attack action instead, and this can be done as a double move action to transform and then move at your alt-mode's speed.

Fine Manipulators, Cost: 1

   Your body has a set of fine detail manipulators used for handling small and delicate objects, such as tiny items used by Characeter scale characters.  Using these manipulators does not incur penalties for handling objects of smaller size (Usually you would other suffer a high Difficulty to roll against), or if yopu would usually not be able to interact with such objects, now you can.

Internal Storage Compartment, Cost: 1-4

   You can carry some cargo inside your body.  1 point per 1-handed item, or 2 points per 2-handed item.  At 3-4 points you effectively have a light or heavy "backpack" storage compartment on your back or in your body.

Jump Jets, Cost: 1-3

   You have jet thrusters on your feet, legs, or elsewhere, that allow you to jump higher and further than normal.  +1D per point to Jumping skill.  Also gives 1 space speed per point and +1D per point maneuverability when in space or zero-G environments (in robot mode, not alt-mode).  At 3 points you can hover in the air indefinitely.

Junkion (A/D), Cost: 4

   Your body is easy to repair (-5 to Difficulty Level), but is also easier to damage (+3 on the Damage Chart).  As long as most of your bodily components are still around, you can be reassembled and restored to functionality, not really dying unless your components are truly destroyed, such as by incineration.

Multi-Body Robot Mode (A/D), Cost: 2-4

   Your robot mode has a mind shared between more than 1 body, but they must combine together when changing into their altmode.  When making the stats for each extra body, your Attribute Dice are reduced -2D per body, 2 points for +1 body (2 bodies total) or 4 points for 2 extra bodies (3 total).  However, this is also a Disadvantage, if one or more of your extra bodies are damaged, incapacitated, or destroyed, you cannot form your altmode, and your other bodies will be stunned for 1D rounds (damaged), also incapacitated, or effectively "Wounded" for 1D hours due to the trauma (destroyed).

Nemosurgery Spikes, Cost: 1

   Your hands are equipped with Mnemosurgery spikes, the tools used to perform Mnemosurgery on the brains of other Cybertroninians, and perhaps even other mechanoids (Advanced skill - Mnemosurgery).  Can be used as a melee attack in combat to perform Mnemosurgery on a target of choice.

Powerlifter, Cost: 1-3

   Enhanced Lifting skill, +1D to Lifting skill per point (OR -1 Lifting Difficulty Level per point).

Powerpuncher, Cost: 1-3

   You can punch harder than most mechanoids your size. +1 pip per point to unarmed and melee combat damage.

Process Energy For Fuel, Cost: 1

   Your mechanoid body can absorb, process, and subsist on various energies for fuel as an alternative to needing energon.

Process Metal For Fuel, Cost: 1

   Your mechanoid body can absorb, process, and subsist on various metals, both raw ores and refined, for fuel as an alternative to needing energon.

Process Organics For Fuel, Cost: 1

   Your mechanoid body can absorb, process, and subsist on various organic materials, such as crops, wood, and especially animals and sentient organic beings, for fuel as an alternative to needing energon.

Resistance (Energy), Cost: 1-3

   You are more durable VS Energy damage.  +1 to Strength VS Energy per point (OR, +1D to Strength per point VS specific energy type (ex: fire, cold, electricity, etc)).

Resistance (Physical), Cost: 1-3

   You are more durable VS Physical damage.  +1 to Strength VS Physical per point (OR, +1D to Strength per point VS specific Physical damage type (ex: blunt, blades, ballistic/slugthrowers, etc).

Resistance (Organic), Cost: 1-3

   Your are more durable VS Organic substances (ex: acids) and infections (ex: Cybercrosis, The Rust Plague).  +1 to Strength or Stamina per point VS Organic based damage and effects (OR, +1D to Strength per point VS specific Organic damage type).

Six Changer* (GM), Cost: 8

   You have 4 extra alt-modes including the one most Transformers characters start with (5 altmodes, 6 forms total including your robot mode).

Sound Bafflers, Cost: 1-3

   Your body is built to be extra quiet when moving.  +1 to Sneak and Move Silently skill rolls per point, +1D per 3 points to Sneak skill.  Robot mode mode only.  (Effectively the same as the Stealth Advantage from the original Advantage/Disadvantage rules, but in this case it's more that the Transformer character is literally "built" for stealth).

Spy Changer, Cost: 2

   You have an extra altmode that is actually another robot mode that looks entirely different from your original robot mode, like a different character  This can help you as a spy, and might even have different personality traits that make life difficult (see Disadvantages).  +2D to skills related to situations involving hiding your true identity (Persuasion, etc).

Stealth Field, Cost: 1-3

   Your body can alter and bend light to make you less vissible.  +1 to Hide skill rolls per point, +1D per 3 points to Hide.  Robot mode only.

Triple Changer, Cost: 2

   You have an extra alt-mode (2 altmodes total).

Use Weapons In Alt-Mode, Cost: 2

   If you have weapons on your body, either hand-held or attached, you can now use these weapons in your altmode.

