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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: Battlestar GalacticaSubtype: CapitalEra: Canon: Crossover

CYLON BASESTAR (Re-imagined Series)

Craft: Cylon Basestar
Type: Military carrier/weapons platform
Scale: Capital
-Width: 1030.69m (3382ft)
-Height: 265.17m (870ft)
Skill: Capital ship piloting: basestar
Crew Compliment:
-Crew: 12 to 24 (Human Cylons, mixed number and models)
-Troops: 500 Cylon Centurions
-Gunners: 1 (Hybrid; the crew can aid)
-Skeleton: 1 (Hybrid)
Crew Skill: The ship's Hybrid has 6D in all ship-related skills (Astrogation, capital ship piloting, capital ship gunnery, sensors, etc.  The crew may have varying skill dice)
Passengers: 50 (?)
Cargo Capacity: 10,000 metric tons
Consumables: 4 years (none for Cylon Centurions)
Cost: N/A
FTL Capable: Yes (See below)
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 2D
-Space: 6
Hull: 7D
-Healing (See below)
-Shields: N/A
   Passive: 75/1D
   Scan: 150/2D
   Search: 300/4D
   Focus: 6/4D+2

   220 Missile Launchers
      Location: Scattered about the arms and central axis
      Fire Arc: All partial turrets (right/front/rear)
      Crew: 1 (Hybrid or bridge crew)
      Skill: Capital ship gunnery
      Scale: Capital
      Fire Control: 4D
      Space Range: 1/3/7
      Atmosphere Range: 50-100/300/700m
      -Conventional: 8D
      -Nuclear: 10D
      -Conventional: 20 (per launcher)
      -Nuclear: 1 (per launcher)
      Rate of Fire: 1 (takes 1 round to reload each launcher)
      Special: Rotating fire (See below)

   A basestar (known interchangeably as a "baseship") is the most prominent example of the Cylon military presence. As the capital ship of the Cylons, the basestar appears in three forms in the Re-imagined Series.



ROTATING FIRE: A basestar has no actual "front" fire arc, having no true front or back direction to it.  This allows it to move in any direction at any given time.  Also its weapons can be brought to bear by rotating the ship itself, circularly.  Because the missile launchers need to reload after every shot, they can do so while fresh missiles are brought to bear on their target.  Also, if needed, a basestar can deploy all of its missiles in all fire arcs when multiple targets are available, though they will require the full round to reload.  The launchers are listed as having a rate of fire of 1, though they can be used by the ship's Hybrid as a single weapon with a rate of fire of all functioning launchers (220).

HEALING: The baseship is a fusion of technological and organic components, in essence a living entity unto itself, as it is linked to the ship's Hybrid as an extension of it.  The ship can heal itself after sustaining damage, as long as it is not destroyed and the Hybrid is not dead or incapacitated in some way.  The speed the ship heals at is the same as the rules for healing listed in the Star Wars D6 RPG rulebook.  This can be sped up with repair rolls by the basestar's crew of Cylons.  This is at the GM's discretion; it could multiply the speed of healing, or work like a roll of the Force Power, Accelerated Healing (probably more preferable), and if the basestar is being used in a Star Wars game or other setting with Force-like powers, then healing powers would affect the basestar as it is a living being (more or less).

HYBRID: The ship's Hybrid is the key to its operation (for more information, see below).  While the basestar's crew of human Cylons can operate any of the ship's systems from their Command and Control at any time, the Hybrid itself is completely integrated into the ship and is always able to use the ship's systems, as they are extensions of itsellf.  While this is usually not done without explicit order from the Cylon crew, it is able to use all of these systems as though it were a full crew compliment in and of itself, meaning it can take multiple actions of any kind without penalty as long as they have to do with the ship itself.  The only limits of this are that it can take an action of a specific type once per round; one attack action, one piloting/move action, one sensor action, etc.  If the GM/players are using way for multiple weapons fire (volley fire) for the missiles, this would count as the one attack action.  The human Cylon crew can take more actions to aid the Hybrid, but this is the only method to boost the Hybrid's functionality and abilities.

CYLON INTERFACE: Due to the design of the basestar and its control systems, and Cylon technology in general, only Cylons can use them.  Humans and other species can do so, but it requires a Repair roll of Very Difficult to modify them or gain access, and the Difficulty Level to use these controls afterwards is still one level higher than it normally would be.  If someone can make a Very Difficult Engineering roll to completely remodel the control interface of a basestar, then these penalties would no longer apply.  (For more information of the Cylon Interface, see below).

