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Tarrant Snil (Human Imperial customs officer)

Tarrant Snil (Human Imperial customs officer)


Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: CapitalEra: ImperialCanon: No

Craft: FNASS Unicorn
Type: maintenance starfighter carrier, and secondary light fleet starfighter carrier
Scale: capital
Dimensions: length 195.1 m, beam 27.4 m
Crew: 600, gunners: 30
Passengers: up to 420 (pilots and other aircrew)
Cargo: 284 tons (not including hangars)
Consumables: 10 months
Hyperdrive: none
Maneuverability: 0D+1
Space: 3
Hull: 2D
Shields: 0D
Sensors: 10/0D; 15/0D+2; 25/1D; 1/1D+2
4 Twin Heavy Blasters
    Fa: 1 all
    Crew: 3
    Fc: 1D
    Space range: 2-8/25/50
    Damage: 3D
3 Quad Light Blasters
    Fa: 1 fore, 1 port, 1 starboard
    Crew: 2
    Fc: 2D
    Scale: starfighter
    Space range: 1-3/6/10
    Damage: 5D+1
12 Medium Railguns
    Fa: 4 port, 4 starboard, 2 front, 2 aft
    Crew: 1 each
    Fc: 1D+2
    Scale: starfighter
    Space range: 1-3/6/10
    Damage: 2D
Starfighters: 35 when used as a light fleet carrier
Capsule: With remarkable foresight the FNA naval planners designed a starfighter carrier which would serve primarily in a maintenance and repair role, in order to take the burden off of vessels which were expected to be in frequent combat, and to complete repairs that were beyond the capabilities of regular fleet carriers. The Unicorn was the result of this planning, and in her first assignment, servicing escort carriers for convoys, she performed admirably, greatly cutting down on the number of starfighters lost due to equipment failures. Unfortunately the Unicorn was not to continue in the role for which she was designed, as a shortage of carriers caused her to take up duties as an operational carrier. In this the Unicorn performed adequately, but as she had not been designed specifically for such a task she has not shown exceptional performance by any means. Plans continue to call for the Unicorn to be used primarily as a maintenance carrier again, but a perennial shortage of carriers continues to force the vessel to be pressed into front-line service

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