Use Weapons In Robot Mode, Cost: 2

   If you have weapons in your altmode, such as those of the original vehicle or machine scanned to be used as your altmode, you can now use these weapons in your robot mode.


Action Master (A/D), Cost: -3

   See above for details.  Action Master is taken as both an Advantage (3 point cost) and Disadvantage (-3 points).

Biophobia, Cost: -1-3

   You have a fear and hatred for biological organic life in all its forms.  -1D per point to related skills when interacting with biologicals (Persuasion, Diplomacy, etc), -1D per point to Willpower rolls to resist attacking biologicals in combat when applicable.  Some Transformers settings seem like all Decepticons have this Disadvantage, and even some Autobots on occasion.

Constructed Cold, Cost: -1

   Your spark was harvested and body constructed through nonstandard or "unnatural" means, and some who were properly "forged" may dislike you, be difficult to reason with, or may outright hate you, on those grounds alone, and you may also be vulnerable to galaxy-spanning weapons that are meant to kill only sparks that were constructed cold, but like that would ever happen...again...

Combiner Link, Dual (A/D), Cost: -2

   Taken as both Advantage and Disadvantage, see above for details.

Dual Alt-Mode (A/D), Cost: -2

   Taken as both Advantage and Disadvantage, see above for details.

Empurata*, Cost: -6

   Somewhere along the way you pissed off the wrong bot and had your face replaced with an expressionless mono-eye, possibly also your hands and fingers replaced with pincers or other poorly performing digits.  You have max point Clumsiness and Unattractive Disadvantages (-1D Bargain, Command, Con, and Seduction skill rolls, -1D to Dexterity related rolls).  Sometimes combined with Shadowplay.

Extra Heavy, Cost: -1-3

   Your body is heavier than normal and hinders your ability to jump off the ground under your own power.  -1D per point to Climb and Jump skill rolls.  At 3 points you cannot jump at all.

Functionism, Cost: -1-3

   You believe Cybertronians should be socially ranked by importance of their altmodes and find it difficult to interact or care for those with "lesser" or "obsolete" altmodes, and Primus help any monoformers that have no altmode at all.  -1D per point to skills involved with interacting with such characters (Persuasion, Diplomacy, etc).  -1D to Willpower skill rolls to resist attacking such characters in combat if ever applicable.

Junkion (A/D), Cost: -4

   Taken as both Advantage and Disadvantage, see above for details.

Mechaphobia, Cost: -1-3

   You have a fear and hatred for technological life in all its forms.  -1D per point to related skills when interacting with technologicals (Persuasion, Diplomacy, etc), -1D per point to Willpower rolls to resist attacking technologicals in combat when applicable.

Multi-Body Robot Mode (A/D), Cost: -2-4

   Taken as both Advantage and Disadvantage, see above for details.

No Trans-Scan, Cost: -2

   In games where Transformers use trans-scan ability, you cannot do this and require the use of external devices to acquire or change your altmode.

Shadowplay*, Cost: -3

   Somewhere along the way you pissed off the wrong person and they had brain module surgery performed on you to remove your emotions, including your empathy, the ability to care for others.  Your moral compass, and possibly other factors, effectively works like a max point Psychological Limitation Disadvantage.  Sometimes combined with Empurata.

Technoism, Cost: -1-3

   You think technological life is superior to organics, and may even have a hatred for organic lifeforms (Biophobia, see above).  -1D per point to related skills when interacting with organics (Persuasion, Diplomacy, etc), -1D per point to Willpower rolls to resist attacking organics in combat when relevant.

Uncontrollable Hunger (Energy), Cost:-1-3

   You have an unnatural urge to feast upon energies of all kinds, some having better flavors than others.  Your body is capable of processing and digesting such energies.  -1D per point to Willpower rolls to resist devouring various energies when they are available, including in objects like teammates' weapons and gear, and perhaps even their bodies!  (You are not immune to damage from energies, however, and would need Resistance (Energy) for that).

Uncontrollable Hunger (Metals), Cost: -1-3

   You have an unnatural urge to feast upon metals of all kinds, some having better flavors than others, and your body is capable of processing and digesting such metals.  -1D per point to Willpower rolls to resist devouring metallic objects, substances, and mechanoid characters!

Uncontrollable Hunger (Organics), Cost: -1-3

   You have an unnatural urge to feast upon organics of all kinds, some having better flavors than others, and your body is capable of processing and digesting such organics.  -1D per point to Willpower rolls to resist devouring organic objects, substances, and characters!

Vulnerability (Energy), Cost: -1-3

   You are especially susceptible to Energy damage in all its forms.  -1 per point VS Energy (Or, -1D VS specific Energy type (ex: fire, cold, electricity)).

Vulnerability (Physical), Cost: -1-3

   You are especially susceptible to Physical damage in all its forms.  -1 per point VS Energy (Or, -1D VS specific Physical type (ex: blunt, blades, ballistic/slugthrowers, etc)).

Vulnerability (Organic), Cost: -1-3

   You are especially susceptible to Organic substances, infections (Ex: Cybercrosis, Rust Plague), and related effects (Ex: acid) in all its forms.  -1 per point VS Energy (Or, -1D VS specific Organic type).

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