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Section of Site: Equipment D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: JEDI AND SITH WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENTEra: Old RepublicCanon: EU

Name: Eye of Horak-mul
Type: Sith artifact
Date created: Before 5000 BBY
Date discovered: Before 3963 BBY
Owners: Horak-mul, Jedi Covenant
Heritage: Sith
Affiliation: Sith Empire
Cost: Not Available for Sale
Availability: 4,X

Game Notes: A replacement eye, with adjustment can be used for either eye. It acts as a normal eye, restoring depth perception, but offers no other abilities. If a Force User attempts, the Dark Side can be detected within the artifact, but only due to the methods used in it's construction.

Description: The Eye of Horak-mul was a Sith artifact worn by Horak-mul, a Sith Lord who lived during the fall of the Sith Empire. A golden prosthetic replacement for Horak-mul's right eye, the Eye was fashioned for the Sith sometime before his death in 5000 BBY at the Battle of Khar Delba. Celeste Morne—a Shadow, or secret operative, of the Jedi sect known as the Jedi Covenant—later recovered the artifact sometime before 3963 BBY.

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