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Section of Site: Equipment D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: JEDI AND SITH WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENTEra: Old RepublicCanon: EU

Name: Helm of Dathka Graush
Creators: Sith
Owners: Dathka Graush, Haazen
Locations: Sanctum of the Exalted on Odryn
Type: Helmet

Game Notes: Adds +1D to all Force Skills while wearing, but these are cpmsodered wild dice, so can explode. If a 1 is rolled on this wild die by a user without any Dark Side Points, they receive a Dark Side Point no matter how they are using the force as the artefact corrupts them with power. If used along side the Sword of Ieldis, the Sword does +2D damage in combat.
Finally, the Helm causes atmospheric disturbances in the form of rain and storms for a radius of 6 kilometers. On dry worlds this will not create water, but instead cause sand storms or storm winds.

Description: The Helm of Dathka Graush was a Sith artifact, presumably created by the Sith Lord Dathka Graush. It amplified the wearer's abilities to wield the Force, and possibly strengthened the Sword of Ieldis. It also caused atmospheric disturbances within a radius of six kilometers.

In 3963 BBY it was contained in the Jedi Covenant's secret storehouse on the planet Odryn. There it was undergoing inspection and extensive research at the orders of Haazen and Krynda Draay.

Like all the artifacts stored on Odryn, the ill effects of its dark side contamination could be safely contained as long as the helm was encased in nullification resin. Grade three resin was required to protect the surrounding environment from the relic's power. When the helmet was removed from its resin case for analysis, the resulting weather disruptions caused apprehension among the superstitious Feeorin warriors guarding the compound.

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