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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: MandaloriansSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: Old RepublicCanon: EU

Name: Dorjander Kace
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Hair color: Blond
Eye color: Blue
Skin color: Light
Affiliation(s): Jedi Order, Revanchists, Galactic Republic, Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, Mandalorian Knights
Move: 10

         Armor Weapons: 3D+2
         Blaster: 4D
         Brawling Parry: 7D
         Dodge: 8D
         Lightsaber: 9D
         Melee Combat: 5D
         Melee Parry: 4D+1
         Bargain: 4D+2
         Command: 8D
         Hide: 6D
         Investigation: 5D
         Persuasion: 6D+2
         Search: 5D
         Sneak: 6D
         Alien Species: 4D+2
         Bureaucracy: 3D
         Cultures: 4D+1
         Cultures; Mandalorians: 7D
         Scholar (Jedi Lore): 7D
         Languages: 5D
         Planetary Systems: 3D
         Streetwise: 5D+1
         Survival: 4D+2
         Tactics: 6D
         Willpower: 7D
         Brawling: 8D
         Climbing/Jumping: 5D+1
         Communications: 3D
         Jet Pack Operation: 5D
         Repulsorlift Operation: 5D+2
         First Aid: 4D+1
         Lightsaber Repair: 5D+2
         Security: 3D+1

Force Skills:
         Control: 9D
         Sense: 8D+2
         Alter: 9D+1
Force Powers: Lightsaber Combat, Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Accelerate Anothers Healing, Accelerate Healing, Affect Mind, Control Anothers Pain, Combat Sense, Concentration, Control Pain, Danger Sense, Detoxify Poison, Dim Others Senses, Emptiness, Enhance Attribute, Farseeing, Force Harmony, Hibernation Trance, Life Detection, Life Sense, Magnify Senses, Projective Telepathy, Receptive Telepathy, Reduce Injury, Remain Conscious, Return Another to Consciousness, Resist Stun, Sense Force, Sence Path, Short Term Memory Enhancement, Telekinesis, Transfer Force, Force Push

         CREDITS - 200
                 Lightsaber (5D), Jedi Robes, Utility Belt, Comlink, Holographic Image of Wife, Mandalorian Armour (2D vs Physical, 1D vs Energy), Jet Pack


Description: Dorjander Kace was a male Human Jedi Master who was captured by the Mandalorian Crusaders during the Great Sith War and spent the remainder of the war in captivity. There, he fell in love with a Mandalorian named Varda. The two were expecting a child, but Varda fell victim to a Republic bombing attack launched by a Jedi. Kace was deeply pained by the loss, but after the conclusion of the war, he still returned to the Jedi Order and served with distinction, earning himself a seat on the Jedi High Council. When the Mandalorian Wars broke out and Jedi Knight Revan started vouching for the Jedi Order's involvement in the conflict, Kace was firmly against the proposal, but the Council eventually approved Revan's participation and Kace was forced to step down from the Council. Convinced that the Republic was corrupt beyond redemption, Kace was certain in the inevitability of the Mandalorian victory. He believed that with the guidance of the Jedi Order, the Mandalorians' rule over the galaxy would be a better alternative to the Republic.

Gathering a group of like-minded Jedi Knights around him, Kace formed a faction called the Mandalorian Knights and secretly defected to the Mandalorian side. He sought to help his new allies by providing them with their own Jedi Knights. In order to do so, Kace developed a plan to infiltrate the Jedi Enclave on the planet Dantooine. Leading a Republic military unit called the Phaeda Militia in an assault on the planet Essien, Kace managed to trick Captain Dallan Morvis and the troops under his command to leave their ship, the Axehead frigate Reciprocity, without guard. Seizing the frigate and forcing the Phaeda Militia to serve under his command, Kace used the Reciprocity to reach the Jedi Enclave.

There, he locked down the academy staff and prepared to take the Jedi Trainees off-world. However, his plans were foiled by former Jedi Padawan Zayne Carrick and the Phaeda Militia, who successfully took away the Jedi children from Kace. The founder of the Mandalorian Knights refused to surrender and dueled Carrick inside the Enclave. Kace eventually stood down when his obsession nearly drove him to kill one of his own soldiers, the technician Koblus Sornell, who was expecting a child. Reminded of Varda, Kace released the captured Enclave staff and surrendered himself to Jedi Master Zhar Lestin. He was subsequently taken to the galactic capital of Coruscant, where he and the Mandalorian Knights faced public trial for treason against the Republic. Even during the process, Kace stood firm in his beliefs and used the opportunity to present his cause to the crowd at the process.

