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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: CapitalEra: ImperialCanon: No

Craft: FNASS Argus
Type: training, aircraft-ferry and second-line starfighter carrier
Scale: capital
Dimensions: length 172.2 m, beam 20.7 m
Crew: 316, gunners: 54
Passengers: up to 240 (pilots and other aircrew)
Cargo Capacity: 231 tons
Consumables: 14 months
Hyperdrive: none
Maneuverability: 0D
Space: 3
Hull: 1D+2
Shields: none
Sensors: 5/0D; 10/0D+1; 15/1D; 1/1D+1
6 Heavy Blasters
    Fa: 1 f-p, 1 f-s, 1 s, 1 p, 1 a-p, 1 a-s
    Crew: 2
    Fc: 0D+2
    Space range: 2-8/25/50
    Damage: 1D+2
20 Light Blasters
    Fa: 5 all
    Crew: 1
    Fc: 1D
    Scale: starfighter
    Space range: 1-3/6/10
    Damage: 3D+1
22 Light Railguns
    Fa: 5 front, 5 aft, 6 port, 6 starboard
    Crew: 1
    Fc: 2D
    Scale: Starfighter
    Space range: 1-3/6/10
    Damage: 2D
Starfighters: about 20
Capsule: The Argus was designed to be a passenger liner, but war broke out in mid-construction, and the half-built hull was completed as a fighter carrier. The conversion was adequate as a stopgap measure, and the Argus suffered none of the fighter-recovery problems of the Furious, but she was slow, fragile, and carried few fighters. Originally it was thought that the ship would serve primarily as a base for reconnaissance fighters, but the nature of combat proved this role to be unsuited to the Argus, and she came to be primarily used for training and for ferrying fighters from one place to another, only occasionally being pressed into light combat situations. Before long the Argus was deemed to be unsuitable for any role other than training in FNA-controlled space, a role which she fulfills currently.

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