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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: Galactic EmpireSubtype: Space StationEra: ImperialCanon: No

Golan Point Defense Station

Golan defense battle stations have long been the most advanced and most
feared of all orbital space stations due to the sheer amount of firepower
that they can bring to bear. Golan has recently supplemented their much
larger model stations with their newer, smaller point defense stations
which were intended to be deployed in large numbers around a planet and can  
provide effective monitoring along major spacelanes, being able to dock up
to a bulk freighter or corvette along its ventral side.

The point defense station's weaponry includes four turbolaser batteries for
combat and defense against small capital ships and starfighters as well as
a turret mounted tractor beam projector on the dorsal side.

Craft: Golan Point Defense Station
Type: Light orbital defense station
Scale: Capital
Length: 97.56 meters
Crew: 3; Gunners: 9
Crew Skill: Capital ship gunnery 5D, capital ship shields 4D+2, sensors 5D
Passengers: 8 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 900 metric tons
Consumables: 2 months
Cost: Not available for sale
Hull: 2D+2
Shields: 2D
        Passive: 30/0D
        Scan: 60/1D
        Search: 90/2D
        Focus: 3/2D+2
4 Turbolaser Batteries
        Fire Arc: 1 front, 1 left, 1 right, 1 back
        Crew: 2
        Skill: Capital ship gunnery
        Fire Control: 2D
        Space Range: 1-10/25/50
        Atmosphere Range: 2-20/50/100 km
        Damage: 5D
Tractor Beam Projector
        Fire Arc: Dorsal turret
        Crew: 1
        Skill: Capital ship gunnery
        Fire Contol: 4D
        Space Range: 1-5/15/30
        Damage: 6D

Comments made about this Article!

28/Jul/2023 21:25:33 Posted by zymurgy65

I'm planning to run "The Abduction of Crying Dawn Singer" in the near future, and this station will be an excellent replacement for the one featured in the adventure.

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