HACKING: During the original Cylon War, Cylons were able to wirelessly hack computer systems of all kinds, as Colonial technology used advanced computer networks of all kinds everywhere, which made them extremely vulnerable to Cylon attack.  The first Colonial battlestars and vipers were their greatest weapons against the Cylons as these were made to not rely on such technology, but rather human skill and sheer size and durability.  While these gave the Colonials a fighting chance and the war eventually ended, the Cylons never lost the ability to hack other systems, so long as they were vulnerable.  If encountering a ship, vehicle, location, or any other viable item using computerization, the Cylons and their vessels may attempt to hack into it and gain control of its systems.  They must make a Computers skill roll against either Moderate Difficulty to gain control of the target.  If someone is monitoring the system and notices this happening, they may attempt their own Computer skill roll to counter this, but it MUST roll Difficulty higher than the Cylons roll, as they are already starting to gain access to the computer systems.  If this roll fails, they may continue to roll against the Cylons, but the Difficulty increases by one level every round this continues.  Once it goes past Heroic, it begins adding +5 every round thereafter.  On many occassions, the crew defending against this must shut down their systems entirely.



   The modern basestars, seen some 40 years after the end of the Cylon War, are approximately the same size as a Colonial battlestar but appear to be more technologically advanced. The shape of the newer basestar reflects its name, with two Y-shaped hulls attached at their centers by a single pylon, the warship has a distinctive "star" shape.

   They are equipped with a superior jump system and no visible means of sublight propulsion, lacking any engine pods or nacelles, but remain capable of chasing down a battlestar (Exodus, Part II). They can rotate their upper and lower halves into a tandem-Y configuration for entry into a planetary atmosphere (The Plan).

   Basestars operate a fleet of small fighters, known as Raiders, and are capable of deploying hundreds of these ships simultaneously. The enormous number of Raiders serves as a basestar's primary defense system.

   Like the Raiders, the basestars are partially organic, which is particularly evident in their landing bays (Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part II). When severely damaged, they can sustain large, fleshy "wounds" (Faith). Moreover, Natalie mentions that their damaged baseship can heal itself (Guess What's Coming to Dinner?).

   The baseships possess several conventional rooms and hallways, which are sleek but generally bland. Lighting plays a large role in the aesthetics and some rooms are furnished with clearly human objects, such as beds and couches. Humanoid Cylons project different surroundings to navigate ship corridors more easily, and to provide them with an individually pleasing environment (such as a lush forest). Data and other functions (such as analyzing visual information) are handled within a liquid computer interface that resembles a stream of water flowing over a luminous glass surface. Cylons can interact with the main computer by placing their hands in these basins (Torn).


   A basestar is operated by many humanoid Cylons. Up to all seven models of them issue commands for the basestar from a central command and control center. Consensus amongst models is the typical procedure, as such the process of deliberation and voting on decisions may cause the basestar to react more slowly than a battlestar's command and control in a CIC.

   A basestar's functions are managed by a partially humanoid Cylon incorporated into the ship, known as a Hybrid. The Hybrid, for all respects of identity and control, is the basestar. The ship is an extension of her body and she is the ship's mind. The Hybrid, despite its humanoid appearance, is not considered a fellow humanoid Cylon and lacks voting power as other agents have in Cylon affairs.

   A basestar has a datastream, or computer network, which interfaces with the Hybrid and all aspects of the basestar's operation.


   A basestar is capable of launching conventional or nuclear missiles from 220 turret launchers mounted throughout the arms and central axis that pivot to allow the basestar to fire in any direction.  Basestar-launched nuclear strikes against Colonial ships are usually carried out before Raider deployment. One example of a Cylon nuclear attack involved three Cylon basestars that ambush the battlestar Pegasus. They open their attack firing several nuclear missiles before deploying Raiders and switching to a non-nuclear salvo (The Captain's Hand).

   A basestar's complement of Raiders is estimated as high as 792 fighters, not counting fighters in repair or otherwise off-line. It should be noted that there are a total of 864 Raider launch slots on the arms of a pre-retconned Basestar.  In comparison, the retconned Basestar has only 434 Raider launch slots, a dramatic decrease from the previous version.  (NOTE: In an RPG setting, this could be seen as different models or refits for the baseships as the Cylons advance their own technologies).

   This tactic, along with the massive numbers of Raiders that a basestar can unleash, suggest a reliance on overwhelming force to destroy a foe. It is probable that basestars use nuclear weapons to destroy the bulk of the Colonial Fleet (using their CNP back-doors to compromise their defenses first) in the opening wave of their destruction of the Colonies.

   After the Colonial commanders draw away their Raider wings, two basestars are torn apart by the kinetic guns of the battlestars Pegasus and Galactica in a joint mission to destroy a Cylon Resurrection Ship. It would seem that that basestars rely heavily on their Raiders for close-range gun defense. Since a basestar does not appear to have point-defense batteries, or heavy armoring, it seems quite vulnerable to battlestars in close-range combat when fighter support is not prominent (Resurrection Ship, Part II). From this, it can be theorized that basestars are designed primarily as carriers for the massive fleet of Raiders they carry, rather than as a front-line main battleship. Their reliance on long-distance attacks with missiles and their complement of Raiders, as well as their overall fragility seem to support this.

   It would also appear that basestars possess an automated self-destruct system that triggers in the event that no living Cylons remain aboard (Torn).


   Beginning with the episode "Collaborators", a new exterior design is used for the basestars, bearing a sharper, more mechanical look than they previously had. This was apparently an upgrade by the visual effects crew to make the exterior reflect the interior design, which is seen for the first time in that episode.

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