Name: Jabiim
Region: Outer Rim Territories, The Slice
Grid square: S-7
Class: Terrestrial
Immigrated species: Humans, Wookiees (enslaved)
Major imports: Slaves
Major exports: Ore
Description: Jabiim was a terrestrial planet situated within the regions known as the Outer Rim Territories and the Slice. Connected to Sy Myrth and Taskeed by hyperspace routes, it was positioned at the coordinates S-7 on the Standard Galactic Grid. Ore was one of the main exports of Jabiim.
During the Great Jedi Purge, Jabiim was the final destination on the Path, in which Jedi and other Force-sensitives received new identities.
In 9 BBY, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Tala Durith and young Princess Leia Organa to joined the rest of the Path in getting Leia to safety. However, Leia's companion droid, L0-LA59 had been outfitted with a tracking device by the Third Sister, allowing her and Darth Vader to follow them to the planet. During the attack, the Path, Kenobi and Organa among them, managed to escape Vader's wrath. The Third Sister would also attempt to assassinate Vader soon after in revenge for his role in the Great Jedi Purge, but Vader humiliated the former Youngling and left her to die before revealing that the Grand Inquisitor, whom she thought she had also assassinated, had survived.
During the First Order-Resistance War, Jabiim fell under the control of the First Order, who trafficked Wookiee slaves from Kashyyyk to mine ore on Jabiim. When the Resistance operative Chewbacca was captured during the blockade of Kashyyyk, a First Order stormtrooper commander planned to send him to Jabiim along with a group of slaves. With the assistance of a porg named Terbus, however, Chewbacca managed to free the Wookiee prisoners and escape enslavement.