Personality and traits
By 3962 BBY, Dorjander Kace was a middle-aged Human male with light skin; blue eyes; long, flowing blond hair; and facial hair styled in a short beard. A respected and reputable Jedi Master, Kace was nevertheless well-known for having a rebellious streak in his young age, a fact that he himself admitted by saying that he used to be a great iconoclast. Neither that nor the fact that he had spent so much time in Mandalorian captivity stopped him from attaining the highest position in the Jedi Order hierarchy: that of a Jedi Council member. Kace was an eloquent speaker, who always drew crowds when he was on the Council, and he later displayed that quality numerous times while giving speeches to the Mandalorians under his command and even to the crowd present at his own trial.

While living among the Mandalorians, Kace gave in to his feelings and broke the Jedi Order's tenets of non-attachment when he fell in love with Varda, whose boldness he admired, and the two conceived a child. Varda also taught Kace about her people's traditions, and he accepted the lifestyle of the Mandalorians. Kace suffered deep emotional trauma when Varda and their unborn child were killed by a Jedi, but he chose to come back to the Jedi Order, although his beliefs were starting to change from that point. When the Mandalorian Wars began, he openly spoke against Revan's involvement in the conflict, a stance that the majority of the Council initially supported. However, once the Council was forced to approve Revan's crusade, Kace's position all of a sudden became unfavorable for the Republic, which required the Jedi's assistance in the war effort. Therefore, the Republic manipulated the situation in such a manner that forced Kace to step down from the Council, yet another example of what Kace viewed as the incurable corruption that had infected the government and formed an unhealthy relationship with the Order.

Kace was absolutely certain that the Mandalorians were better prepared for the current war, and, even with Revan's intervention, that the Republic was destined to lose. However, he believed that such an outcome could be beneficial for the galaxy, if only the Jedi Order was there to guide the victorious Mandalorians. He chose to start the integration of the Jedi into the Mandalorian ranks with himself and a small group of Jedi who accepted Kace's teachings and became the first of the Mandalorian Knights. The Mandalorian Knights admired Kace, believing that he had given their lives purpose. On the other hand, the Mandalorian warriors placed under Kace's command were reluctant to accept Jedi as their leaders, due to their wary attitude toward the Force and those able to manipulate it. Kace was aware of that, and he was at times afraid that he was moving too fast with his plan. He tried his best to act in accordance with the Mandalorian ways and show by example that the Mandalorian Knights were truly devoted to the Mandalorian lifestyle. He honored their traditions and understood that the Mandalorians were warriors by nature. Although he accepted that to a degree, saying that one could not win a war set on stun and putting up with the unnecessary killing of the Bith on Phaedacomm, he hoped to try to tone down the Neo-Crusaders' violence with the help of the Jedi Order.

Kace's plan of kidnapping the Jedi children hinged on his belief in the Mandalorians' ability of converting the conquered. What he misunderstood about the warrior people, however, was that forceful abduction was not in their tradition. Still, Kace was intent on completing his mission, to the point that Zayne Carrick came to consider his obsession a sign of insanity. He was even willing to go as far as to kill both Carrick and Koblus Sornell, and only the last-minute reveal of the Devaronian's pregnancy stopped him, as the Jedi Master realized that he was one step from accomplishing the same thing for which he hated the Republic. Although he did surrender, Kace still stood by his beliefs, calling the current state of events, in which the corrupt Republic was tied so closely with the Jedi Order, "madness." Nevertheless, he believed that the situation would change one day. Holding family values dear, Kace asked only that Sornell be allowed to return to her husband and son, saying that being with one's family was ultimately what the current war was about.

Powers and abilities
A fully trained Jedi Master, Dorjander Kace was adept at both the Force and the lightsaber. Although he did not train his lightsaber dueling skills for a long time after the end of his Jedi training, he compensated that by learning some dirty fighting tricks on the streets. He did not hesitate to use that knowledge in an actual fight, when he kneed Zayne Carrick in the gut. He was still proficient enough with the lightsaber, which he used numerous times—during the assault on Halthor, the skirmish on Phaedacomm, and the duels against Zhar Lestin and Carrick on Dantooine. Kace's lightsaber had a distinct bronze color, the same color as the weapons of the other Mandalorian Knights. He was able to use telekinesis, using it to unmask Morvis on Dantooine. When the Bith technicians on Phaedacomm tried to evacuate the station, Kace tried to use a mind trick to convince them to stay, but he was unable to accomplish his goal as Kra'ake opened fire at the Bith. During his Mandalorian Knight campaign, Kace wore a suit of gray Mandalorian armor, equipped with a jetpack. He was also able to pilot a speeder bike.

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